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Old 06/29/15, 08:55 PM   #231
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Then a giant present appears, and Skugs come out, and chase Otto so Tao tries to stop them but they trap him in the present, and kidnap Otto, and the Troopers return, and Tao explains what happened.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord orders Otto to destroy the Troopers but he refuses, and just annoys Grimlord, and his minions.

At the lab the Troopers explain what's going on, and the Professor explains that a full assault on Grimlord's Dark Fortress could harm Otto as well.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord, and his minions try to reason with Otto but he keeps annoying them so Grimlord threatens to destroy him.

So Otto relents, and grants Grimlord's wish to send the Troopers to his Dark Fortress without their powers.

And sure enough the Troopers arrive, and they can't transform, and not even their martial arts skills work anymore.

So Otto decides to annoy Grimlord, and his minions some more, and his annoyance gets so bad that Grimlord wastes his last wish just to get rid of Otto, and the Troopers, and Otto reappear at Tao dojo.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at the dojo Santa appears to take back Otto, and give everyone everything they wanted including Tyler and visiting from Norway.
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Old 06/29/15, 08:57 PM   #232
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was okay.

I liked the story with Otto, and Grimlord trying his hands on him.

I also got a kick out of the parts where Otto played pranks on Grimlord, and his minions.

My only problem was that none of the Troopers transformed in this episode.

Especially since there was a Shaider episode with a Santa themed monster.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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Old 07/01/15, 11:59 AM   #233
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we're looking at The Charmeeka Invasion written by Chip Lynn, and directed by Vickie Borough.

So we start off with today's "My dad taught me" moment where Ryan thinks about the time his dad taught him that the important things in life are the things that last forever.

We then go to a pet store where the Troopers, and Woody are looking at some weird green gargoyle like creatures called Charmeekas that are the current fad.

Woody wants Kaitlin to do a story about them but she's not sure, and Percy wants the story himself which leads to a comedy bit.

At Ziktor industries we find out that the Charmeekas are his latest evil scheme to take over Crossworld City.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and asks for a status update, and Doom Master assures that everything is fine.

At Tao dojo the Troopers think Tao is in trouble but he's just taking care of a Charmeeka that he didn't want, and Kaitlin explains that they're from a place called Drolmirg.

We then go to the park where we get a comedy bit where Percy is still trying to take care of his Charmeeka but it keeps misbehaving.

Then Kaitlin goes to a pay phone, and calls Woody who explains that he can't find Drolmirg on any map, and Kaitlin notices what Drolmirg looks like in the surface of the pay phone.

Then we see a man, and some kids with a Charmeeka who's eyes glow, and the Charmeeka mutates, and rips through the backpack it was in as a monster.

At Tao dojo Ryan, and JB are sparring when Kaitlin appears, and explains that she figured out that Drolmirg is Grimlord spelled backwards, and the Professor summons the Troopers to the lab.

Then at the lab the Professor shows the Charmeeka rampaging, and he explains that the Charmeekas become monsters called Charmadors.
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Old 07/01/15, 12:00 PM   #234
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

At the Dark Fortress Despera shows Grimlord what's going on so he gloats but still orders Doom Master to protect the Charmador from the Troopers.

At the lab the Troopers remember the comedy bit with Percy earlier, and decide to split up with JB, and Kaitlin luring the Charmeekas while Ryan fights the Charmador.

They transform and Ryan summons the Nitro Cycle while JB, and Kaitlin take the Skybase

Ultra Skugs fire Bazooka's at Ryan but he fires lasers at them then fires on the Charmador but it reflects the laser back at him.

JB, and Kaitlin broadcast a signal throughout Crossworld City to lure the Charmeekas back to virtual reality, and it works.

Ryan tries to punch, and kick the Charmador but it doesn't work so he tries his laser again but the Charamador once again bounces it back at Ryan.

Ryan tries another kick but the Charmador throws him, and fires it's own laser at him so JB fires a missile, and it dazes the Charmador into attacking Grimlord's minions before exploding.

At the Dark Fortress Despera informs Grimlord of what's going on so he orders Grimstars to destroy JB, and Kaitlin.

Then we see JB, and Kaitlin luring the Charmeekas back to the reality barrier except for Percy's which mutates into a Charmador.

Ryan jumps at the Charmador but it throws him back, and tries to claw him but he dodges, and fires his laser but it bounces back.

At the Dark Fortress Despera takes the fight to the Indigo Sector where the Charmador spits bad breath at him, and banished him to a forest where it beats up Ryan.

At the Dark Fortress Despera takes the fight to the Fractal Zone where Ryan beats up Charmador so they go back to the Indigo Sector where the Charmador keeps teleporting.

