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Old 02/20/15, 11:26 PM   #91
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

At the lab the Professor doesn't recognize the Troopers until they explain what's going on, and a reality break occurs in sector L7 (not joking).

So the Troopers ask if they can still transform and the Professor says they can but only for a few minutes, and the Troopers decide that's enough so they transform complete with a new transformation effect.

Quantum Cruisers, and tanks appear so Ryan summons the Battle Cruiser to destroy the tanks while JB destroys the Quantum Cruisers, and Air Fighters with Techno Bazooka.

Then Crainoid appears, and JB tries to fight him with his sword but Crainoid punches him so Kaitlin tries her sickle weapon but Crainoid goes after her so JB tries again but Crainoid just deals with him again.

Ivar appears in Ravage Tank to fight while Crainoid shoots electricity at JB, and Kaitlin fire lasers at him, and JB finishes Crainoid off with Laser Lance.

While Ryan pushes Ivar off a cliff but Ivar's jet fighter detached from his tank so Ryan chases after Ivar in his own jet fighter, and shoots down Ivar.

The Troopers go into the Skybase but more Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers appear, and their VR powers give out but Ryan is able to shoot down the Quantum Cruisers, and Air Fighters, and Grimlord once again shames his minions for failure.

At the lab the Professor tells the Troopers that he's reversed the device but first the Troopers goof off while they're still kids, and then the Professor turns them back to normal.

Anyway "I miss you dad" the end.
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Old 02/20/15, 11:27 PM   #92
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts

Today's episode was one of those weird episodes where I liked the story, and I liked the monster but I don't know if the monster they picked was right for it.

Mostly because the Spielban episode they used was a later episode that contained a lot of stuff that we won't see until season two like Gran Nazca's robot form, and Helen Lady in armor or stuff we saw in Digging for Fire, and civilians.

But at the same time they cut out like half the fight from Spielban not to mention that Helen Lady appears in armor for quite a bit of the fight in the Spielban episode which makes me think they could have just have just had a different monster.

Though I did like the story mostly because I thought it was a better "the heroes turn into kids" story than some of the ones in Power Rangers (coughAlien Rangerscough)

And I still thought Crainoid was a cool monster with his whole body being made of brains.

And with that we are 3/5s of the way into Season One.

And not only that but next week we'll look at one of my favorite episodes, and my favorite episode of Season One.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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Old 02/23/15, 02:33 PM   #93
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Defending Dark Heart part 1 written by Doug Sloan, and directed by John Grant Weil.

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how you can be thinking of someone, and suddenly they'll appear.

We then go to the forest outside Crossworld City where the Troopers are getting ready to go hiking when Percy shows up, and we get a montage of the Troopers hiking while Percy sucks at it.

Then the Troopers hear some laser noises, and see some Metalder footage of Grimlord's army in our reality training or having a tournament.

We then go to Ziktor industries where Ziktor cancels his calls for the day, and brags to Juliet before transforming into Grimlord, and summoning Decimator, and they both explain that they're having a tournament to decide which mutant gets to be the next one to fight the Troopers with the odds favoring Dark Heart a black mutant with one red eye, and a large silver robotic arm who carries a rifle.

The Troopers decide there's too many mutants to fight them directly so JB scans them with his communicator so the Professor can see it but they run into three hikers who turn out to be Skugs.

Ryan and JB kick some Skugs before they both backflip onto a rock formation while Kaitlin kicks a Skug, and climbs the rock formation.

Then the Skugs jump up to where the Troopers are so Ryan, JB punches Skugs while Kaitlin dodges another.

Then JB kicks, and karate chops a Skug while Kaitlin, and Ryan kick the others.

Then finally Ryan, and JB trick two Skugs into jumping off the rock formation, and Kaitlin throws the last one into the others destroying them.

After that there's a comedy bit where Percy is hiding in a tree from a wild animal that turns out to be Jeb, and Percy refuses to let the Troopers help him because he wants to show them he can handle it himself but then sees a snake in the tree with him.

