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Old 02/23/14, 02:00 AM   #11
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts.

This was a pretty cool episode.

There’s some generally touching bits when Ryan thinks the prisoner is his dad, and his friends try to cheer him up. I like how they took a show don’t tell approach to whether or not the prisoner is Ryan’s dad, and even the “I miss my dad” parts actually felt relevant for a change

I also thought a lot of parts like Decimator explaining why poisoning the water supply is stupid to JB, and Kaitlin arguing over Kaitlin’s flying.

Also once again this show has some good monster designs I like Magician’s whole ninja motif, and powers, and I like Shockerbot/Shishkabot/Nathaniel Merryweather the 3rd/call him what you will with his electro tentacles, and shoulder bazooka.

And Scarlet Seductress with her spikes, and everything but let’s just say I wish they had saved her for a later episode.

And the mutant scouts where cool with their electro ropes, and laser needles I wish we could have gotten them in American footage since I can imagine the suits are any more complex than the Skug suits.

Also random thought I once had a dream where the Troopers fought the Mutant Scouts in the Battle Grid.

That would have been cool because one of my few problems with Battle Grid mode is that they only fight Skugs who aren’t much of a challenge in civilian mode so it probably would have lent the Battle Grid scenes some weight I think if they used Mutant Scouts for them.

Not much on the Metal Hero front there was a fight scene with Scarlet Seductress but Metalder was unmorphed, a jet fighter chase, and Spielban morphed looking around a quarry but they were both more relevant to Spielban’s version of what will later be The Rise of The Red Python.

I think there’s a few more seconds of the mutant scout fight in the Metalder, and in Spielban they used the Gran Nazca’s cannon formation but that’s it.

Anyway tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers reviews with me Zabitan.
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Old 02/24/14, 07:44 PM   #12
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So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment though this time I don’t think they were even trying since Ryan just says his dad taught him stuff he would learn time, and time again.

Anyway we start off with the Troopers at Tao dojo practicing their kicks on a boxing bag, and we get this funny bit where Kaitlin, and JB get it right but Ryan kicks the bag off.

Meanwhile Ziktor’s secretaries tell him how much Ryan loves Jeb, and that he can talk so this gives him the idea to dognap Jeb thinking he might know the Troopers’ secrets, and his secretaries transform into their true forms, and teleport out.

Back at Tao dojo the Troopers help Tao put the boxing bag back up (try saying that 3 times fast), and then decide to call Jeb before Tao has even left the room.

Anyway we get another funny bit where when the Troopers try to call him Jeb is at the lab ordering pizza, and watching Samurai Pizza Cats, and they leave the phone on, and continue their workout till Jeb answers.

Meanwhile Ziktor transforms into Grimlord, and tells his mutants that they have an important mission, and the their going have a visitor who will lead the Troopers to their doom.

At the lab Jeb is still watching Samurai Pizza Cats when he tells the Professor he in the most family friendly way he has to piss, and the Professor lets him out but three Skugs are waiting for him, and try catch him but he runs off.

Back at Tao dojo the Troopers finally get an answer from the lab but instead of Jeb they get the Professor who tells them Jeb hasn’t got back from his piss break so they take Kaitlin’s car, and then take it into flying mode to look for Jeb using the VR scanner.

Meanwhile the Skugs are still chasing Jeb but he manages to temporarily evade them, there’s an increasingly weird, and silly Benny Hill esque scene of the Skugs chasing after nothing while Jeb just watches.

But they eventually get wise so Jeb tries to hide in an old mine but the Skugs follow him, and we see dust clouds spewing out while Jeb snarks about how he thought he foiled them, and the Skugs take Jeb out of the mine,

Meanwhile the Troopers still haven’t found anything on the scanner so Kaitlin lands the car.
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Old 02/24/14, 07:45 PM   #13
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At the Virtual Dungeon two Skugs, and Jeb are digitally inserted into some Metlader footage so that Grimlord, and his mutants can interrogate him, and one mutant later identified as Crabor can say he wants Jeb for a snack but Jeb just snarks at them, and Grimlord tells his mutants to tell Ryan they have Jeb.

