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Old 01/28/15, 08:11 PM   #41
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts

Today’s episode was all right it reminded me of Kaitlin’s Front Page in the sense that not only the plots of Grimlord capturing one of the Troopers as bait to destroy the others but also how they both do some things good, and some thing bad but for different reasons.

Like in Kailtin’s Front Page Kailtin got a Battle Grid fight by herself, and JB got to fight an MOTD but they cut off Kaitlin’s Battle Grid fight at the end, and cut the Spielban fight for JB in half.

Whereas here you almost have the opposite problem in that nothing was really wasted in that stuff was skipped but it was all just stuff that either ended up in Defending Dark Heart anyway or would be better off in Fiddler on The Loose which I haven’t got to yet.

However the problem is that at the same time they don’t find anything for JB, and Kaitlin to do which might make sense for JB since he gets captured but they can’t find anything for Kaitlin to do even when she’s not kidnapped.

I did like Slashbot with his samurai motif, and weapons

And I did like the idea of the villains capturing the heroes through a computer though it reminds me of something I forgot to talk about in Error in the System.

Where one of the things I was always confused by was how the show seemed to play it both ways whether or not virtual reality meant it was just a universe that had been created through technology or was supposed to refer to it being the universe inside machines.

And like I said the only things wasted production wise where things that were better saved for other episodes any way.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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Old 01/29/15, 07:00 PM   #42
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Virtual V6 written by Doug Sloan, and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him that it’s everyone’s responsibility to stop pollution, and protect the environment.

At the Underground Voice Daitly a stereotypically nerdy looking guy steps in carrying a brief case, and there’s comedy bit where he quite literally bumps into Kaitlin, and he explains that his name is quite literally Ulysses T. Poindexter.

He also explains that he’s invented an engine that runs on plant extracts instead of gasoline but nobody will buy it so Kaitlin agrees to show the plans to the others, and do a story about the engine if it works, and Poindexter agrees,

But it turns out Grimlord has a mole in the Underground Voice Daily as one of the reporters who was secretly watching Kaitlin, and Poindexter turns out to be a Skug, and secretly transforms, and teleports to tell Ziktor.

Ziktor is not surprisingly worried about Poindexter’s engine since it could ruin his energy company so he transforms into Grimlord, and orders Ivar, and a drill themed mutant called well Drillbot to destroy Poindexter’s plans.

Meanwhile Kailtin, Ryan, and JB are at the swimming pool again, and the Mayor, and his wife are nearby so we get a comedy bit where Jeb knocks the mayors wife into the pool.

Then we see the Troopers heading to the lab and when they get to the lab JB tells the Professor they want to create Poindexter in virtual reality, and put it in JB’s Sky Cycle to see if it works, and the Professor agrees, and JB creates the engine on the computer using some weird game controller looking things.

While Air Striker spies on them, and tells Grimlord at the virtual dungeon that he thinks the disk with Poindexter’s plans is at Tao Dojo so Zelton sends a Skug platoon to Tao dojo to retrieve it.

Then at Tao dojo we see Tao practicing karate when Ziktor’s secretaries show up in karate gis, and change into their true forms, and a Skug fight breaks out.

First two of them try to kick Tao but he blocks, and and punches both back then the third Skug tries to kick him but he catches it’s leg, and punches it then one tries to punch, and kick Tao but he grabs, and throws it then one tries to kick him but he grabs, and kicks it while the third one searches the dojo’s computer.

Then the other Skugs try to kick Tao but he grabs, and throws, and kicks them, and Jeb trips one, and finally one tries to punch Tao but he blocks, punches it, and throws it at the other Skug destroying them both, and the remaining Skug leaves with what it thinks are the plans.

At the lab JB has just finished putting the engine in his Sky Cycle so he transforms to test it out while Ryan, and Kaitlin watch on the visors, and it works perfectly, and while JB keeps testing the engine the others head back to Tao Dojo.

