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Old 10/05/17, 03:52 AM   #11
Ranger In Training
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Default Re: Power Rangers Pirate Squadron

Chapter 6: Jungle Karma

Bones was trying to cook, but Sanna demanded his attention.
"Bones, it's bleeding." Sanna pointed at the cut on her arm.
"Fine, I'll take care of it. Captain, take care of this." Bones thrust the pan toward Crimzen, who simply grabbed a piece of meat out and ate it. "Needs more salt." He mumbled through the mouthful.
"Crimzen. don't talk with your mouth full. Sanna, give Bones a break." Allie lectured.

"Yes, MOM." Crimzen joked. "Bones, activate the ORACLE."

Bones tapped on the buttons, summoning up the program.

"The Master will show you the way. Free the Tiger."

Sailors of the Sea of Stars, Heroes from beyond Mars,
Time to unite! Time to fight! Time for heroes to take flight!
Rangers return! With power to burn!
Time for evil to learn!
Pirates never fall! Rangers save us all!


Power Rangers never lose! This power that we choose!

Corsairs of the sky! Rangers do or die!


Zang Ship
Muramassaca approached the Prince.

"Prince Payne, the new Elite is here." A Cy-Born Elite walked in. He whad four glowing red eyes, bronze armor with hands on his shoulders and a bronze collar shped like a halo. underneath the armor was a blue and tan style of clothing, modeled like monk robes. "This is Hundo, formerly known as BakMei Boyka." The man bowed.

"BakMei?" Payne asked Midos

"Before he was remodeled, he was part of the Boyka family, the famous martial artists." Midos explained.

"A Boyka? Excellent." Lykia clasped her hands together.

"And he is quite the master." Muramassaca explained.

"Good!" Prince Payne pointed toward Hundo. "Do not fail."

On Earth, Later that day.

The pirates ran away from the zoo as fast as they could.

"That did NOT go as planned!" Crimzen yelled.
"This may not have been our best plan." Joe replied.
"I thought it would have been happy to be free!" Sanna yelled.
"I couldn't get it to calm down!" Allie ran faster.
"That was one angry tiger." Bones fell, brushed himself off and kept running.

Finally, they stopped.

"We should be far enough away. Good thing no one was-ooh, pizza!" Crimzen entered the restaurant, "Jungle Karma Pizza." His team gave each other a look, then followed the Amaranthian into the restaurant.

"Two Banana and pepperoni pizzas." Crimzen ordered. The server, a young man with brown hair and brown eyes, handed them the pizzas. But as they each took a piece, an explosion echoed from outside.

Crimzen shot the door a death glare. "Every single time!" he snarled. "Server guy! Save our food for us!" The five pirates ran out. The server smiled to himself.

Hundo hit another building with a one inch punch, demolishing it. As the Cy-born clapped, he pointed to another.

"I'll demolish this one with only one finger!" He declared.

"Oh, something is about to get demolished." Crimzen stormed up.

"Set Sail!" The Rangers yelled, turning the Pirate keys.

The rangers suddenly stood on the deck of the Galaxy Galleon. They burst forward, before grabbing a rope and launching themselves high into the air on it. They let go at the Apex of his swing and their ranger suits materialized on their bodies. When they landed in a three point stance, the helmets appeared. The emblem on the helmet and chest glowed.

"Pirate Red." Crimzen stated, popping the collar of his suit.

"Pirate Blue." Joe pushed the front of his helmet in a manner reminiscent of the way he fixes his hair.

"Pirate Yellow!" Sanna yelled, then threw a peace sign salute at the monsters

"Pirate Green!" Bones excitedly ran his hands down his pants legs, as if to stop his legs from shaking.

"Pirate Pink!" Allie placed her hand over her heart and gave a slight bow.

"Power Rangers! Pirate Squadron!" They yelled as one, and the Cy-Born could almost see the pirate flag waving behind them.

"Let's go crazy!" Crimzen yelled, spinning the blaster. The rangers fired, blowing away several Cy-Born before charging at their opponents.

Crimzen slashed forward with his sword, shooting off to the side as he did. Then he shot the one in front of him, slashing off to the right. He fired his Flintlock three times, shooting the Cy-Born in front of him

With his blaster behind his back, Joe twirled his sword in a deadly dance. He struck the Cy-Born in front of him, slashed the one to the side and ducked under a blow. Thrusting his sword forward, he stabbed a Cy-born, knocking it into a car.