Ryan then jumps around, and distracts the Charmador, and hits it with a laser so it scratches him, and fires it's own lasers.

But Ryan fires his laser, and uses the Laser Saber as rope before using it to destroy the Charmador while JB, and Kaitlin destroy the Grimstars.

At the Dark Fortress the place is swarmed with Charmeekas, and Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at the Underground Voice Daily we get one last comedy bit with Percy.

Ryan then sums up the moral of the day the end.
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Old 07/01/15, 12:01 PM   #235
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was pretty good.

I liked the story with Grimlord sending out his mutants under the guise of cute animals.

I also liked their monster forms since they were cool monsters with cool powers.

I also got a kick out of all the funny parts, and the fact that its both ironic, and strangely appropriate that an episode of a Saban Superhero show itself created because of fads has a message about fads that in a weird way predict another fad in this case virtual pets that Saban would later make an adaptation of as well.

I also liked that nothing from the Shaider episode was taken out that I would have kept.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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Old 07/02/15, 01:51 PM   #236
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we're looking at Dream Battle written by Mark Litton, and directed by Al Winchel.

So we start off with today's "My dad taught me" moment where Ryan thinks about the time his dad taught him that dreams are just another way for the mind's eye to look at things.

We then go to a paint war game where Ryan, and Percy are up against JB, and Kaitlin, and Ryan, and Percy try to run from JB, and Kaitlin but they ambush them, and Kaitlin gets while JB gets Percy.

While a mysterious woman spies on the Troopers, and appears at Ziktor industries to inform him of what's going on.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and summons Knighttime who has a plan to destroy the Troopers by putting them in a dream where Grimlord's mutants are unstoppable.

At the paint war game everyone but Percy is celebrating when Ziktor's spy pretends to be in trouble to lure the Troopers into the forest where she, and two guys transform into Skugs.

Nothing much happens other than the Skugs try to kick the Troopers but the Troopers just grab their legs, and two Skugs try to throw rocks at JB but he just kicks them into each other, and destroys them.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord orders Knighttime to send the Troopers to a place called the dream zone, and the Professor has the Troopers transform into Battle Grid mode.

Then after a brief portal sequence everything turns red, and there's this weird disintegration effect, and instead of landing in the Battle Grid they teleport to a different forest.

Not much happens other than the Troopers wonder what's going on, and Knighttime appears while the Skugs disappear, and Knighttime shoots lasers at Ryan that jump into JB, and Kaitlin.

Then the Troopers reappear in reality still in Battle Grid mode, and we get an insta morph transformation out of Battle Grid mode.

Once the Troopers transform back they start to become sleepy, and head to the lab but they pass out once they get there so the Professor puts visors on them to study the dream.

Then the Troopers wake up to find the lab trashed but it turns out to be the dream Grimlord, and Knighttime put them under.

Then the Troopers decide to go to the Underground Voice Daily but see pro Grimlord propaganda everywhere with Skugs, and Ultra Skugs.

Inside the Troopers find more Skugs, and Ultra Skugs as well as find that Percy who knows they're the Troopers is editor while Woody is a janitor.
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Old 07/02/15, 01:51 PM   #237
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Then Doom Master appears with some more Ultra Skugs, and the Vixens for raid, and the Troopers are forced to run away.

Then the Troopers go to Tao dojo but it's covered in eviction notices, and wanted posters, and inside it's trashed as well, and Skugs appear but there's too many of them.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord gloats, and in the dream the Troopers find Tao who explains that Grimlord took over the world, and he's been deported back to China.

Then Jeb tries to wake up the Troopers but it doesn't work, and Grimlord appears on the screen to gloat some more, and the Professor decides to enter the dream himself.

In the dream the Professor appears, and explains what's going on, and Tao reveals that he's really Doom Master who summons Ultra Skugs, and Vixens so the Troopers transform.

Doom Master then takes the fight to a rock quarry where Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers fire on the Troopers so they summon the Skybase but then reappear on the ground, and are teleported away.

JB is attacked by Laserbot from Lost Memories, Kaitlin is attacked by Shoulderbot from Danger in the Deep, and Ryan is attacked by Scissor Fist from The Negative Factor.

Kaitlin then reunites with JB, and Air Fighters fire on them so JB tries to summon the Skybase but it doesn't work so he uses Techno Bazooka, and it works.

Ryan reunites with the other Troopers but Knighttime appears, and attacks them with their own Skybase, and Troopertron.

Ryan then tells everyone to concentrate on the forest where Knighttime put the dream spell on them, and they teleport to it.