At the virtual dungeon Grimlord is furious because not only did the Skugs fail to steal the plans but the Troopers have already built a prototype of the engine while at the dojo Tao explains what happened, and Ryan, and Kaitlin figure out that Grimlord knows about the engine.

Then Kaitlin gets a call explaining that Skugs have kidnapped a bus full of children which we then see for ourselves as Grimlord explains he plans to use the children as bait to destroy the Troopers, and the engine.

Ryan, and Kaitlin then use the VR disc to contact the Professor, and inform him of the kidnapped children, and the Professor uses the lab’s scanners to find the bus, and informs Ryan, and Kaitlin that he’ll send JB to rescue the children, and that Grimlord has also sent Air Fighters so they transform.

Last edited by Zabitan; 01/29/15 at 08:04 PM.
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Old 01/29/15, 07:00 PM   #43
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Ryan goes into the Skybase to fight the Air Fighters while Kaitlin battles with Skugs who throw hatchets at her but she punches, and kicks them, and blast them with her laser while JB goes after the bus but Skugs try to throw bombs at him but he fires lasers, and them, and finds the bus but it’s empty.

JB searches for the missing children, and gets attacked from behind by a floating drill then two more try to attack but he punches them out of the way but they go back into Drillbot then a group of Skugs appear but JB fights them off but gets punched by Drillbot’s drill arm but successfully dodges repeated attempts, and continues fighting off Drillbot, and the Skugs.

Then Grimlord orders the Skugs to take JB’s bike, and destroy it, and one of them pushes a button, and JB’s bike is lowered down on a platform, and tied with metal ropes while JB gets beaten up by Drillbot but then turns the tables.

Then JB, and the Professor use a scanner to track the bike while Kaitlin uses her own scanner to find the missing kids, and there’s a brief American original fight where Kaitlin defeats the Skugs, and rescues the children who just refer to her as “A VR Trooper”.

Then Skugs try to destroy JB’s bike but he activates it remotely, and it drives itself away knocking off the Skugs, and the metal ropes, but the Professor informs JB that the building has a self destruct mechanism that’s off now, and he escapes on the Sky Cycle while Ryan tells Kaitlin to help JB deal with Drillbot.

Drillbot tries to punch JB with his drill arm but then Kailtin appears but Drilbot punches her away then Skugs show up, and and JB, and Kaitlin fight them off then JB fights Drillbot who keeps punches him.

But JB then jumps, and takes one of Drillbot’s drills, and hits him with it before getting on his bike to do some overdrive attack, and then finishing off Drillbot with Laser Lance while Ryan destroys Grimlord’s Jet Fighters, and Grimlord once again swears vengeance.

At the Undergound Voice Daily Kaitlin’s story of Poindexter’s engine is out, and Poindexter himself come to congratulate the Troopers, and there’s some more comedy bits.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Last edited by Zabitan; 01/29/15 at 08:04 PM.
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Old 01/29/15, 07:02 PM   #44
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts

Today’s episode was pretty good I think.

For starters I like the plot of the Troopers trying to make a clean burning engine, and Grimlord trying to steal it to protect his energy company.

I also like Poindexter since I thought he was funny.

And I liked the stuff with Grimlord’s spy at the Underground Voice Daily.

I also liked Drillbot’s design, and powers though I wonder if he was maybe more appropriate for another episode like Digging for Fire or Who’s King of the Mountain.

Heck once again nothing was left out of the Spielban episode.

In fact there was probably like one scene that was like a second I would have liked to have seen but at the same time it brought up something I might talk about a lot if I haven’t already where a lot of things I have problems with are more due to the source footage then VR Troopers itself.

In this case they show Diana using some sword against a holographic swordsmanship teacher for like a second , and it just reminded me of how I whished they had used that as an actual finisher for Diana, and thus Kaitlin.

Come to think of it they did give her a brief American original fight, and the Swordsman teacher’s costume didn’t look all that hard to reproduce so maybe we could have gotten something I don’t know.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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Old 01/30/15, 09:22 PM   #45
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Virtual Spy written by Mark Litton, and directed by John Gran Weil.