Then at the lab the Troopers, and the Professor analyze JB's scan of Grimlord's tournament, and JB gets a DNA reading from one of the mutants which the Professor explains means one of Grimlord's mutants is really human.

Then at the virtual dungeon Dark Heart has won the tournament but the other mutants aren't happy because he hasn't fought Spitbot so Dark Heart let's K from Metalder have his rifle, and he, and Spitbot have a challenge where whoever gets the rifle wins.

At first it looks like Spitbot will win with his tentacle arm but Dark Heart jumps at the last second, and gets it before Spitbot so Grimlord orders Dark Heart to destroy Ryan.

Last edited by Zabitan; 02/24/15 at 06:55 PM.
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Old 02/23/15, 02:34 PM   #94
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The Troopers go through missing persons reports but don't find anything, but then right then and there Ryan, and JB figure out that the only person they know for sure was captured by Grimlord is Ryan's father meaning they may be the mutant.

While Dark Heart appears in the real world waiting to fight Ryan who later has a nightmare where he figures out Dark Heart is his father but is completely under Grimlord's control.

Later at Tao dojo Ryan, and JB are sparing but Ryan keeps sucking at it, and he explains it's because he's not getting much sleep, and when Tao leaves he explains his nightmare to them.

Then the Professor contacts them on JB's communicator so they go to the lab where the Professor informs them that Dark Heart has appeared, and that he's the mutant that tested positive for the DNA sample so Ryan transforms by himself but the Professor advises him to take the Turbo Cycle in case there's a battle.

Dark Heart appears on his own motorcycle, and fires his rifle at Ryan who keeps dodging while Percy has finally come back down from the tree, and sees the battle, and takes pictures of it but Skugs catch him so the Professor tells JB, and Kaitlin, and they rush over to save Percy.

Then Ryan knocks Dark Heart off his motorcycle, and throws a knife into Dark Heart's arm making him lose his rifle which Ryan takes, and aims at Dark Heart who begs Ryan to destroy him for failure but Ryan just leaves.
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Old 02/23/15, 02:35 PM   #95
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Meanwhile JB, and Kaitlin look for Percy who are the Skugs throw into a portal which JB, and Kaitlin find, and are later sucked into as well, and it takes them to Grimlord's dungeon where the walls make spikes appear, and close in on JB, Kaitlin, and Percy.

While Grimlord orders Dark Heart be destroyed for failure , and an unnamed insectoid mutant destroys Dark Heart's rifle with acid, and all the other mutants condemn him.

Then Ryan appears at the lab, and asks if the Professor found out which person Dark Heart really is which the Professor hasn't but he does explain what happened.

To be continued.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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Old 02/24/15, 06:54 PM   #96
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Defending Dark Heart part 2 written by Doug Sloan, and directed by John Grant Weil.

So we start off where we left off JB, Kaitlin, and Percy are still in the spiked wall trap in Grimlord's dungeon, Dark Heart is going to be destroyed by the other mutants, and Ryan isn't sure what he should do.

But that all becomes a moot point when Ryan decides to save Dark Heart, and Kaitlin kisses Percy which knocks him out so he can't see her, and JB transform which they do, and use their lasers to escape the dungeon.

Then Skugs ambush Ryan but he makes quick work of them while Dark Heart jumps over two mutants, puts Ryan's knife up to Toxoid, and steals a motorcycle.

Then Ryan fights two more Skugs while the other mutants fire on Dark Heart so Ryan transforms to help him, and decides to take Dark Heart to the lab.

Meanwhile JB, and Kaitlin drop Percy off at the Underground Voice Daily, and we get a comedy bit where Percy is in a hurry to get his photos developed but he doesn't see that Woody is inside, and ruins Woody's pictures.
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Old 02/24/15, 06:56 PM   #97
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Then at the lab we see Dark Heart laying on one of the lab's machines, and Ryan explains that the Professor has tapped into Dark Heart's memory bank.

