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Old 02/24/16, 09:55 AM   #161
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

The other Rangers jumped out of the Megazord, and Jason called out "Okay guys now's our chance". They all called out "Power Axe", "Power Bow", "Power Lance", "Power Daggers", and "Power Sword", and assembled the Power Blaster.

The Rangers shouted out "Fire", and the Power Blaster shot out a lasers at the Sword of Darkness completely disintegrating it. Tommy clutched his helmet, and once again cried out in pain as once again purple electricity surged through him.

Only this time the Purple electricity concentrated into a single ball, and left Tommy before completely dissipating away. Zack cheered "Yeah the Sword of Darkness is destroyed Rita's spell is broken". Tommy got back up, and "Oh man what happened?"
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Old 02/24/16, 09:55 AM   #162
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Tommy explained "I don't know how to explain it. It's like I wanted to do that stuff but at the time same time it was like somebody took me out, and put someone else in". Jason assured him "Tommy what you did was because of Rita's influence".

Tommy was still sorry "After all the things I have done what can I do now?" he asked. Jason replied "If you really want to help you can start by helping us fight Rita". He further explained "With you by our side there's no way Rita can stop us".

Then Tommy's Dragon Dagger started glowing, and it went back to him as Zordon's voice called out "Jason is right Tommy a new Ranger means new powers, and together you can now use them to defeat Rita, and her monsters".
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Old 02/24/16, 09:56 AM   #163
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While at her Palace Rita was furious she yelled "Those stupid Rangers they ruined another one of my brilliant plans". Goldar assured her "My queen Scorpina, and I will go down to Earth, and avenge you". Rita then ordered "Then do it".

Goldar, and Scorpina teleported down to Earth, and Rita threw her scepter, and called out "Magic wand make my monsters grow". Then Goldar, and Scorpina once again turned into giants, and Scorpina once again mutated into her monster form.

Zack cried out "It's Goldar". Followed by Billy with "And Scorpina". Tommy exclaimed "Leave it to me guys this is one wrong I just got to make right". Tommy once again blew into the Dragon Dagger, and reactivated the Dragonzord, and once again jumped into it's cockpit.
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Old 02/24/16, 09:56 AM   #164
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Goldar, and Scorpina tried to slash, and stab the Dragonzord with their swords while the Dragonzord fought back with missles,, and tail whips. Zordon called out "Rangers call forth the Dragon Battlezord". Tommy complied "Right".

Zack agreed "Let's do this guys". Then Tommy, Billy, Trini, and Zack all cried out "Dragon Battlezord power now". Then the Dragonzord combined with the Mastodon, Triceratops, and Saber Tooth Tiger Zords, and became the Dragon Battlezord".

Goldar cried out "Oh no it's the Dragon Battlezord". Followed by Scorpina with "Let's get out of here". Then the two monsters teleported back to Rita's Palace where Rita once again screamed "Ahh how can this be. Why am I surrounded by such incompetent morons".
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Old 02/24/16, 09:57 AM   #165
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Later at the Command Center Tommy still wanted to apologize to everyone else. "Hey Nemo I just want to say I'm sorry for what I did especially to you in that cave if it wasn't for you I wouldn't even be the Green Ranger".

Then he turned to Alpha, Zordon, and Quagmire, and said "And that goes double for you guys I guess when Nemo told me about the Green Ranger powers I was so excited about being a Ranger that I didn't think about any downsides".

Quagmire assured Tommy "Aye now that you're free from Rita's spell. Things I feel will turn out well". Zordon agreed "We are witnessing history in the making. For the first time in 10,000,000 years the Green Ranger has become one of us".
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Old 02/24/16, 09:57 AM   #166
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Nemo then explained "Thanks you guys but me, and dad have to go back to the magical forest". And with that Quagmire, and Nemo teleported away. Then Zordon explained "Tommy now that you are a true Power Ranger you must remember three basic rules or lose the protection of the power".

Zordon once again explained "First never escalate a battle unless Rita forces you to. Second never use your power for personal gain, and finally keep your identity a secret no one may know that you are a Power Ranger".