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him to be ready for an attack from any direction even from someone you trust.

At the lab Ryan is practicing on a virtual mutant combat simulator using a vr visor so we can see some Metalder footage of him fighting a blue mutant skug like robot while Kaitlin, and Jeb just stand around, and watch.

Meanwhile at Ziktor industries Ziktor gets the idea to have one of his virtual mutants befriend the Troopers to infiltrate, and destroy them so he transforms into Grimlord, and summons Ivar, and Icebot who recommend a shape shifting skeleton like mutant called Greybot who proceeds to transform into a young white guy with long brown hair.

At the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin is sitting at her desk when a remote controlled car with a follow me note attached runs up to her so she follows, and Woody introduces her to Graybot’s human form who calls himself Jeremy Gibson, and has just moved to Crossworld City, and gotten a job as a reporter, and Kailtin agrees to take him to lunch with the others.

Ryan, and JB try to bond with him but Ziktor realizes he needs something for the Troopers to trust Jeremy so a random young woman drops her hotdog, and when the Troopers try to help she, and several other people transform into Skugs, and there’s a brief battle with the Skugs, and the Troopers, and Jeremy just kicking, and dodging each other until the Troopers, and Jeremy knock them into each other.

After the fight the Troopers congratulate Jeremy who explains the he doesn’t have any formal training so Kaitlin invites him to the dojo but Ryan, and JB are suspicious of him.

At the dojo Ryan practices on some boards, and JB practices with a bo staff, and Jeremy then shows off some moves, and Kaitlin is impressed but Ryan, and JB are still suspicious of how he can be so good without training.

Then JB tries to explain to Jeremy how he’s been trying to convince Tao to raise the price of enrollment, and Jeremy is able to figure out how much JB thinks it will make.

And while JB figures it out on the computer Jeremy reaches into his backpack, and scans the VR disc with his hand, and absorbs the data while Ryan, and JB are further suspicious, and Kaitlin however remains impressed, and later at Ziktor industries Jeremy shows Ziktor the data in his hand, and Ziktor gives a title drop.

At the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin is talking to Jeremy who says he’s doing a story on the VR Troopers, and mentions that he’s figured out they have a secret lab near Crossworld City, and this finally makes Kaitlin suspicious enough to look him up but can’t find any records on Jeremy so she calls JB to go to the lab with her but Ryan’s busy with an errand while Jeremy hacks into the lab’s computers.

Last edited by Zabitan; 01/31/15 at 06:45 PM.
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Old 01/30/15, 09:23 PM   #46
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At the lab Kaitlin, and JB try to research who Jeremy really is, and are able to figure out he’s a virtual being but when they try to leave the doors are locked, and the alarms are going off, and Jeremy appears on the lab’s monitor to tell them that he’s put an energy dampener that prevents them from transforming, and has rigged the portal to send who ever goes through to a virtual combat zone.

Ryan leaves the Dojo to go to the lab while Grimlord orders Graybot to transform into his true form, and battle Ryan in the Battle Grid while JB, and Kaitlin are helpless as Ryan walks into the portal, and we’re treated to a Battle Grid segment with just Ryan.

First we get a full portal sequence with Ryan then he lands in the Battle Grid wondering why he’s there, and then the Skugs show up so he jumps into the air doing some cool scissor kick then some Skugs try to come after him so punches them into each other.

Then we get some recycled footage from Searching for Tyler Steele before Ryan destroys the rest of the Skugs, and we get a return to reality sequence with just Ryan then he appears in a field as Brad Hawkins again.

Ryan wonders where he is then Graybot shows up, and Ryan figures out who he is from his voice, and transforms into Trooper form Graybot then fires arrows at him but Ryan jumps out of the way, does a jump punch on him.

At the lab JB, and Kaitlin find out that Graybot also activated the Labs self destruct sequence but JB is able to deactivate it, and get the lab working normally again so he, and Kaitlin transform, and use the Skybase to rescue Ryan but are attacked by Air Fighters.

