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Old 03/17/15, 10:55 PM   #141
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was good.

I liked the plot about Grimlord turning Kaitlin's cousin into a mutant just to keep him from doing a benefit concert.

I also thought Fiddlebot was a cool monster with cool powers.

I also liked the part where JB destroyed the Skugs with his Laser Lance.

My only problem is that not in the Metalder episode this was based on but the one Computer Captive was based on Fiddlebot's counterpart returned as a good guy to help a little girl who got lost in the villains base, and even got a happy ending.

Like maybe Keith's personality took over Fiddlebot to the point where he wanted to play fiddle more than destroying the Troopers, and eventually quit being a bad guy, and even after being separated from Keith still wanted to play music instead of being a bad guy.

At the same time I can see why that would mean having to take out the stuff with JB, and Kaitlin in Trooper mode without making it a two parter.

Fun Fact the guys who played Kaitlin's cousin, and his band are a band in real life also called The Young Dubliners, and pretty much played themselves.

Only 3 more episodes until the Season One finale

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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Old 03/19/15, 02:52 AM   #142
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Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Virtually Powerless written by Stewart St. John and directed by Robert Hughes.

So we start off with today's "my dad taught me" moment where Ryan once again talks about how his dad taught him that nothing's impossible if you keep trying.

Then we go to an arcade where the Troopers are playing Smash TV when the creepy owner tells them he has a new game called Dark Oddysey that is so hard no one can even get past the first level, and the Troopers decide to try it.

Then at Ziktor industries the owner tells Ziktor what's happening, and he transforms into Grimlord, and orders Dice to destroy Ryan.

Back at the arcade the Troopers play the game which is a cross between After Burner, and Star Fox.with Cthuluu monsters when an electric shock hits their virtualizers, and they tell the owner who runs off into an alley, and transforms into an army of Skugs.

The Troopers decide right then, and there to transform but their virtualizers are fried so they all just punch, and kick, and throw the Skugs while Jeb gives video game related commentary.

JB then kicks, and throws some Skugs into a box while Ryan, and Kaitlin kick the others onto some wooden planks, and the Skugs are destroyed.

The Troopers then decide to go to the lab while at the Virtual Dungeon Decimator informs Grimlord that the plan worked, and Grimlord checks on Dice.

At the lab the Professor tells the Troopers he can't fix the virtualizers but Kaitlin has an idea, and they see Poindexter, and after some comedy bits the Troopers explain everything to Poindexter.
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Old 03/19/15, 02:52 AM   #143
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Back at the Virtual Dungeon Decimator informs Grimlord that Poindexter is repairing the virtualizers so Grimlord orders him to kidnap Poindexter.

At Poindexter's lab Poindexter himself has finished Ryan's virtualizer so they go out, and Ryan transforms, and tests his powers but Skugs appear, and kidnaps Poindexter while Mutant Skugs attack Ryan who defeats the mutant Skugs but loses Poindexter.

The Skugs hold Poindexter at a warehouse, and tie him to an assembly line, and Grimlord appears on a viewscreen, and demands that Poindexter give up the Troopers secrets but he refuses so Grimlord turns the widescreen into a fiery vortex with the assembly line slowly pulling Poindexter towards it.

Back at Poindexter's lab the Professor finds Poindexter but since Ryan's virtualizer is the only one that works he has to transform alone.

Ryan finds the warehouse but Dice fires arrows from a crossbow, so Ryan knocks them out of the air, but Dice comes after Ryan with his spear but Ryan keeps blocking it.

JB, and Kaitlin decide to rescue Poindexter while after some recycled footage from Oh Brother it turns out Ryan's virtualizer isn't completely repaired because his powers fading

Kaitlin, and JB arrive at the warehouse, and have a brief battle with Skugs while Poindexter is almost at the vortex.

Ryan's powers are still fading but a vision of his father encourages him to keep trying, and he jump kicks Dice, uses a turbo charged karate chop, and destroys Dice with Internal Gyro Command.

JB, and Kaitlin destroy the Skugs, and save Poindexter while at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at Poindexter's lab Poindexter has completely restored the Troopers' virtualizers, and is excited that he now knows who the Troopers are, and wants to tell everyone he knows so the Troopers use mind wiping device, and Poindexter goes back to showing off his inventions.

Anyway "I miss you dad" the end.
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Old 03/19/15, 02:53 AM   #144
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was another good but not great one.

I liked the idea of Grimlord temporarily destroying their powers, and the Troopers needing someone to fix them.

I also liked that they brought back Poindexter as a character since before this point it seemed like they had completely replaced him with Percy.

I got a kick out of the fact that they actually showed the Troopers playing Smash TV a video game which while tame by today's standards I imagine would like if you saw one of the Power Rangers playing Five Nights at Freddy's, on an episode of Dino Charge.