Meanwhile the Troopers run into a police blockade, and get out, and one of the police has Jeb’s collar, and the police officers transform into Skugs to fight the Troopers.

First the Troopers punch, and kick the Skugs then JB kicks a Skugs then Kaitlin punches, and kicks another JB jumps on some barrels, and blocks his Skug’s punches,

Ryan punches, and kicks his Skug but it throws him off then Ryan’s Skug jumps on the barrels to attack JB but Ryan jumps, and leg swipes it off, and JB kicks his Skug off.

Then Ryan summersaults of the barrels because Kaitlin is being choked by her Skug so he kicks it’s arms off her, and Kaitlin kicks it but it jumps on the barrels so Ryan kicks it off.

At the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord sees the Troopers defeating his Skugs so he orders the fight be taken to the Battle Grid.

Not much happens differently then the Professor says Troopers in between Battle Grid Alert, and Prepare for Battle Grid mode when he has them transform and we get what I like to call a shorty sequence where the portal sequence ends after we see the Troopers from the front.

Also when the Skugs show up instead of doing the VR Troopers thing Kaitlin just points at the Skugs, and them does a mid air summersault before she punches some skugs

Then we see all three Troopers at once punching and kicking Skugs then JB punches some Skugs before leg swiping another while Kaitlin is punching, and kicking some more Skugs.

Then Ryan punches some Skugs while JB punches, and kicks some Skugs, and kicks some Skugs into each other getting the obligatory “Skugs getting knocked into each other” shot once again.

Then Ryan punches, and flips over some more Skugs onto each other then we see some close ups of the Troopers’ legs as the land, and we get a shorter version of the return to reality part but without the screen going white.

Meanwhile at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord, and his minions are still interrogating Jeb who still refuses to cooperate so Toxoid uses negative effects to scan Jeb’s brain but finds nothing so after a bit where Toxoid compares Jeb’s brain to peanut, and Crabor says he likes peanuts Grimlord suggests using Jeb as bait for the Troopers.

At the lab JB tries to hack into Grimlord’s communications while the Professor has Ryan, and Kaitlin put on their visors, and shows them some Metalder footage of Grimlord’s minions confirming what I said from Battle Begins part 1 saying Grimlord’s main lieutenants are Decimator, Dark Heart, Zelton, and Toxoid, and the others he just creates.

At the Vritual Dungeon Grimlord has the digitally inserted Skugs take Jeb away from the Metalder footage, calls General Ivar who sends a kangaroo like mutant called Frogbot, and Grimlord assigns Crabor, and another mutant torpedo shaped mutant called Torpedobot as well.

Then at the harbor in Crossworld City the Skugs call the Troopers who drive over there while Grimlord’s mutants get ready for the trap.

Crabor brags about how Grimlord will make him a general for this but Dark Hear tells his to do his job, and another mutant tells them Torpedobot is watching which we see for ourselves.

The Troopers arrive at the harbor, and split up to find Jeb then Ryan runs into Crabor, and transforms.
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Old 02/24/14, 07:47 PM   #14
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Crabor brags about how Grimlord will make him a general for this but Dark Heart tells his to do his job, and another mutant tells them Torpedobot is watching which we see for ourselves.

The Troopers arrive at the harbor, and split up to find Jeb then Ryan runs into Crabor, and transforms.

Ryan does a mid air summersault but Crabor electrocutes him with his tentacles so Ryan uses Lighting Hand to cut off.

Then Ryan interrogates Crabor about Jeb’s whereabouts but Crabor runs off, and Ryan goes Aww man.

Meanwhile JB runs into Frogbot, and transforms, and Frogbot sends some Skugs so JB shoots them with his Ray gun. While Kaitlin finds Jeb’s cage.

Crabor is trying to get away from Ryan so he summersaults up to Crabor who pretends to give up but the Professor warns Ryan that Torpedobot is in position.