Meanwhile Graybot taunts Ryan before shooting his arrows, and hits Ryan but then Ryan uses lighting laser to block them but Graybot fires some more, and pins Ryan but Ryan summons the Turbo cycle which JB and Kaitlin who are still fighting Air Fighters use to find Ryan.

Then the Turbo Cycle appears, and Graybot fires arrows at it but they bounce off, and Ryan gets on, and rams Graybot with it but Graybot fires missles from his chest but Ryan keeps dodging them so Graybot just grabs the Turbo Cycle with his bare hands, and throws it at Ryan but Ryan gets out of the way, and does a jump kick, and breaks Graybot’s arrows.

But Graybot makes spikes come out of his arm, and tries to hit Ryan but Ryan blocks, and then they both roll down a hill then Ryan kicks Graybot who then hits Ryan with his arm spikes but Ryan finishes with Lighting Laser but after some dramatic pacing Graybot gets back up, and fires one more arrow but Ryan catches, and throws it away, and Graybot falls back down, and blows up, and Grimlord chastitises his mutants for failure.

At the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin gets another RC-gram but it turns out to be Ryan, and JB, and then we get another comedy bit from Woody.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.
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Old 01/30/15, 09:24 PM   #47
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts

Today’s episode was pretty good I thought.

I liked the idea of Grimlord sending in one of his robots disguised as a human to infiltrate the Troopers.

And I liked the design behind by him as well.

I also liked seeing the Battle Grid fight with Ryan since we actually got to see him win, and once again it was pretty cool to see another Battle Grid fight that didn’t come right after the Skug fight.

Really I only have one complaint, and it’s more of a nitpick, and a really strange nitpick at that since it ties back into stuff I said back in The Dojo Plot about wanting that episode to be a two parter or something

You see this episode skipped footage from the Metalder episode but you see in the Metalder episode Graybot was an old repair robot, and Cannonbot was his apprentice, and he escaped to fight Metalder personally to prove himself to the other robots.

Well the reason I bring this up was that they showed Graybot beating up, and blowing up other robots, and talking to Cannonbot, and it made me want to see something similar in VR Troopers with the master/apprentice switched with Graybot being a rookie mutant trying to prove himself to Grimlord with the parts where he beats up, and destroys other robots being him training, and then he gets destroyed by Ryan so in the next part Cannonbot tries to avenge Graybot.

It’s also because I remember when PRangerX once made a thread about this very episode because Jeremy reminded him of Tommy when he first showed up, and how he wished Jeremy would turn out to be a real person who would join the Troopers.

And I only bring this up because it reminds me off a couple of similar things I tried to come up with for VR Troopers fanfics.

For instance when I found out that in Spielban Col Icebot, and Red Python where the hero’s father, and sister before being turned into bad guys.

And in Metalder The Armor Army were just human warriors, magicians, and athletes who just wore power armor, and I heard that even the Robot Army started out as humans who had their brains put into robot bodies, and the Monster Army started out as people who were genetically altered into mutants.

Plus there are a lot of later episodes where Grimlord either turns people into mutants or has existing ones disguise themselves as people.

Anyway that gave me the idea to want to see it where all of Grimlord’s mutants at least the high ranking ones where really humans like Ivar or Decimator being his head of security.

Also I wanted to see other Metal Hero shows besides just Metalder, Spielban, and Shaider become VR Troopers.

As well as wanting everything that was multi parters, and story arcs in the Metal Hero shows to be multi parters in VR Troopers but with the VR Troopers storylines.

So I came up with this crazy story where they used the footage for this episode for The Dojo Plot which was a two parter, but they still used the actual story but saved for Season Two, and combined it with Rise of The Red Python, and Kaitlin through the looking glass, and made Jeremy start out as Mad Gallant but turn into Juspion.

