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Old 03/10/15, 07:59 PM   #121
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at The Couch Potato Kid written by Margo McCahon, and directed by John Grant Weil.

So we start off with today's "my dad taught me" moment where Ryan again talks about how his dad taught him that overcoming obstacles is what life is all about.

We then go to Tao dojo where Ryan, and JB are sparing, and afterwards Tao comes in with a little boy who he explains is his nephew Ricky who's a couch potato, and his parents want him to do other stuff, and the Troopers explain they made an obstacle course, and think maybe that could help.

Meanwhile at Ziktor industries Ziktor is watching clips of his mutants being defeated from previous episodes so he transforms into Grimlord, and asks Decimator why the Troopers always win, and he explains that he thinks it's because their always training.

So Grimlord decides to hold a competition to train his warriors with the winner being the one to destroy the Troopers but one robot a camouflage colored mutant named Combax believes he doesn't need training so Grimlord challenges him to lure Ryan into a trap, and Combax accepts.

At the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin asks Woody to help pay for the obstacle course, and he agrees but wants Percy to enter, and do a story about it, and at first Percy doesn't want to do it but when Kaitlin doesn't think he can do it he accepts leading to a comedy bit.

Then we get a montage cutting back, and forth between the Troopers training on the obstacle course, and Metalder footage of Grimlord's mutants in virtual reality having their competition.

Then there's a funny bit where The Blade hits an obstacle, and tries to go over the rope but it electrocutes him so The Magician just jumps over but is taken down by Bugbot who teleports from behind.

Then Chrome Dome appears, and just blasts his way through the obstacle while Slice appears, and grabs The Magician's flag, and Cannon Nose just runs through everything.

While the Troopers are trying to find a way to make the obstacle course more challenging so they ask Ricky, and he recommends some barrels so people can jump over them, and they think it's a good idea.

Then we go back to Grimlord's competition where Bugbot runs into a minefield, and is blown back but Spitbot teleports around it while Air Striker, and Cannon Nose fly over.

Back with the Troopers Ricky is actually starting to enjoy the obstacle course while Grimlord contacts Combax who's spying on them, and he decides to kidnap Ricky to lure Ryan to the rest of the mutants, and Grimlord agrees.

So a little boy appears, and lures Ricky into the woods while the Troopers set up the obstacle course, and when the Troopers follow the other boy transforms into an army of Skugs.
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Old 03/10/15, 07:59 PM   #122
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First the Troopers punch, and kick the Skugs but Combax bursts from the ground, and kidnaps Ricky, and the Troopers keep punching, and kicking the Skugs while Combax runs off with Ricky but then they hear him, and realize he's in trouble.

Ryan tricks two of the Skugs into punching each other while JB, and Kaitlin kick the last two Skugs into each other destroying them.

The Troopers realize Grimlord has Ricky so they contact the Professor who recommends using the lab's computer, and the Skybase, and they waste no time, and transform.

The Troopers find Combax, and Ricky in a van, and Ryan summons the Turbo Cycle, and jumps down to get on it, and chases after the van.

Eventually Combax gets to a cave so he gets out, and Ryan chases after them but can't see anything, and there's too much echoing but Ricky uses his camera to make flashes, and Ryan follows.

Back at the competition Chrome Dome is in the lead with Slice, Spitbot, and Torpedobot trailing behind so Air Striker carries Torpedobot but Renegade shoots them down.

Then it's just Wolfbot, Minotaurbot, and Slice climbing a cliff, and Minotaurbot uses his grappling hook but Slice can't do it, and Wolfbot climbs on Minotaurbot, and knocks off him off and winning the competition.

But Grimlord appears, and reveals that Combax won because he succeeded in his mission to lure Ryan then Combax himself appears with Ricky with Ryan behind them.

Wolbot attacks Ryan, and grabs his legs, and throws him then Wolfbot scratches Ryan with his claws, and then bites his arm but Ryan throws Wolfbot and jump kicks Toxoid.

Ryan rescues Ricky, and jumps off the cliff with him so Combax goes after them, and punches, and kicks Ryan who just punches, and kicks back.

So Combax runs off, and lures Ryan into a trap but Ryan escapes, punches Combax, and destroys him with Lighting Hand.

Then JB, and Kaitlin jump down, and the Troopers explain the moral of the story to him while Grimlord just once again swears vengeance on them.