Frogbot is firing lasers at JB, and disappears but Ryan tells JB that Frogbot has teleported to the quarry so JB uses the VR Fighter Bike to go there, and runs over Frogbot with it.

Crabor continues to feign giving up but then uses a tentacle to electrocute Ryan while using the other to tie him up with a chain while Torpedobot watches

Frogbot is running after JB so we see the only thing cooler than a Laser Lance a Laser Lance on a motorcycle.

Torpedobot watches as Ryan is being defeated but Ryan breaks out, and rolls around to avoid Crabor’s tentacles.

Then Ryan jump kicks Crabor off the ship they were fighting on, and Torpedobot takes matters into his own hands, and launches himself at the ship but Ryan gets out of the way.

The Troopers are reunited with Jeb, and At the Virual Dungeon Crabor is shamed for losing to Ryan.

Then the Troopers hold a party for Jeb who uses the Lab’s machines to materialize a steak but it gets burnt to a crisp, and then Ryan finally explains that today’s message is about why dogs are man’s best friend, and that’s it.

Final Thoughts

This was an alright episode nothing much on the plot but a lot of good fight scenes, and funny bits.

What’s odd is that this is one of those episodes where not only is the plot of the episode like the plot of the source episode but I think there’s more plot since the Metalder episode was just about him learning about his creator, and God Neros sending out one bad guy from each of his armies.

Well the Spielban episode did have this weird plot about a girl trying to cross cacti with aquatic flowers, and I think there was something about her being part plant herself, and Waher trying to get their hands on her research so they could create their own cactus/water/plant/human hybrids or combine the Waher god’s DNA with them or something I’m not sure since the only Spielban episodes I’ve seen so far are in Portugese.

But even then I’m only watching them for the fight scenes, and usable footage, and on that front not much I wish was left in other than the part in Metalder where Top Gunder is talking to Gamadone.

And in Spielban the monster had this weird laser shooting flying probe that was part of him, and Spielban used the Gran Nazca’s cannon formation on some spaceships but that was it.

Diana didn’t transform so that’s why we got the Battle Grid segment to give Kaitlin some transformed fighting.

What’s weird is that there are these VR Troopers panini stickers (here) that were only available in Europe, and this episode was one of the episodes they used, and it shows Kaitlin in full armor fighting Skugs so I’m guessing they filmed a fight for Kaitlin but then decided the Battle Grid fight was enough.

Random thought on that though for the longest time from about the fall of 01 when I first saw these to spring 06 when I finally saw VR Troopers in it’s entirety I thought there was a Battle Grid segment with Ryan, and JB but not Kaitilin because of the sticker that just shows Ryan, and JB in Battle Grid mode.

Anyway tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

Last edited by Zabitan; 03/18/14 at 02:20 PM.
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Old 01/07/15, 11:31 PM   #15
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Kaitlin’s Front Page written by Robert Hughes, and directed by Debra Spelling

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment, and this time it’s actually pretty good since it’s about how Ryan’s dad taught him to have faith in people but also be careful who you place that faith in which is actually a pretty cool message I think.

we then go to the Underground Voice Daily office where Woody is throwing paper airplanes around while Kaitlin is talking to strange man who looks like a poor man’s Dick Tracy who’s telling her that there’s some secret illegal weapons site just outside Crossworld City, and that he has a map to it, and says the only way to stop it is to expose it in the media but refuses to say who he is.

He then goes outside, and surprise surprise he’s really a Skug transforms into his true form, and teleports to Ziktor’s office where back in human form he tells Ziktor that Kaitlin’s probably on her way to the weapons site so Ziktor tells him, the Skug secretaries to go there, and be ready.

He then gloats before transforming into Grimlord, and teleporting to the virtual dungeon. Once there the virtual mutants hail him before he explains what his evil plan is which is to capture Kaitlin when she gets to the weapons site so that he can use her as bait to destroy the VR Troopers.