I thought the fight with Dice was cool I just wish the Metalder episode they used had a different monster.then one we already saw.

I thought the fight with the Mutant Skugs was cool but it seemed like something that was better suited to give Ryan something to do for an episode that only used a Spielban monster.

Mostly because I thought it would have been better to see JB, and Kaitlin do something in costume in this episode like a spaceship or base battle.

Especially since this was an episode where they surprisingly added Metalder footage.

Only 2 more episodes until the Season One finale.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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Old 03/19/15, 10:39 PM   #145
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at New Kids on the Planet written by, and directed by Robert Hughes.

So we start off with today's "my dad taught me" moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him that just because something is different doesn't mean you should afraid of it.

Then we go to Crossworld Forest where the Troopers are camping, and after a comedy bit with Jeb eating hot dogs a weird cgi bucket flies through the air then it lands, and two children a boy named Neon, and a girl named Niklon in silver jumpsuits carrying a device that looks like a giant lightbulb.

Neon, and Niklon get out the bucket which flies off by itself, and Neon, and Niklon explain that they're
from another planet, and the device they're carrying is a part that needs repairing, and the alien children use telekinesis to give the part to the Troopers.

At Ziktor industries one of Ziktor's secretaries informs him about what's going on, and he orders her to capture the aliens, then he explains his plan to use the aliens' technology for his own ends then he transforms into Grimlord, and explains his plan to his mutants.

At the lab the alien children now named Eaj, and Nikla show some Spielban footage, and that their home planet of Sakras was destroyed by war so their friends, and family went them on a spaceship to a distant asteroid colony when their spaceship broke down, and the flying bucket was just a mini shuttle.

While at the Virtual Dungeon Decimator informs Grimlord that the aliens are with the Troopers so he summons Icebot, and orders him to send Skugs after the aliens.

The Troopers take the aliens to Tao dojo, and spar to show them some martial arts, and the aliens explain that they have their own version of that, and float in the air doing flips, and waving their arms, and afterwards the Troopers make them promise not to use their powers in public, and decide to have the kids dress into regular Earth clothes while unbeknownst to them Percy sees everything about the aliens.
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Old 03/19/15, 10:39 PM   #146
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Then the Troopers decide to take the kids to the Underground Voice Daily, and the kids show off their powers like storing things in their forheads, and telepathy which leads to a comedy bit where the Troopers find out that Percy knows about the aliens.

The Troopers wonder what to do about Percy when a black van shows up, and Pizza delivery guy comes out, and after Ryan explains he didn't order anything the delivery guy transforms into an army of Skugs.

First the Troopers punch, and kick the Skugs then they kick, and flip them. Then Ryan tricks a Skug into hitting a wall, Kaitlin trips one with her arm, and JB gets kicked by another while two other Skugs kidnap the kids.

The Troopers destroy the Skugs they were fighting but are too late to rescue the kids then the Professor contacts the Troopers, and informs them that Grimlord has sent Blue Boar into our reality so the Troopers transform.

Kaitlin fights Skugs while Blue Boar comes after Ryan with his sword so Ryan kicks him but it doesn't work, and Blue Boar hits him.

JB finds the van, stops it with his hands, and then throws it back but it transforms into a mutant named Vanbot, and jumps at JB but JB kicks him so Vanbot transforms back into a van.

Blue Boar punches Ryan while Kaitlin keeps fighting Skugs, and JB on the Turbo Cycle chases after Vanbot who fires electricity while Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers fire from the air, and Vanbot jumps on the Turbo Cycle so JB takes the fight to virtual reality, and knocks Vanbot off.

Blue Boar keeps coming after Ryan with his sword, and Ryan keeps kicking so Ryan jumps onto a rock, and jumps down doing a vertical Lighting Hand then he follows with a horizontal Lighting Hand, and destroys Blue Boar while Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers keep firing on JB so he uses Techno Bazooka to destroy them.

Then JB grabs Vanbot, and shoots him with his laser causing Vanbot to stop allowing Ryan, and Kaitlin to rescue the kids, and JB destroys Vanbot with Laser Lance, and at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord once again shames his minions for failure.

Later at the forest the kids are back in their space clothes, and the Troopers have finished repairing their part so the the flying metal bucket comes back, and they say good bye, and go back to the ship.

Anyway "I miss you dad" the end.
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Old 03/19/15, 10:39 PM   #147
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was pretty good.

I liked the plot with the alien children since it felt like what I think a hypothetical adaptation of just Spielban would look like had the show gone with the original idea of Cybertron.

I liked Vanbot because of the fact that he was a robot that could transform into a van though I'm not sure of I feel about his robot form since it's just a van with hands, and feet with a face on the bottom.

I thought the fight with Blue Boar was cool though I almost wish they saved it for the end of the Season but like with Race to the Rescue the Season's almost done, and we're even closer to running out of Metalder footage.