I don’t know I’m just throwing out ideas.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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Old 02/02/15, 10:30 PM   #48
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Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at No One’s Friend written by Mark Litton, and directed by Worth Keeter

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad told him it was important to keep your friends close.

Then we see Ryan at the Underground Voice Daily when some stereotypical masked thug tries to get him from behind but he flips over the thug, and pins him down to the delight of Kaitlin, Woody, and various other reporters.

Then Ryan pulls up the thug who’s really JB, and it turns out the whole thing was just an act to promote free self defense classes at Tao dojo, and Woody wants every reporter to show up, and wants Kaitlin to do a story on it.

Just then Mrs. Rooney shows up with another stereotypical nerdy looking guy, and goes up to Woody, and it turns out that the nerdy looking guy is Mrs. Rooney’s spoiled nephew Percival Rooney who despite his protest will henceforth simply be called Percy.

Mrs. Rooney wants Woody to hire Percy but Woody initially doesn’t want to until Mrs. Rooney brings up how much they paid for campaign ads so Woody begrudgingly hires him but passes Percy off to Kaitlin.

Meanwhile at Ziktor industries Ziktor is talking to a random young Asian man who’s obviously one of his Skugs in human form, and tells him to infiltrate the self defense class, and spar with JB, and Kaitlin, and we see the Skug holding some green energy between his hands.

Then the Skug leaves, and Ziktor transforms into Grimlord, and goes to the virtual dungeon where he, and Ivar, and Icebot explain the evil plan of the day which is that when the Skug touches JB, and Kaitlin it will infect them with a spell from today’s monster a white robot with shoulder mounted guns named Polarbot, and put them under Polarbot’s control turning them against Ryan.

Later at the self defense class Ryan, JB, and Tao are helping out the people who came while Kaitlin takes pictures, Percy takes notes, and Grimlord’s stares menacingly (though it looks more like he’s stoned).

Then we get a comedy bit where Percy tries to get out of participating in the class by claiming he has a topaz belt but Tao quickly calls out his bluff

While it’s the Skugs turn to spar with JB, and when JB bows the Skug kicks him into Kaitlin infecting both of them with Polarbot’s spell, and when Ryan tries to catch the Skug but fails then we see the spell is working because Tao tries to offer some tea, and they tell him it’s new age hippy bullshit.

Then Grimlord asks Polarbot to have JB, and Kaitlin fight Ryan while we can see S, and K the two female villains from Metalder who weren’t adapted (unless you count spiritually as Ziktor’s secretaries) because they couldn’t be passed off as robots in the background if you look hard enough.

Then JB starts insulting Ryan claiming that if he was in charge they would have found his dad already, and proceeds to fight Ryan while Kaitlin cheers on, and Tao tries to get them to stop, and everyone else just watches, and Ryan pins JB, and JB, and Kaitlin just leave.

Later at the Underground Voice Daily Ryan is confused by what’s happened to JB, and Kaitlin so he, and Jeb go to see Kaitlin who’s eating cake with Percy listing off how he’s allergic to everything then we get a comedy bit with Jeb causing Percy to get cake on his face.

Then Kaitlin yells at Ryan for bringing over Jeb, and Ryan apologizes, and aske Kaitlin what’s wrong, and she says the same thing as JB which is that they’re tired of taking orders from Ryan, and Ryan wants to talk to JB to get this sorted out, and Kaitlin decides to take Ryan to JB who’s out in the middle of nowhere, and it turns out to be a trap to get Ryan ambushed by Skugs.

First one tries to kick Ryan but he kicks it then two more try to kick him but he blocks, and punches one while kicking the other, then a Skug comes after him but he throws it away, and kicks it while he wonders why JB, and Kaitlin aren’t helping.

Then he kicks one Skug, flips over another, and then kicks, and punches the third then pins one down punches, and kicks away another, and then punches one before flipping it over on the first one destroying them so Grimlord decides to take the fight to the Battle Grid.
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Old 02/02/15, 10:30 PM   #49
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Then we get another Battle Grid segment with just Ryan that’s more or less the same as the one from Virtual Spy except just before the Searching for Tyler Steele footage there’s some recycled footage from The Dognapping before we get some new footage of the Skugs surrounding Ryan before we get a cool part where one of the Skugs jumps in the air, and Ryan punches it mid air.