Then we get a montage of Percy sucking at the obstacle course then Ricky had a go at it, and we get another montage of Percy still sucking at the obstacle course while Ricky does better.

Anyway "I miss you dad" the end.
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Old 03/10/15, 08:00 PM   #123
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was a weird one for me because I liked it for a lot of the right reasons but I also enjoyed it for all the wrong reasons as well.

I thought the message was okay since it wasn't just "don't play video games, and watch tv ever" it was just "hey do other stuff besides just video games, and tv"

I just thought it was weird that we're supposed to believe Ricky is a couch potato yet he actually liked the obstacle course even before the Troopers flat out told him the message.

And even then it seemed like it wasn't so much Ricky didn't want to do anything but video games, and tv as much as he just didn't know they were other things besides them.

I think it's also because especially with Ryan's monologues you'd think it was because Ricky wanted to get into sports but wasn't good at them.

Or something like what we saw with Percy, and Combax where neither of them wanted to train because they both thought that they were already good at it.

I also liked Combax since he had a neat design with his camouflage pattern.

I also liked the parts with the competition because it was funny to see all the various antics of the mutants.

My only gripe is that even with just a Metalder monster they still cut out stuff.

Only 9 more episodes until the Season One finale

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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Old 03/11/15, 09:17 PM   #124
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at The Old Switcheroo written by Al Winchel , and directed by John Grant Weil.

So we start off with today's "my dad taught me" moment where Ryan talks about the time he first got Jeb.

At the Underground Voice Daily the paper is holding a fifth anniversary party, and Kaitlin is getting ready to do a story about a scientist named Dr. Unger who has invented a device that can transfer properties from one, and give them to another.

At Ziktor industries one of his secretaries informs him that they tried to purchase Dr. Unger's device but he refused to sell it.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and orders his mutants to steal the device so he can use it to steal the powers of the Troopers, and give it to the mutants.

The Troopers arrive at Dr. Unger's lab, and Ryan stays with Jeb since it doesn't allow pets, and Dr. Unger shows Kaitlin, and JB the device but it's been stolen by a mysterious woman, and when Ryan finds out he chases her but she turns out to be a Skug.

The Skug tries to hit Ryan with its bag but Ryan dodges so it summons more Skugs to help, and they kick Ryan but he just punches, and kicks back.

Grimlord orders one of the Skugs to use the device on Ryan but Jeb jumps in to protect him, and Kaitlin, and JB see what's going on so the Skugs retreat.

When Kaitlin, and JB see if Ryan is okay they find out that Ryan, and Jeb switched bodies while at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord summons Icebot who has a new robot a bronze mutant with a giant claw named Mechanoid.

At the lab the Professor explains that he'll try to track the device while Kaitlin remembers the party at the Underground Voice Daily so everyone goes, and after numerous comedy bits of Jeb in Ryan's body the Professor informs the Troopers that he found the device so JB, and Kaitlin transform to go after it.
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Old 03/11/15, 09:17 PM   #125
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

JB, and Kaitlin arrive at where the Professor told them to go, and Quantum Cruisers, and Air Fighters fire on them so JB uses Techno Bazooka.

While we get another comedy bit where Jeb chases a squirrel up a tree in Ryan's body JB, and Kaitlin find the device protected by Mechanoid who attacks JB with his claw arm so JB, and Kaitlin fire on Mechanoid but it doesn't phase him.

So Kaitlin kicks Mechanoid but he just punches her away so JB tries to attack but Mechanoid punches, and grabs him, and JB tries to use his laser but it still doesn't work, and Mechanoid keeps beating them up.

Ryan tries to transform to help his friends thinking maybe it will put him, and Jeb back in their own bodies but it doesn't work, and Grimlord sends Decimator after Jeb thinking he's Ryan.

Decimator comes after Jeb with his sword so the Professor gives Ryan a visor, and a joystick so he can control Jeb remotely, and has Jeb pick up a large piece of wood to use as a weapon.

JB uses Laser Lance to destroy Mechanoid, but Grimlord destroys the device but all that does is reverse the effect, and Ryan, and Jeb are back in their real bodies.

So Ryan jumps with the large piece of wood but Decimator slices it with his sword but Ryan uses Lighting Hand but Decimator retreats, and Grimlord once again shames his minions, and swears vengeance on the Troopers.