I can't even think of anything that they skipped ththat I would have kept since everything they took out of the Metalder or Spielban episodes was stuff that I would have saved for other episodes.

My only thing is how they didn't resolve the sub plot of Percy finding out about the aliens.

Only 1 more episode until the Season One finale.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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Old 03/22/15, 12:48 AM   #148
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Message from Space written by, Margo McCahon and directed by Robert Hughes.

So we start off with today's "my dad taught me" moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him that with hope, and hard work you can accomplish anything.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where Woody is using a model train to give everyone weird snacks ending with him, and Percy fighting over the controls, and Percy breaking the train.

Then the Troopers get a message from the Professor so they sneak over to the archives when no one's looking, and the Professor tells them that they have a message from Dr. Monroe a NASA scientist who says that when they reestablished contact with an old satellite they got a message from Ryan's father in the Virtual Dungeon, and that he wants to meet the Troopers, and the Professor personally to show them the message.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor himself intercepts the message from Tyler, and decides to have his secretary kidnap Dr. Monroe just to be a dick to Ryan, and then he transforms into Grimlord, and orders a black grim reaper themed mutant with a scythe for a hand named Skullbot to destroy Ryan.

The Troopers wait for Dr. Monroe's train to arrive, and Ryan is nervous about what the message could be, and Dr. Monroe's train arrives the Troopers go to see him but he's quickly abducted by Skugs.

So JB asks some random guy who looks like Breckin Meyer (though considering when this came out, and that Jaime Kennedy was almost on this show that could very well be him but don't quote me on that) to borrow a motorcycle.

JB briefly turns into Hako from Metalder, and in just a few minutes proves everything I said about Ghost Biker, and chases after the Skugs, and Skullbot but Air Striker, and Fighterbot fire on him, and he makes it out okay but he loses the Skugs so Ryan transforms.

Ryan finds the car the Skugs, and Dr. Monroe were in empty by a warehouse so Ryan goes in, and sees Skullbot holding Dr. Monroe hostage. Then Skullbot cuts Dr. Monroe, and he and Ryan jump up, and down a bunch of times then Skullbot makes knives come out of his feet, and jumps at Ryan with them
But Ryan dodges, and punches Skullbot who disappears, and Ryan finds out that the Dr. Monroe Skullbot attacked was just a robot, and the real one is trapped in another warehouse while Skugs play hot potato with his briefcase.
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Old 03/22/15, 12:48 AM   #149
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At the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord, and Skullbot go over how the briefcase Ryan has is a bomb, and Ryan's more concerned about the briefcase then the fact that Dr. Monroe was a robot.

but thankfully JB, and Kaitlin have common sense, and convince Ryan to use a bomb disposal robot to open the briefcase from a distance, and Kaitlin realizes that the real briefcase is with the real Dr. Monroe so the Troopers head to the lab.
At the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord, and Zelton implant a power chip into Skullbot that will enable him to destroy the Troopers.

While at the lab the the Professor suggests using the visors to use a satellite that the government is letting them use just once to find Dr. Monroe through a security chip implanted in him, and the Troopers find Dr. Monroe, and decide to transform..

Skullbot goes after Ryan with his scythe but Ryan dodges so Skullbot tries to run away, and sneak up on Ryan so he can try again while Kaitlin, and JB fight Skugs who try to use their capes to trap JB but he blows off one Skugs helmet revealing it's robotic face, and destroys them with Laser Lance while Kaitlin rescues Dr. Monroe.

The Professor tells Ryan that Skullbot has an explosive device in his chest that will blow up if Ryan punches him then Skullbot attacks Ryan with his scythe, and lodges it into Ryan's arm, and uses a sword with his other one.

But Ryan blocks, and throws the sword so Skullbot electrocutes him so Ryan dislodges the Scythe, and punches Skullbot destroying him then Dr. Monroe gives the Troopers the briefcase, and Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

At the lab the Troopers open the briefcase, and shows them Tyler Steele trying to escape Grimlord's dungeon but failing.

Anyway "I miss you dad" the end.
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Old 03/22/15, 12:48 AM   #150
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was pretty good.

I liked the idea of Tyler Steele sending a message to the Troopers, and Grimlord trying to stop Ryan from seeing it.

I thought Skullbot was cool with his grim reaper motif, and powers.

I also liked the part with JB on the motorcycle using Metalder footage.

I also thought it was funny that Ryan's first reaction to findIng out that Dr. Monroe was a robot was that it was weird but he didn't question it.

I think my only nitpick may be that I felt that the fights with Skullbot felt like they could have been made into one fight without hurting anything.

I suppose I should talk about the infamous Metalder footage they took out where Metalder severed his own arm to get rid of Skullbot's counterpart but I don't know by that logic they should have kept the part where Skullbot's counterpart dreamt about Metalder destroying Neros Empire.

When we come back we'll look at the Season One finale.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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