Meanwhile at Tao Dojo Ryan is teaching a Karate class, and afterwards goes back to talk to Tao tell him the kids are looking better everyday (that doesn’t sound right) when Kaitlin calls them to say that she is in fact checking out the story she got, and wants Ryan, and JB to come with her.

Ryan has another class while JB wants to go but has help Tao with his paperwork so she’ll have to go to the weapons site by herself while they wait unil the afternoon to talk to her about it

Kaitlin then drives out to the weapons site while Air Striker watches, and checks with Grimlord who tells him to do nothing but observe her.

Kaitlin then gets out of her car sees the weapons site, and walks over to a hill where she takes pictures of workers moving explosives before taking out her tape recorder to take notes when a bunch of workers come up to her.

Kaitlin tries to pretend that she’s just a tourist taking pictures of rock formations hoping to get them to leave but they turn out to be Skugs, and attack her.

Kaitlin kicks the Skugs away from her but then two try to grab her but she kicks those as well, and another tries to grab her but she flips it over, and takes a defensive stance while they circle her.

At the Virtual Dungeon Zelton or Decimator (I’m honestly not sure who since they're both Michael Sorich) informs Grimlord that the Skugs are losing so he orders the fight be taken to the Battle Grid.

We then get another Troopers less Battle Grid alert Prepare for Battle Grid mode before Kaitlin transforms into Battle Grid mode by herself, and we get to see a full portal sequence with just Kaitlin.

Which instead of the usual from behind, from side, from front, from behind we get from behind, from front, from side, from behind.

We then see Kaitlin land in the Battle Grid where she taunts the Skugs hoping to get them to come out which they do so she jumps into the air before twirling mid air, and landing, and starts kicking the Skugs,

The Skugs then try to circle Kaitlin while she points out that they just keep coming when the Skug make hatchets appear, and try to hit her but she just punches them into each other disintegrating them.
Kaitlin then backflips for a bit before saying she doesn’t how much longer she can do this before punching, kicking, and flipping some more Skugs.

Kaitlin then points around and proclaims how the Skugs may be tough but it’s not over yet, and jumps into the air, and performs some weird swan dive/scissor punch attack that destroys some more Skugs.

Then we see the exact same punching, kicking, and flipping we saw earlier only this time at the end Kaitlin proclaims she can’t keep it up, and that’s it it just cuts to the Underground Voice Daily.

Ryan, and JB are wondering what happened to Kaitlin who was supposed to be their over an hour ago so they ask Woody who’s doing a comedy bit where he tells a reporter to do a good story but doesn’t know what about, and afterwards Ryan, and JB ask him if he know where Kaitlin is which he doesn’t.

We then cut back to the weapons site where Kaitlin who has already transformed back into Sarah Brown offscreen is being tied to a bomb by Skugs, and starts taunting them.

While back at the Underground Voice Daily Ryan, and JB are checking Kaitlin’s computer to find it empty so they decide to use the aerial scanner at the lab we then see them riding their backs to the lab while Air Striker watches, and Grimlord tells him to just keep watching.
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Old 01/07/15, 11:33 PM   #16
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At the lab we then see Jeb sing his number one smash hit the Doggy Rap before Ryan pulls out a dog whistle so JB can ask the professor to use the aerial scanner which actually confuses him since he doesn’t know she’s missing (even though he was the one who had her transform into Battle Grid mode earlier).

We then cut back to Kaitlin at the weapons site only to immedtiatley cut back to JB hacking into a weather sattlite to find Kaitlin at the weapons site by tracking her virtualizer.

Meanwhile at the virtual dungeon Grimlord asks General Ivar, and a heretofore unseen, and currently unnamed Colnol Icebot who should be today’s monsters, and Ivar picks a blue, and silver robot with oversized fists named Metalbot while Icebot suggests Cobrot (not Cobrabot Cobrot) a red snake like robot with two arms but no legs, and Grimlord chooses both.

We then see Ryan, and JB drive to the weapons site while Air Striker watches (again), and Grimlord tells him to just keep watching (again), and we then see Ryan, and JB arrive at the weapons site to see Kaitlin, and the Skugs but Kaitlin warns them it’s a trap, and Metalbot, and Cobrot show up so it’s Trooper time kids.