Then Ryan, and his friends put on the visors, and they see Ryan's father, and the Professor in physical form creating the VR Troopers.

Then Ryan talks to Dark Heart, and just in case you haven't got it yet we see Tyler Steele inside Dark Heart but he still doesn't remember being Tyler Steele.

Then we go back to the Underground Voice Daily where we get another comedy bit where Woody doesn't believe Percy's story so Percy shows him the pictures he took but it turns out that he was pointing his camera at himself the whole time.

Then after a brief bit at the virtual dungeon where Grimlord orders his mutants to find Dark Heart we go back to the lab where the Professor tells Ryan that if he puts his visor back on they can transfer some of Ryan's childhood memories to Dark Heart to get him to remember being Tyler Steele.

So Ryan puts his visor back on, and touches Dark Heart's head, and some clips of Ryan as a kid play, and Dark Heart mentally turns back into Tyler Steele but informs Ryan that he's still physically a mutant, and until they can get him back to normal he has to stay in virtual reality, and disappears so Ryan transforms to go help him.

Then Ryan fights off various mutants while the Professor tells JB, and Kaitlin to help Ryan so they transform as well, and pilot the Skybase against Quantum Cruisers, and Air Fighters which they quickly destroy.

Then Renegade who finally has a name pulls out two ray guns, and fires at Dark Heart but Dark Heart gets out of the way, and fires his own ray gun at Renegade.

Then Minotaurbot, and Chrome Dome tell Dark Heart they're on his side but it's a trick so Renegade can fire a laser at Dark Heart but Dark Heart escapes, and Renegade's laser hits them instead.

Then Dark Heart grabs one of Renegade's laser gun, and shoots him in the head then Dark Heart grabs, and throws Renegade then Ryan appears, and the two share a heartfelt father/son moment, and Grimlord once again shames his minions.

To be continued.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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Old 02/25/15, 08:11 PM   #98
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Defending Dark Heart part 3 written by Doug Sloan, and directed by John Grant Weil.

So we start off at Tao dojo where Tao himself is practicing karate while JB finds something surprising on his computer.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where Ryan, and Kaitlin talk about how JB is looking for a way to turn Ryan's father back to normal.

But Ziktor's Skug spy overhears them, and sneaks off to the archives to transform into his true form, and teleport to Ziktor industries where he explains what's happening to Ziktor who just has the Skug teleport back to the Underground Voice Daily, and transforms into Grimlord, and orders his mutants to keep searching for Dark Heart.

Then we go back to the Underground Voice Daily where we get a comedy bit where Percy shows up with a device he claims is a reality break detector but it just electrocutes him, and blows up a microwave.

Then JB appears on Ryan's communicator, and informs Ryan, and Kaitlin that they figured out how to devirtualize Ryan's father so they both leave.

Then they see some smoke in the distance, and they also see a woman by the side of the road who claims her barn is burning, her horses are trapped, and she doesn't have a phone.

So Ryan, Kaitlin go, and open the barn, but they just see four cowboys with a smoke machine who turn out to be Skugs.

Ryan, and Kaitlin just punch, and kick the Skugs but then one comes after Kaitlin with a branding iron, but she tricks it into branding another Skug instead.

Then Ryan knocks two of the Skugs into each other, and the Skug with the branding iron keeps coming after Kaitlin so Ryan picks up a hay pile, and throws it at the Skug knocking it into the other destroying them.

Then after a comedy bit with Percy wondering around the forest with his reality break detector we then go to the lab where JB explains that they found out that Ryan's father has a special link to Grimlord himself, and the Professor explains that the only way to sever the link is to destroy Grimlord.
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Old 02/25/15, 08:12 PM   #99
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

While at the virtual dungeon Decimator informs Grimlord that they found Dark Heart then we see Dark Heart in a field spying on Grimlord's other mutants when Air Striker spots him so the other mutants fire on Dark Heart.