Tommy agreed "You can count on me". Jason patted Tommy on his shoulder, and said proudly "You're one of us now". Then Billy gave Tommy a green communicator, and said "Here Alpha, and I made this for you". Tommy humbly accepted it, and said "Hey thanks Billy". Then Tommy, and The Rest of the Rangers put their hands together as they all jumped in the air, and once again shouted "Power Rangers"

Whelp everybody that's it for now next time it's going to be my first ever original episode, and a special announcement.
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Old 02/27/16, 09:24 PM   #167
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Power Rangers Dino Episode 10

Rangers in the Outfield

Written by Justin Best.

It was sports, and fitness day at Angel Grove high, and all the boys were on the field playing Baseball. It was Billy's turn at the bat. Bulk was taunting "Hey dweebo try to hit my special deluxe fast ball". Zack tried to assure him "Don't listen to him Billy you can do it".

Then Bulk threw the ball, and Billy tried to hit it but missed. Jason tried to assure him "Come on Billy you'll get the next one". Then Bulk threw some more balls but Billy missed them too. Tommy tried to assure him "Don't worry about it maybe you'll get this part".

Later it was Billy's turn to throw the ball. Billy tried to throw the ball but Bulk, and Skull hit it every time. Then they tried to give Billy a catcher position but Billy couldn't catch the ball either. After the game Billy was frustrated.

"I don't get it guys I did everything I could but it seems like nothing works". Jason tried to assure him "Come on Billy it's not that bad". Zack agreed "Yeah maybe Baseball's just not your thing maybe there's something else you're good at".

Last edited by Zabitan; 11/18/17 at 05:56 PM.
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Old 02/27/16, 09:25 PM   #168
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Meanwhile the girls were in the gym practicing Gymnaistics, and Trini was on the balance beam. Kimberly cheered "Come on Trini you can do it". Trini tried to do a move but fell off. Kimberly ran over, and helped her up, and asked Trini are you okay?".

Trini replied "Yeah I'm okay I'm just not sure I'm good at this." But Kimberly tried to assure her "Come on let's try something else". Then the girls tried cartwheels but when Trini tried she kept falling over. Trini was starting to get frustrated "Man I can't get anything right ".

Kimberly tried to assure her "Come maybe there's something else you're good at" Trini agreed "I guess you're right". Kimberly then said "Oh shoot we have to meet the guys over at the field", and the girls left the gym.
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Old 02/27/16, 09:26 PM   #169
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The girls then met with the boys, and Kimberly asked "So how was baseball practice?". Billy answered "It was okay everyone else did great but I stunk". Jason asked "So how was gymnastics?". Trini answered "Everyone else was good but I messed up at everything".

Jason assured both of them "Don't worry guys there's gotta be something you guys could do". While this was happening Bulk, and Skull where still practicing when Bulk taunted "Come on lamebrain hit the ball".

Tommy said "Hey guys practice is over". But Bulk rebutted "Maybe for you pencil necks but me, and Skull are still perfecting my special deluxe fast ball". Skull parroted "Yeah special deluxe fast ball". Then they went back.

Skull then hit the ball, and it flew out of control towards to Billy, and Trini. Luckily however not only was Trini able to catch the ball but Billy was able jump out of the way, and did an accidental backflip. Trini asked "Are you okay Billy.
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Old 02/27/16, 09:27 PM   #170
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Billy replied "I think so". Just then Mr. Caplan, and Mrs. Applebee appeared. Mr Caplan said "Young lady you've got quite the arm on you". Mrs. Apple also said "And I never saw a backflip like yours young man".

Mr. Caplan had an idea "Hey Ms. Kwan how would you like to try out for the Baseball team?". Followed by Mrs. Applebee with "And how would you like to try out for the Gymnastics team Mr. Cranston?". Billy, and Trini thought hard about it.

Billy eventually said "I suppose that would be a perfect physical challenge for me". Trini agreed "And I'd probably do better at Baseball too". Mr. Caplan was thrilled "All right then see you on the field tomorrow Ms. Kwan".

Mrs. Applebee followed "And see you in the gymnasium Mr. Cranston". Billy answered "Affirmative". Followed by Trini with "You can count on me". Then Mr. Caplan, and Mrs. Applebee left, and Zack said "See it turned out okay after all".

Bulk protested "No way am I letting a girl on my team". Skull paroted "Yeah me neither". Tommy tried to assure her "Don't listen to them Trini". Zack agreed "Yeah we know you can do it". Trini said "Thanks you guys", and they all left.
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