Sanna stood on the roof of the car, and slashed a Cy-born. Then she kicked the second one down, before shooting the one to her left. She jumped off the car, shooting as she rolled. Bones leaped over the car as well, shooting one Cy-born with his blaster and slashing the other.

Allie shot her gun in a clockwise position, taking down three Cy-born. She and Bones ran forward, attacking Hundo. Bones swung his cutlass, but Hundo dodged under it. Hundo dodged their attacks easily, then leaped over their heads to alight on the roof of a building. The five rangers pointed their blasters at him

"Secret Art!" Hundo clasped his main hands together. "Magnet Fist!" The bronze hands on his shoulders suddenly became magnetic, pulling the rangers weapons out of their hands!

"Without your weapons you're powerless!" Hundo declared. "Zoom Punch!" The Bronze fists extended, pummeling Allie and Bones.

"You want to play rough?" Crimzen asked. He, Joe, and Sanna pulled out the Wild Force Keys. "WILD ACCESS!" They roared, transforming into the respective Wild Force Rangers. They ran at Hundo.

Hundo fired off another Zoom punch, but Sanna dodged it, flying through the air.

"Time for a shark attack." Joe spun like a buzzsaw, slashing Hundo again and again.

Crimzen scaled the wall, using the claws in the Wild Force gloves. He leaped up, slashing with his claws. As Hundo stumbled, he tried to punch Crimzen, only for the red ranger to block it.

"We can fight without weapons!" Crimzen declared, throwing Hundo off the building.

Joe rolled toward Hundo, closing his fist for a punch.

Sanna swooped in, extending her leg for a literal flying kick.

Crimzen leaped off the building, going for a jumping claw slash.

All three attacks hit home. Hundo stumbled away.

"We'll finish this next time, rangers!" Hundo extended his extra arms, grabbed on to the side of the building, and vanished over the side.

"That was fun." Crimzen sarcastically stated, turning back into his pirate ranger form. "Back to food."

Allie and Bones walked through the park, feeling dejected.

Allie sighed. "We were useless without our weapons."

"Yeah. Dead weight." Bones sighed. "My species has a reputation for being fierce fighters. My dad must be looking down on me in shame right now."

"Sounds like you could use some help." A voice spoke up. It was the man from the Pizza shop!

"Who-how-what?" Bones flailed, tripping over his words.

"My name is Casey." the man explained. "And I can help you learn hand to hand fighting."

"Forgive my rudeness, but how can a pizza man help us?" Allie inquired.
Casey looked left, then right. Satisfied no one was watching, he rolled up his sleeve to reveal three stripes on his arm, the mark of a Pai Zhaq master.

"You might want to go put on something besides...that." He gestured toward their clothes, Allie's fluffy white dress and boots and Bones jeans and Flannel shirt. "Those will get in the way."

For the next week, the two trained under Casey. Allie and Bones would make excuses to slip away, changing into their training clothes and learning all kinds of techniques from Casey. Blocks, strikes, grapples. Anything to gain an advantage in hand to hand. By week's end they were leaps and bounds ahead of where they were before.

Bones stretched his arms into a mantis stance. Allie shifted into the leopard stance. The two rushed at each other in a flurry of movement, kicking and striking. They disengaged, and Allie threw a wicked roundhouse at Bones head.

Across town, Crimzen was attempting to return a cat to his rightful owner.

"I'm sorry my shipmate sort of...stole your cat." Crimzen shot Sanna a glare that could freeze fire. "she misunderstood a direction."

The old lady hit Crimzen, then Joe, then Sanna with her purse before storming off.

"Well that was embarrassing." Sanna complained.

"And it's about to get worse!" Hundo appeared.

Crimzen smiled, revealing his canines. "Hello, misplaced aggression!" The Three pulled out their morphers. "Set Sail!"
Once Morphed, the rangers pulled out their weapons.

"Magnet fist!" Hundo created his magnetic field again, but this time the pirates held on to their weapons. Three flying knees struck Mundo in the face.

"Did you really think we'd fall for that again?" Sanna taunted.

"We learn from our battles. That's what pirates do!" Crimzen declared. The three flipped back, using Mundo as a launching board.

As the training session drew to a close, Casey had a question for the pirates. "Why did you want to grow stronger?"

Allie thought it over. "Because I want to be of use to the person who saved my life." She decided.

Bones thought a little longer. His mind flashed back to his first meeting with the crew.

