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Old 02/09/16, 08:50 PM   #51
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Meanwhile in Angel Grove two kids were playing unaware that the Snizzard was watching them. Then Snizzard took out one of his snake like arrows, put it to the apple on his head, and loaded it. Then he fired the arrow, and it sprayed seeds down on the children’s heads.

Then trees started sprouting out of their heads as they started screaming in pain, and started aging. Then the Snizzard went all around Angel Grove doing the same to more children. All the while he quipped “You know what they say an apple a day drains your life force away”.

At the Command Center Alpha responded Aye ye ye Kimberly I hear you, But where are you” Zordon answered “My scanners indicate that she is currently at an altitude of 5,000 feet, and dropping”. Kimberly further added” I’m flying a plane or at least trying to.”

Alpha panicked “Aye ye ye if your life is in danger just morph out of there”. But Kimberly explained “I can’t I have other people here with me.”

Then the alarm at the Command Center went off, and the Viewing Globe showed them the images of the Snizzard going around making trees come out children’s heads. Alpha once again panicked “Aye ye ye Rita’s sent another monster what a terrible time to attack”.

Zordon was suspicious “This is no coincidence. Rita wanted to distract us while her monster attacks.” Zordon then ordered “Contact the Rangers at once”. Alpha complied “Understood I’ve alerted the Rangers now.”
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Old 02/09/16, 08:51 PM   #52
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Then Alpha once again contacted Kimberly, and said “Kimberly I will try, and instruct you on how to fly the plane”. He then explained “Hold it as steady as you can, and pull the controls towards you”. Kimberly followed Alpha’s instructions, and the plane started leveling “I did it” she exclaimed “It leveled off”

At the Command Center Zordon showed the other Rangers what was happening with Kimberly. He assured them “Do not panic Rangers. Kimberly is a very bright, and capable girl”. He added “And she has already stopped the plane from losing altitude”

He also warned “However her fuel supply is dangerously low, but Alpha is doing everything he can to help her land the plane”. Then he showed them images of kids in the hospital, and in the park with trees growing out of their heads.

Zordon then explained “This is why I have summoned you here. Rita has sent her latest monster The Snizzard to attack children in Angel Grove park”. Then he showed them an image of Snizzard about to attack more children.

Trini was shocked, and faintly uttered “Oh my goodness”. Zack angrily added “Man this is low even for Rita”. Jason then said “All right guys let’s do this. It’s morphing time”. Then they shouted “Mastodon” “Triceratops” “Saber Tooth Tiger” “Tyrannosaurus”.
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Old 02/09/16, 08:51 PM   #53
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The Rangers tried to attack Snizzard with their Blade Blasters in blade mode but they had not effect. Then they tried firing lasers from their Blade Blasters in gun mode but the golden apple on his head reflected the blast at the Rangers.
Trini explained “That apple on his head it reflected our attacks”.

Then the Rangers tried punching, and kicking the Snizzard but he just punched, kicked, and tail whipped them as he quipped “Now you shall taste MY fire power”.

Back on the plane Kimberly was still worried “Alpha I’m headed towards the mountains”. Alpha then explained “Just take your controls, and bank 20 degrees to the left. It should take you 45 seconds to complete a 180 turn”.

Just then Alpha got a message from Jason telling Alpha “Alpha we’re having a hard time defeating Rita’s monster we need Kimberly”. While the viewing globe showed that some of the kids with apples on their heads were now completely encased in the apples.
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Old 02/09/16, 08:52 PM   #54
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Alpha screamed “Aye ye ye”. Kimberly screamed “Don’t say that Alpha you’re scarring me”. Alpha apologized “Sorry Kimberly I was talking about the other Rangers”. Alpha explained “They’re currently in a desperate battle with Rita’s Snizzard monter, and they need your help”.

Alpha then explained “Right now you need to land the plane as quickly as possible”. Kimberly worried “But what about my uncle?”. Alpha explained we’ve sent a message to Angel Grove Airport they will send an ambulance as soon as you land”, and Kimberly shouted happily “I think I can see Angel Grove”.

Back at the fight Snizzard opened his mouth, and fired snakes at the Rangers Trini grunted “Oh no snakes” followed by Zack with “This is bad”, and Billy with “I can’t move”. Then the Snizzard taunted “Feel my cobras draining your energy”.

Jason relunctedly admitted “He’s right I’m getting weaker” Then the Snizzard started once again hitting the Rangers leaving them crying in pain as the cobras kept squeezing them, and the snakes’ mouths inched closer.
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Old 02/09/16, 08:53 PM   #55
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Back on the plane Kimberly said “Alpha I think I see the airport” Alpha exclaimed “Good now try to reduce your speed”. He added “Hit the switch to your right marked twaddle”. Kimberly did it, and the plane started landing.

She then took the radio, and hailed to the watchtower “This is 3042 Echo. I repeat 3042 requesting permission to land” she then added “Everyone except me is unconscious right now”. The watchtower answered “3042 Echo you have permission to land”.