Dark Heart tries to run away but there's too many mutants so he destroys them with his laser rifle but Spitbot grabs Dark Heart's rifle with his tentacle but Dark Heart destroys Polarbot.

Then The Magician comes kicks Dark Heart but Dark Heart destroys him, then Slashbot comes after him with his sword but Dark Heart blocks it with his rifle.

Then the unnamed wolf like mutant spits webbing at Dark Heart, and traps him allowing Renegade to shoot Dark Heart who falls down, and when he gets back up Renegade shoots Dark Heart in the head exposing his true robotic face.

Then we see Dark Heart chained up at Grimlord's dungeon where the other mutants want to destroy him right then, and there but Grimlord decides to use Dark Heart as bait to destroy Ryan.

At the lab the Troopers are trying to figure out how to find Grimlord's dungeon but Grimlord himself appears on the lab's monitors to tell Ryan he'll give Ryan a set of coordinates to where his father is but he must go alone otherwise Dark Heart will be destroyed so Ryan transforms by himself, and goes.

Then we go to the forest where Percy almost falls off a cliff, and then the reality break detector starts actually working, and but it unleashes a random Spielban monster.

Then we see Dark Heart being chained up with Minotaurbot, and Chrome Dome guarding him so Ryan quickly fights them off but it turns out that it's a fake Dark Heart who fires at Ryan while Renegade, and some mutant Skugs show up with the real one.

But Dark Heart escapes from the mutant Skugs, and Renegade while Ryan escapes from the fake Dark Heart, then Dark Heart kicks Renegade, and shoots the fake Dark Heart.

Then Renegade fires a laser at Ryan but Dark Heart takes it instead so Ryan destroys Renegade with Lighting Hand, and he, and Dark Heart escape.

So Grimlord orders a full scale aerial assault on the lab.

To be concluded.

Tune in next time everyone for the epic conclusion of the Defending Dark Heart storyline, and more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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Old 02/27/15, 12:22 AM   #100
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Defending Dark Heart part 4 written by Doug Sloan, and directed by John Grant Weil.

So we start off where we left off with Ryan carrying Dark Heart in the Turbo Cycle trying to reach the lab but getting no response so Dark Heart tells Ryan he has a secret lab in the mountains so they head over there.

While at the lab JB, Kaitlin, and Jeb are okay but the lab is destroyed, and they can't contact the Professor but JB says they can fix the lab.

While at Ziktor industries Ziktor transforms into Grimlord, and Decimator explains what happened, and Grimlord snarks about how an Ice cream truck with a flat tire can elude his mutants.

Back at the lab JB, and Kaitlin are still fixing everything, and JB explains that he backed up everything on some discs that he taped under her desk at the Underground Voice Daily so she goes, and gets them while at Tyler's secret lab machines are repairing Dark Heart but Air Striker finds the secret lab.

Then at the Underground Voice Daily Woody asks Kaitlin why she hasn't had a story in a week, and she explains she has a personal problem.

Then Percy comes in with the photos he took of the mutant he accidentally summoned but Jeb opens the door to the dark room on him while Kaitlin gets the disks, and tells Woody she has a new story but Percy overhears, and decides to follow her.

While at Tyler's secret lab Dark Heart is repaired but Air Striker opens fire on the secret lab so Ryan, and Dark Heart escape.

Then Air Striker contacts Grimlord who orders a ground search for Ryan, and Dark Heart to make sure they're both destroyed.

Then after a comedy bit where Kaitlin sees Percy following her so Jeb decides to get out of the car, and distract him the lab is fixed, and JB brings the lab, and the Professor back online, and the Professor tells them to see if they can find Ryan.

Ryan, and Dark Heart run into Slice who attacks them with a knife but Ryan destroys him with Lighting Hand.

So Grimlord orders an aerial assault while mutants fire on Ryan, and Dark Heart on the ground but JB , and Kaitlin are able to contact Ryan, and after to waiting for the transformation commands to work again transform to help him by piloting the Skybase, and destroying Air Striker, and Fighterbot.
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