Ryan goes after Metalbot who just skips around, and taunts him and tries to punch but Ryan blocks but Metalbot, and him jump up to a hill.

While JB goes after Cobrot with his laser saber while Cobrot blocks with her bow, trips him with her tail so he tries to get up but Cobrot keeps tripping, and hitting him with her tail but JB eventually blocks it, and jump kicks Cobrot.

JB check in on Ryan who tries to punch Metalbot who punches back causing an earthquake, and they keep punching each other until Metalbot gains the upper hand and punches Ryan repeatedly until Ryan is able to grab him, and flips him over while JB fires lasers at Cobrot who just fires arrows at him.

Ryan charges at Metalbot who keeps punching him while JB keeps getting grabbed by Cobrot’s tail, and shot at byt her arrows, and the timer on the bomb is counting down.

Ryan is still getting beat up by Metalbot but charges up his powers, and starts kicking Metalbot, and gaining an advantage.

JB on the other hand isn’t so lucky still being grabbed, and shot at by Cobrot while Metalbot turns his eyes into tentacles, and fires lasers at Ryan who just jumps out of the way.

JB meanwhile finally decides to use his laser lance to destroy Cobrot while Ryan uses an attack called laser fist command to punch Metalbot also destroying him, and the two are able to rescue Kailtin, and escape before the weapons site is destroyed, and at the virtual dungeon Grimlord proclaims he will no longer tolerate failure (spoilers there’s still 87 episodes which means he will).

At the Underground Voice Daily Ryan, and JB meet up with Kaitlin who tells them that not only did her story make the front page (we have a title people) but also lead to the weapons site being closed down.

Woody then tells Kaitlin to do a story on a spelling bee but she wants to do real news so he suggests a story on the VR Troopers leading to one last comedy bit where they joke around about whether to do it or if anyone would believe it.

Anyway “I miss my dad” the end.
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Old 01/07/15, 11:36 PM   #17
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Final Thoughts

This episode was okay it wasn’t the worst ever but it was the worst of the ones I have reviewed so far.

I mostly blame it on the fact that it’s a damsel in distress episode especially since they usually trout out Kaitlin as this tough tomboyish woman of the 90’s who can do anything the boys can.

I get that in Spielban Diana was more of a sexy sidekick who didn’t even have a finisher, and sometimes they didn’t have footage but they still had vehicle battles, and Battle Grid mode.

Which remimds me that this episode brings up my one real pet peeve with the Battle Grid concept which is that the Battle Grid fight seems tacked on as an afterthought because they needed to pad the runtime or because Sarah Brown wanted at least one transformed fight this episode.

I wouldn’t care if they either saved the Battle Grid fight for another episode, and had Kaitlin win or at least actually showed her being defeated instead of just cutting off.

What also bugs me is that in the Spielban episode they used Diana had a tank battle with Deathzero (Ivar), and was even the one who hurt the monster enough for Spielban to beat it.

Plus considering over half the monster fight from Spielban was cut for this episode it makes me wonder why not just use a different Spielban episode.

Also I didn’t like the parts with Air Striker or the constant cutting back, and forth.

Not much to say on the Metalder front since the only things they left out where part of the Topgunder arc which we’ll see in Defending Dark Hart.

I did like the comedy bits with Woody, and Jeb, and aside from the editing I did like the fight scenes.

Do I think I could have done a better job than Robert Hughes or Debra Spelling? Probably not but maybe a better job than Terry Chiappe, Shawn Paper, Matthew Silver, and David P. Frediani.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews,
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Old 01/08/15, 11:06 PM   #18
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Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at The Dojo Plot written by Stewart St. John, and directed by Debra Spelling

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment, which isn’t all that much since it’s just Ryan talking about how he, and his dad used to practice Karate when the weather was nice moving on.