Ryan dreams up a laser beam that banishes Knighttime, and at the lab the Troopers wake up from Grimlord's dream

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord shames Knighttime for failure.

Back at the Underground Voice Daily we get one last comedy bit with Percy.

Ryan then sums up the moral of the day the end.
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Old 07/02/15, 01:52 PM   #238
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was pretty good.

I liked the story with Grimlord putting the Troopers in a dream where he took over the world.

I also liked that they used it as an episode excuse to show old mutants.

I also liked that we once again see Knighttime again, and not only that but we actually get to see his universe, and see him actually fight the Troopers.

I also liked that we got to see the Troopers in Battle Grid mode in a place besides the Battle Grid, and even briefly in the real world in Battle Grid mode.

It actually reminded me of what I said way back in Searching for Tyler Steele about how I liked the Battle Grid suits themselves, and I liked the place

But at the same time wondered why they didn't just have the suits themselves, and call it something else.

I think my only problem was that there wasn't much actual fighting between the Troopers, and Knighttime since all his appearances in this episode where just Spielban footage.

Which is especially weird since they later did get an American actor to play him in American footage.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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Old 07/02/15, 09:25 PM   #239
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we're looking at A Hard Day's Mutant written by David Avalonne, and directed by Al Winchel.

So we start off with today's "My dad taught me" moment where Ryan thinks about the time his dad taught him that it takes time, and perseverance to learn something.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where Brandon Sands a member of a rock band The Krossworld Kids thanks Kaitlin for a story she wrote about them.

Then everyone swarms him for autographs, and Woody tells Kaitlin that the homeless shelter will close due to a lack of money, and she convinces Brandon to hold a benefit concert, and he agrees.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor has been reading from the Power Rangers villain playbook because he wants to get his hands on the Krossworld Kids.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and explains his plan, and Despera creates a white mutant with drums on it's chest named Bongotron, and Grimlord orders him to steal the Krossworld Kids' talent.

At Tao dojo the Krossworld Kids are playing a sound check while Kaitlin takes pictures, and a crowd of teenage girls appears, and the girls explain that they're the official Krossworld Kids Fan Club.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord checks on Ivar at his underground base, and orders Despera to distract the Troopers while Doom Master kidnaps the Krossworld Kids.

Kaitlin gets a call from Woody telling to go to the power plant for a story but it's really Despera, and when Kaitlin goes there a worker randomly transforms into an army of Skugs.

Nothing much happens other than Kaitlin punches, and kicks Skugs into storage wheels, and the Skugs try to use one as a weapon but she tricks the Skugs into destroying themselves.

But Despera appears, and traps Kaitlin in an energy field, and imitates Kaitlin to lure the other Troopers while Doom Master, and the Vixens appear at Tao dojo, and abduct the Krossworld Kids, and the fans.
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Old 07/02/15, 09:25 PM   #240
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Ryan, and JB show up at the power plant, and free Kaitlin with a metal pipe, and then a brief scene with Tao.

Then we see the Krossworld Kids and the fans in Grimlord's dungeon, and Bongotron shoots pink lasers that steal their talent.

The Troopers go back to Tao dojo, and after Tao leaves Jeb explains what happened so JB contacts the Professor but he can't find the Krossworld Kids but Jeb has an idea.

Then we see the Troopers, and Jeb in the woods with Jeb wearing the VR sense enhancer from Oh Brother, and the Troopers find Grimlord's underground base but Grimlord's mutants attack.

Ryan transforms, and fights off Ultra Skugs, Vixens, and Doom Master, and Ryan fires his laser, and they retreat.

JB, and Kaitlin find the base so they transform as well, and Kaitlin splits into two Kaitlins but Skugs fire on them.

Ryan summons the Combat Module while JB summons the Battle Cruiser, and Ryan rescues the Krossworld Kids, and the fans but they tell him about Bongotron.

Ryan fights with Bongotron but Oraclon takes the fight to the Indigo Sector where Ryan fires at Bongotron with his Nitro Cycle but Bongotron teleports, and to strangle him but he jumps off.

The Skugs keep firing on the two Kaitlins so they fire lasers at them, and JB shows up in the Battle Cruiser, and destroys Grimlord's underground base.

In the Indigo Sector Bongotron Keeps teleporting so Ryan fires lasers at him, and summons the Laser Saber, and Bongotron summons twin scimitars but Ryan destroys him.

The Troopers then find the Krossworld Kids who have their talent back, and are singing to the fans, and at the Dark Fortress Grimlord shames his minions, and swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at Tao dojo the benefit concert is a success, and the Krossworld Kids thank the Troopers.

Ryan then sums up the moral of the day the end.
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