The fighters of Deviourus Seven raged hard against the Zang. All except Bel'lial. He hid from the fire and the fighting, scared out of his wits. Then he heard it. A cry of pain. Bones followed the sound, until he found a downed ship. The Galaxy Galleon. A man dressed in Red and black lay by the ship, bleeding and surrounded. Bones looked at him for a second before rushing forward. He knocked down a Cy-born, and a green glow surrounded him. As he grabbed the man and ran, the glow faded. Crimzen smiled to himself. This way." He led Bones to a hidden cave, where Allie, Joe and Sanna were. Bones looked back and saw the last Deviourus defender fall, and the Zang flag flew. Bones screamed. "I am so sorry." Crimzen patted the man's shoulder. "But you now stand at a crossroads. The aura you saw earlier was the green pirate key. It reacted to you. You can wield great power. But only if you choose to. Or you can stay here under Zang rule."

Bones looked at the key in Crimzen's hand. A green key......he took it. And te green aura burned into the night.

"Because...I was weak. And I don't want to be weak anymore. I want to help my team, carry their burdens as my own."

Casey nodded. They were getting it. "Good answers."

Allie got a call. Flipping it up, Crimzen's voice roared to life. "Allie, Bones! Hundo's back! Get down here ASAP!" The two looked at Casey.

"You're as ready as you're going to be." The Pai Zhaq master motioned for them to go ahead.

Before they went, Bones had one final question. "If I'm the Mantis, and Allie is the Leopard, what is your spirit animal, Casey?"

Casey smiled. "The Tiger." he revealed, and an afterimage of the Red Jungle Fury Ranger hovered over his face for a brief second. THe pirates looked at each other, then tan off.

The Pirates were feeling confident, up until Hundo revealed his new technique.

"Secret Art! Electro-Wave Cannon!" Hundo put his extra arms together, then fired a blast of pure electricity. It blew up on the rangers knocking them back.

"Lykia upgraded my arms after my last loss! Now, no one and nothing can stop me."

"Hi! I'm No One." Bones yelled as he appeared.

"Then I must be Nothing." Allie shouted as well. The two entered a martial arts stance.

"Witty. FEEL THE POWER OF THE ELECTRO-WAVE CANNON!" The rangers spun off to either side, dodging the blast. Allie punched from the left, Bones from the right. But their attacks were blocked!

"My Martial Arts are invincible, now that they're backed by Lykia's mad science!" Hundo unleashed a barrage of blows. "You can't win."

"Yes. We. Can." Allie snarled.

"We've worked hard! We're different than we were before!" Bones declared. He pulled out a Ranger key. " And we'll beat your Martial Arts with The Power of Pai Zhaq!" The other rangers recognized it as his Jungle Fury key.

The other rangers stood. As one, they shouted the morph phrase. "Jungle Beast! Spirit Unleashed!" and changed. Crimzen, Sanna and Joe became the rangers of their respective colors, Allie became the Rhino Ranger, and Bones became the Wolf Ranger. The rangers charged.

The five rangers unleashed a series of punches and kicks. Even with his skills, Hundo couldn't block them all. A sharp blow from Allie and Bones sent Mundo stumbling back. Regaining his balance, Hundo fired off Zoom punches in all directions. The three primary colored rangers blocked them all, allowing Allie and Bones to deliver blows to Hundo's main body. A double One inch punch knocked him back again.

Hundo punched out with his real hands, only forAllie and Bones to deflect the blows and land punches of their own. Sanna placed her hands on Allie's back, Joe mirroring her move with Bones. Crimzen completed the circuit, slamming his hands into Sanna and Joe's shoulders, and a shockwave of energy traveled through the rangers, blasting Hundo back. As he flew, Allie and Bones leapt after him. Bones nailed a flying knee at the same time Allie landed a hand chop, destroying Hundo's extra arms.

"No more Magnet fist or Electro Wave Cannon." Allie stated happily. The Rangers changed back to the Pirate Ranger uniform

"Good Job you two!" Sanna cheered. Bones made a Tiger style pose before Crimzen pulled out his Flintlock Blaster. "Let's end him." Crimzen declared. The Five inserted their Pirate Ranger keys into the Blasters and leveled them at Hundo.

"FINAL BLAST!" They roared. Hundo gave one last sream of "NO!" as five enegy blasts pierced him. His circuits overloaded and exploded, and the Cyborg martial artist fell.

"Lykia!" Prince Payne roared.

"Waste of good upgrades." Lykia mumbled as she grabbed the controller for the Magna Cannons.

The Magna Cannons revived Hundo, who roared. 'Now, we will see who's stronger!" He yelled.