We then go to Tao Dojo where Tao himself is teaching a karate class to some kids when a shady looking guy comes in, and after the class Tao talks to the man who is a banker, and has come to tell Tao that the Dojo is in financial trouble, and unless Tao can come up with the money the dojo will be seized.

Then the Troopers walk in with Ryan, and JB arguing over which one of them a pretty girl was looking at while Kaitlin points out that she was wearing sun glasses.

But the comedy ends when they ask Tao what’s wrong, and he gives them the bad news while outside the banker who surprise surprise is working for Ziktor who’s latest evil plan is to seize the dojo, and turn into a weather station to take over the world (we have a title people), and transforms into Grimlord.
At the virtual dungeon Grimlord calls up Col Icebot (who now has a name), and tells him to test out the weather device at -50 degrees but instead of showing footage of a snowstorm or something we just see a bunch of machinery working while Grimlord, and Col Icebot once again remind us they need Tao Dojo.

Later at the lab the Troopers are trying to come up with a way to help Tao while Ryan trains on Skug simulator using his visor, and JB works on a device so the professor can contact Jeb when Kaitlin suggests a fundraiser.

Meanwhile at the virtual dungeon Grimlord orders Decimator, and today’s monster Cannonbot (who despite his name looks more like a robot sumo wrestler) to prove themselves in hand to hand combat but we don’t see anything.

At the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin is asking Woody who’s goofing around with some paper if they can hold the fundraiser at the Underground Voice Daily which he agrees to much to the delight of the Troopers while at Ziktor industries Ziktor hears from one of his secretaries about the fundraiser, and doesn’t want it to happen.

We then go back the Underground Voice Daily we see Kaitlin setting up the party when a bunch of caterers show up, and tell her the party’s canceled before transforming into Skugs so Kaitlin kicks one before somersaulting over and kicking another then another tries to kick her but she ducks down but another Skug grabs her from behind but she just uses it to kick the other Skugs, and is able to force two together to disintegrate them when Ryan, and JB show up, and help destroy the last two Skugs, and afterwards the Troopers realize Grimlord wants to stop the party while at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord orders Cannonbot to destroy the Troopers but otherwise nothing happens.
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Old 01/08/15, 11:07 PM   #19
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We then go back the Underground Voice Daily we see Kaitlin setting up the party when a bunch of caterers show up, and tell her the party’s canceled before transforming into Skugs so Kaitlin kicks one before somersaulting over and kicking another then another tries to kick her but she ducks down but another Skug grabs her from behind but she just uses it to kick the other Skugs, and is able to force two together to disintegrate them when Ryan, and JB show up, and help destroy the last two Skugs, and afterwards the Troopers realize Grimlord wants to stop the party while at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord orders Cannonbot to destroy the Troopers but otherwise nothing happens.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where the fundraiser party is underway, and the Troopers are finished setting thing up when they see Mayor Rooney, and his wife show up while at the virtual dungeon Grimlord once again orders Cannonbot to destroy the Ryan but otherwise nothing happens other than Grimlord teleports away.

Back at the party Kaitlin introduces herself, and the others to the Mayor, and his wife, and tries to appeal to their better nature to help the dojo when Ziktor shows up to give the whole “silly rabbit idealism is for kids” speech.

While at the lab the professor gets strange signals on the computer, and finds out about the weather station so he has Jeb contact the Troopers who tell the mayor, and his wife something’s come up, and leave while an obviously suspicious Ziktor also leaves.

The Troopers sneak off to Kailtin’s desk, and take out the VR disc to contact the professor who informs them not only of the weather station but also about Cannonbot but just when it looks like the Troopers are going to transform to stop it a Battle Grid alert breaks out so they all transform into Battle Grid mode.

After another shorty portal sequence we get a different landing scene where the Troopers are filmed from a different angle before the Skugs show up, and they do the V,R, Troopers thing again.

Then we’re treated to some recycled footage from Searching For Tyler Steele of Ryan fighting Skugs only it cuts off around the time Ryan somersaults off the rock formation.

Then we see some new footage of JB kicking Skugs when one of them knock him out, and we see some more recycled footage of Kaitlin running over to help him up.