Kimberly landed the plane, and congratulated herself “I did it”. But she realized she couldn’t land stop the plane. But luckily Steve finally woke up, and retook control of the plane saying “Don’t worry I’ve got this one”.

As soon as the plane came to a complete stop Kimbery got out, and said “Just make sure our passengers are safe”. Steve asked “But Kimberly” Kimberly answered “I’ll call you later”. Then she ran to where no one could see her, and shouted “Pterodactyl”.
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Old 02/09/16, 08:54 PM   #56
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But just as the Snizzard was about to fire his arrow at the Rangers another arrow came, and broke it. Kimberly appeared, and said nobody messes with my friends”.

Kimberly then used her Blade Blaster to break the snakes, and Jason congratulated “All right Kim”. With Trini adding “Yeah I thought we were goners”.
But the Snizzard was undaunted.

He summoned an army of Puttties, and said “Get them” but Kimberly fought them off with her bow”. The Snizzard then whined “Curse your power bow” Then Kimberly aimed her bow at his apple as Jason instructerd her “Kim aim for the apple on his head.

Kimberly agreed “You’ve got it”. She then fired her arrow at the apple destroying it. With the apple destroyed the Snizzard surged with electricity fell down, and exploded. At the hospital, and the park the children were freed from the trees, and their apples.
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Old 02/09/16, 08:54 PM   #57
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Back at her palace Rita started throwing balls at Squatt, Babboo, and Finster shouting “You in competent nitwits. I have to do everything myself”. Then she put her hands to head, and cried “Ugh now I have a headache”.

Back at the airport the ambulance was using smelling salts to revive Bulk, and Skull. The two woke up, and Uncle Steve asked “You guys okay?”. But Bulk, and Skull ran screaming back to the youth center. At the youth center Kimberly was telling somebody what happened.

Jason, and Zack were mocking this while Bulk, and Skull came in. But Zack got up just as Angela was getting some drinks, and Zack accidentally bumped into her causing her to spill them all over Bulk, and Skull.

The End.

Author’s Note I will do one more stand alone episode after this, and then after that it’s my first multi parter.
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Old 02/11/16, 12:07 AM   #58
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Power Rangers Dino Episode 5

Switching Places

Written by Justin Best

It was night at Angel Grove, and Squatt was sneaking around Billy’s garage laughing. Then Squat said “Oh boy that power source for Billy’s new machine has got to be around here somewhere”. Then he found the device he was looking for.

Squatt then proceeded to take some power cables, and switched them around as he bragged “I’ll just switch these things over here, and when Billy tests his new machine his brain will be scrambled like an omelet”.

Then he made sure no one was looking, and said “Those Rangers will be so busy fixing him they won’t notice when Rita attacks”. And then he proceeded to teleport back out of Billy’s garage. Back at Rita’s palace Squatt then said cheerfully “Now we can send down a monster”

Rita was excited “I’ll have Finster make one right away”. Then she saw Goldar, and ordered “Goldar come look it’s the chance we’ve been waiting for”. Goldar asked “You mean we can finally destroy those Power Rangers?”. Rita answered “Yes”, and then ordered “Attack”.

Last edited by Zabitan; 11/18/17 at 05:52 PM.
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Old 02/11/16, 12:09 AM   #59
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The next morning Kimberly was at Billy’s house. Kimberly asked “So what was the new project you wanted to show me?”. Billy answered I’ve created a device that will allow direct thought transference” Amazed Kimberly asked “You mean you found a way to read minds?”.

Billy humbly confirmed “Affirmative” then he took out a giant machine with two human shaped holes, and three panels on the left, middle, and right of the device. Kimberly was even more impressed saying “Morhpinominal”.

While this was happening Bulk, and Skull were secretly watching them. Bulk asked “Did you hear that?”. Skull answered “Yeah I think it was a dog”. Bulk corrected him “No you numbskull. These geeks have built a machine that can read minds”

He then asked “Could you imagine the possibilities? Well if you had a mind to read”. But Skull kept pointing at his shoulder going “Um Bulk”. Bulk then asked irritated “Yeah what?” then they saw Billy’s dog, and ran for it.
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Old 02/11/16, 12:09 AM   #60
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Billy then said “All right I just have to hit the switch and”. Then the machine roared to life as electricity surged through Billy, and Kimberly’s bodies. When the surge stopped they both got out of the machine, and Kimberly asked “Are you feeling nominal?”

Billy took of his glasses and rubbed his head going “Like I think so”. Then Kimberly took Billy’s glasses, and put them on, and asked worriedly “Kimberly?” Followed by Billy going “Billy?”. Then Kimberly as Billy asked “What’s going on?”.

Billy as Kimberly tried to explain “The machine must have overcharged, and we have experienced spatial personality displacement”. Kimberly as Billy was furious “In English” Billy as Kimberly explained “We switched brains”. Then the two started screaming.
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