Anyway afterwards Ryan returns to reality, and asks JB, and Kaitlin what’s wrong, and they just transform but he doesn’t want to fight his friends so he escapes in Kaitlin’s car so Grimlord orders them to go into the Skybase while Polarbot fires at Ryan in Kaitlin’s car.

Then Grimlord orders Air Striker, and Fighterbot to assist Polarbot, so Ryan tries to escape in Kaitlin’s car’s flight mode but Grimlord’s mutants, and the evil Troopers fire at him but he tricks JB, and Kaitlin into destroying Air Striker, and Fighterbot, and escapes to the lab.

At the lab Ryan messes with some machines at the lab, and when JB, and Kaitlin try to get in the lab JB moves a joystick, and it activates a force field that cuts off their VR Trooper powers, then the Professor explains to Ryan how their linked to Polarbot, and that Polarbot is in the real world but also has three other mutants helping so Ryan transforms.

Ryan first fights off three mutants The Blade, an unnamed silver skeleton themed robot who will later be known as Chrome Dome, and a blue horned robot who later be called Minotaurbot.

After fighting off The Blade, Chrome Dome, and Minotaurbot Ryan goes after Polarbot, and they both teleport to a rock quarry where Polarbot just fires lasers at Ryan but Ryan dodges them, and jumps into the air, and does a flying kick at Polarbot.

At the lab JB, and Kaitlin play into Jeb’s ego, and trick him into letting them out of the force field then transform again, and get back in the Skybase to help Polarbot destroy Ryan.

But Ryan kicks the cliff Polarbot is standing on causing him to fall off allowing Ryan to kick him, and then perform a corkscrew attack that destroys Polarbot turning JB, and Kaitlin good again so Grimlord orders Ivar to destroy Ryan but JB destroys Ivar’s tank instead, and Grimlord once again shames his mutants for failure.

Later at the Underground Voice Daily the Troopers are glad everything is back to normal, and then Woody shows up to explain he’s making Percy do another self defense class, and we get one last comedy bit where Percy tries to show off his karate skills but messes up.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.
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Old 02/02/15, 10:30 PM   #50
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts

Honestly I think this more than even some of the other episodes my all time favorite so far.

I like the idea of Grimlord turning JB, and Kaitlin against Ryan I just think the idea was bigger than what they could I actually do since Ryan came from a different Metal Hero show then JB, and Kaitlin, and it wasn’t like there was a Chojinki Metalder vs Jikku Senshi Spielban back in 1987.

Then again since this episode had a Battle Grid segment I wished they had found a way to make it where Ryan had to fight JB, and Kaitlin in the Battle Grid since even if the suits were meant more for toys than footage it still would have been a good way to at least see Ryan fight JB, and Kaitlin in some transformed hand to hand combat.

I did like the one we did get from a purely visual production stand point even if all it really did was add a clip that wasn’t in the last one.

I also like how this episode introduces Geek Nation columnist, and the first VR Troopers cast member to appear at Morphicon Aaron Pruner as one of my favorite characters on the show Percy who will more or less become the main comic relief character alongside Woody, and Jeb though Poindexter, and Percy’s aunt, and uncle will still make occasional appearances.

I’m guessing he was created to more or less combine elements of the Mayor, and his wife (spoiled rich person who’s the target of Jeb’s antics) with Poindexter (stereotypical nerd).

It also has a brief appearance by actor Crispin Alapag as the Skug who puts the spell on JB, and Kaitlin.

I also liked how they didn’t waste anything from the Metalder episode in fact they actually used multiple little fights from various episodes for this which I thought was cool.

I also liked the brief appearance of S, and K from Metalder in the background during the parts where Polarbot, and Grimlord where in the virtual dungeon.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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