Then we go back and forth between recycled footage of Ryan fighting Skugs, and JB, and Kaitlin jumping but then we see a new scene that’s pretty cool.
First JB lands, and starts punching, and flipping Skugs then it pans over to Kaitlin punching, and kicking more Skugs before Ryan backflips over, and kicks some more Skugs.

Then we see Kaitlin, and JB do midair kicks, and Ryan does a midair somersault, and then that’s it they’ve defeated all the Skugs, and instead of returning to reality they just transform back out of Battle Grid mode, and immediately transform into their full armor.

Ryan then charges at Cannonbot, and the two of them just grab each other’s hands, and taunt each other before Cannbot flips Ryan over while JB, and Kaitlin fight off Skugs so they can destroy the weather station.

Then Ryan charges at Cannbot only to once again get flipped over, and Cannonbot puts him in a headlock (it looks like he’s trying to steal Ryan’s brain) so Ryan tries to charge his powers.

While JB, and Kaitlin continue fighting Skugs when Grimlord orders Ivar to send jet fighters, and quantum cuisers to attack them.

Ryan is still getting a noogie from Cannonbot who’s stealing his powers but then Ryan gives him a taste of his own medicine, and grabs Cannonbot’s head weakening him long enough for Ryan to punch him around, and twist his head, and knock him out.

But Cannonbot get back up, and decides to finally live up to his name, and turns his head into a Cannon, and fires at Ryan while Air Striker provides support but Ryan uses lighting laser command to destroy Cannonbot.

Afterwards we get a brief clip of JB, and Kaitlin sneaking into the weather station, and destroying it, and then a brief clip of Grimlord once again swearing he’ll stop tolerating failure.

Back at the party the Troopers tell Jeb what happened when the mayor shows up to tell them that the party wasn’t a success but he’s decided to pay the difference out his own pocket which angers his wife but then Jeb turns on a fan, and blows off her wig starting one of the shows biggest running gags.

Anyway “I miss my dad” the end.
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Old 01/08/15, 11:08 PM   #20
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Final Thoughts

Well today’s episode was pretty good not as good as Searching for Tyler Steele but better than the last one, and my only real complaints are in the nitpick department.

Such as the fact that they skipped the monster vs monster fight from Metalder since they use the other ones in later episodes.

And the fact that despite the show being able to show stabbings something Saban’s Masked Rider couldn’t do they can’t show decapitations or heads being twisted even when we see the aftermaths something oddly enough Masked Rider could show.

In a perfect universe all of Saban superhero shows would be able to show both stabbings, and decapitations especially since in not only VR Troopers, and Masked Rider but also the Japanese shows the monsters were Robots, and Mutants.

Which you think would be okay to show violence against since last time I checked Robots, and Mutants aren’t a group you have to worry about offending.

That and it seems like Grimlord’s evil plan is oddly irrelevant since we don’t actually see any snowing in Crossworld city so Grimlord’s plan might as well have been to turn Tao dojo into a crack house.

It did make me think since a common criticism of the show is that it’s hard to tell reality from virtual reality since they tend to look the same.

Perhaps maybe they could have just explained that virtual reality or at least the part where Grimlord lives is perpetually snowing since we later learn that it never snows in Crossworld City.

So Grimlord wants to make are reality more like virtual reality something he also does in later epsisodes, and maybe also have JB, and Kaitlin fight Snowbot who did have ice powers.

I do like seeing a VR Troopers episode use only one monster, and it was cool seeing JB, and Kaitlin destroy the weather station since I think seeing them destroy Grimlord’s bases as an alternative to just vehicle battles, and Battle Grid mode.

That being said I still liked the Battle Grid fight since it was cool to see a Battle Grid segment that doesn’t come right after the regular Skug battle since it makes the Battle Grid fight feel like it’s own thing vs just an extension of the regular Skug fight.

I also like that we got to see the Troopers transform back out of Battle Grid mode even if it’s just their regular Battle Grid transformations in reverse.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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