At Tao dojo the Troopers regret having Dr. Unger's device destroyed but are glad Grimlord doesn't have his hands on it, and that everything is normal again but then we get one last comedy bit where the delivery guy from The Dognapping appears with a whole bunch of food Jeb ordered when he was still in Ryan's body.

Anyway "I miss you dad" the end.
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Old 03/11/15, 09:18 PM   #126
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was another funny episode.

Mostly because of all the parts with Jeb in Ryan's body.

I also liked the idea of the device that could give properties of one thing, and give them to another, and Grimlord trying to get his hands on it to give his mutants the Troopers' powers.

I also liked Mechanoid with his claw arm, and design.

My only problem was that they cut out out a bit from the beginning of the fight with Mechanoid in the Spielban episode.

And a bit from the end of the fight from the Metalder episode where when Metalder cut Coolgin's helmet revealing he had a second helmet underneath since in VR Troopers they made him a robot, and they could have just said that was his real face.

Other than that the only things that got cut out was stuff we already saw in Danger in the Deep, and Littlest Trooper.

Only 8 more episodes until the Season One finale

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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Old 03/12/15, 08:08 PM   #127
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Good Trooper Bad Trooper written by Winston Richards, and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off with today's "my dad taught me" moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him to be prepared for anything.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where Kaitlin is taking pictures of twin boys who are fighting then Ryan, and JB show up, and there's a comedy bit where Woody tries to give them weird snacks.

Afterwards he explains that Kaitlin is doing a story on twins who look the same but act like opposites, and then Ryan goes to take Jeb for a walk.

At Ziktor industries one of Ziktor's secretaries gives him a device designed but never built by Ryan's father that can replicate anything from a single sample, and Ziktor takes a scale from Juliet, the machine turns it into another Juliet.

Then Ziktor transforms into Grimlord, and explains to his mutants his plan to use the device to create an evil Ryan to help them.

Ryan, and Jeb are jogging when Ryan sees a young woman who says she twisted her ankle, and Ryan puts her by her friends but the woman, and her friends are really Skugs.

The Skugs try to punch, and kick Ryan but he just kicks, and throws the Skugs into various things like pies, cakes, railings, trash cans, and barbecues.

Eventually though he kicks three of the Skugs into each other, and destroys them but still leaves one last Skug who steals a piece of Ryan's hair, and disappears.

The Skug then teleports back to Ziktor industries, turns back into human form, and gives Ziktor the sample of Ryan's hair, and he puts it into the machine, and it creates a clone of Ryan.

Ziktor then orders the clone to distract the Troopers from his plan to have his newest mutant Electrobot invade reality, and he accepts, and just so we know who's who the clone wears sunglasses so we know he's evil.

Then we get a comedy bit where Jeb sees his cousin Zeb, and runs after him with Ryan following behind while at Tao dojo Evil Ryan decides to beat up JB for no reason, and everyone wonders what's wrong with him.

At the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord summons Icebot, and we finally see Electrobot who's a giant metal disk with legs, as well as a strongman themed mutant named Samson, and various other mutants who look like oversized toys.
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Old 03/12/15, 08:09 PM   #128
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Back at Tao dojo JB, and Kaitlin are worried about how Evil Ryan is beating up a punching bag when the Professor tells them that Grimlord's mutants are getting ready to invade reality but rather than transforming, and fighting them he wants the Troopers to go to the lab.

The Troopers go to the lab but the portal puts up a force field to keep Evil Ryan out so JB, and Kaitlin go in alone, and the Professor realizes that he might be a clone.

The real Ryan appears at Tao dojo looking for Jeb but finds Tao who's still disappointed in him for the clone beating up JB, and is upset that Ryan doesn't remember it.

While at the lab the Professor tells the Troopers to contact Ryan, and JB contacts Ryan on his communicator, and Ryan still doesn't know what's going on proving that the other Ryan is a clone.

Back at Tao dojo Ryan calls to see if anyone found Jeb when Evil Ryan appears, and after some bad puns gets into a fight with the real Ryan.

Grimlord orders Icebot to send his mutants across the reality barrier so JB tries to contact Ryan again but Evil Ryan breaks his communicator, and steals his virtualizer so JB, and Kaitlin have to transform alone.

JB tries to grab Samson but Samson throws him off so Kaitlin offers to help blast Samson with her ray gun but JB grabs him again but is thrown off again so Kaitlin, and JB try to attack Samson together but he was throws them off, and Electrobot charges him, and the other robots.

While Ryan chases after Evil Ryan to the park but is too late, and Evil Ryan uses the real Ryan's virtualizer to transform, and go into the Skybase.

JB, and Kaitlin are still getting beat up by Samson who throws JB of a balcony while Kaitlin disconnects Samson's wires, and destroys him while Electrobot uses magnetism to grab JB but JB takes them to Virtual Reality, and frees himself.

But Evil Ryan appears in the Skybase, and Electrobot grabs JB with tentacles but JB kicks him off but Evil Ryan fires lasers, and drops bombs on them.

The real Ryan appears at the lab, and the Professor gives Ryan his virtualizer, and a device that will destroy Ryan's clone so Ryan transforms, and goes into the Skybase.

Ryan, and Evil Ryan fight over the controls but Ryan is able to grab Evil Ryan, and use the device on him, and grabs his virtualizer before the clone disintegrates, and Ryan retakes control of the Skybase.

JB tries to fire his laser at Electrobot but Electrobot tries to electrocute him so JB uses Laser Lance to remove the electricity, and destroy Electrobot while Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at Tao dojo the Troopers make a poster to find Jeb, and Ryan apologizes to Tao for what his clone did, and we get one last comedy bit with Jeb, and Zeb.

Anyway "I miss you dad" the end.
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Old 03/12/15, 08:10 PM   #129
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was pretty good.

In fact Brad Hawkins himself says it's his favorite episode, and I can see why.

It was pretty cool to him be the bad guy for once, and we get to see him fight himself both as Brad Hawkins, and as Metalder.

I also liked Electrobot, and Samson since they had cool designs, and powers.

And I thought that it was cool that we actually see Kaitlin destroy a monster in an episode something I don't think happened in Spielban.

And I can't think of anything that got cut out that I would have left in.

Only 7 more episodes until the Season One finale

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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Old 03/14/15, 01:35 AM   #130
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at The Transmutant written by Mark Litton, and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off with today's "my dad taught me" moment where Ryan once again talks about how his dad taught him to be prepared for anything.

We then go to Tao dojo where Ryan, and Kaitlin are sparing while JB is studying for a test he has to take in a few hours, and Tao suggests he study someplace quieter, and he decides to go to the park, and after a comedy bit Jeb decides to tag along.

At Ziktor industries the Skug from Small but Mighty who invented the de-aging device comes in with some green slime called the Metamorphosis Pulse he says can turn humans into mutants but only if they're in the virtual world.

So Ziktor transforms into Grimlord, and summons Icebot, and explains his plan to use the slime to transform the Troopers into mutants.

At the park JB tries to study while Jeb looks for other dogs when a soccer ball hits JB, and he throws to the guys who kicked it but they both turn out to be Skugs.

The Skugs try to kick JB but he kicks them back, and kicks one Skug into a trashcan to then proceeds to use a soccer ball as weapon, and kicks two Skugs into each other, and kicks a third one into a soccer net.

Then the Skug who was kicked into the trashcan gets out, and tries to use it as a weapon but JB dodges, and it hits the other Skug, and JB kicks them into each other.

Grimlord orders the fight be taken to the Battle Grid so JB transforms into Battle Grid mode, and we get a full portal sequence with just JB, and a landing scene of just JB.

Then the Skugs show up, and JB jumps in the air, and we get some recycled footage from The Dojo Plot but instead of JB getting hit he punches a Skug then he does a mid air somersault, and punches, and kicks some more Skugs but one kicks him, and Grimlord orders Icebot to activate the slime, and a Skug shoots JB with it, and he's forced to retreat from the Battle Grid.

Ryan, and Kaitlin are done sparing when the Professor contacts them, and tells them what happened so they go to the park to find JB having turned back into Michael Bacon covered in green jello, and after asking Jeb what happened take JB to the lab.

At the lab the lab's machines suck up the slime, and scan JB, and the Professor says he's ok, then JB wakes up, and he no longer wants to study for the test or go to college, and leaves, and the Professor explains he's changing so the others follow him.

JB arrives at Tao dojo, and tells Tao he's quitting, and then he starts glowing green, and Ryan, and Kaitlin show up, and JB's skin turns green, and his hair turns white, and then he completely turns into a mutant, and teleports, and Grimlord appears to tell Ryan, and Kaitlin that he plans to do the same thing to them.
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