"I'll guess us." Crimzen replied back, summoning the Galaxy Galleon.

The rangers formed the Pirate Megazord quickly. They immediately fired off a Star Burst, but Hundo swatted down the Cannon balls.

"He is very good." Joe muttered.

"But we're better!" Crimzen shouted, spinning his wheel to block one of Hundo's punches.

The Pirate Megazord punched Hundo two more times, then sent him skidding away with a double fist strike.

"Let's use these!" Bones held up his Wolf Ranger Key. The Jungle Fury Keys began to glow.

"Another True Power! Sweet!" Sanna yelled.

"'The Master will show you the way'" Allie realized. "Casey was the master!"

"Then let's FREE THE TIGER!" Crimzen roared. The Rangers inserted the keys and turned them. "Jungle Beast Attack!"

From the arms, legs, and chest of the Megazord, the five animal spirits erupted, mauling and rampaging on the soon to be late Hundo.

The Rangers turned the Megazord around. Walking off.

Casey stood off to the side, watching.

"There you are Casey!" RJ appeared. "The Lunch rush is coming up soon."

"Right." Casey gave one last look at the Megazord. "Just helping out some new friends."

Bones kicked the pan into the air, nimbly dodged underneath Sanna's flailing arm as she played video games, and caught the pan, spilling nothing.

"That training was awesome! I feel so much stronger now!" He laughed.

"Me too! I bet I could even beat you Captain!" Allie bragged.

"Really? Ok." Crimzen stood. "Let's test that theory. Loser has to do dishes for a week."

"You're on!" The two raced off to the training room.

"...why is he in charge again?" Joe wondered.

Today's ending theme: Jungle Fury!

Power Rangers...Go
Here comes the Power Rangers Jungle Fury, Go!

Training hard to be the best that we can
Power Rangers
Protecting people from the evil Dai Shi Clan
We stand up for what we know is right
We will never lose the fight

Dai Shi, Go Away
We're here to save the day

'Cause we are the Power Rangers Jungle Fury
Jungle Fury
We're Fast, We're Strong, Unstoppable
Jungle Fury

Here Comes the Power Rangers Jungle Fury
Jungle Fury

Go, Go, Go Power Rangers
Go, Go, Go Jungle Fury
GO, Go, Go Power Rangers
Go, Go, Go Jungle Fury
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Old 10/06/17, 11:24 AM   #12
Jungle Master
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Default Re: Power Rangers Pirate Squadron

I love the Jungle Fury connection.
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Old 10/13/17, 03:41 PM   #13
Ranger In Training
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Default Re: Power Rangers Pirate Squadron

Chapter 7: Wild Heroes

The Pirates spoke to each other, debating on their next move. Joe sighed. "Why are we even bothering? We know what we are going to do. Captain Crimzen will tel Bones to activate the Oracle system, Bones will do it, then we will go off on a wild goose chase that will end with us meeting a past ranger and unlocking a True Power after learning some kind of lesson. It has happened three times now."

Crimzen sat back in the Captain's chair. "Good point, First Mate! Why mess with a working strategy? Bones!"

Bones activated the ORACLE system.

"A Island in the Sky, A Lion's roar resounds."

Sanna face palmed. "Would it kill this thing to say 'go here, do this'? Where are we going to find an island in the-?" Her complaints were cut off by the Galaxy Galleon running aground...in the sky.

"Found it!" Allie, Crimzen and Bones called out cheerfully.

Sailors of the Sea of Stars, Heroes from beyond Mars,
Time to unite! Time to fight! Time for heroes to take flight!
Rangers return! With power to burn!
Time for evil to learn!
Pirates never fall! Rangers save us all!


Power Rangers never lose! This power that we choose!

Corsairs of the sky! Rangers do or die!


Zang Ship
We finally found the Animarium!" Lykia reported.

"Excellent." Prince Payne glared at the screen.

On Earth, At the same time

The Rangers wandered around the Animarium, taking in the sights.

"This is just lovely!" Allie was enchanted by it all.

"Meh." Crimzen shrugged.

Suddenly, Cy-Born appeared!

"How do they keep finding us?" Sanna asked.

"You Pirates will not evade us!" A Cy-Born Elite stepped out. He looked like a Bipedal green dog with pink fur on his shoulders like a boa, and pink fur on his legs like leggings. His left hand was green, but his right hand was a massive metal claw. His legs up to the knees were metal greaves. The Pirates took one look at him, and burst out laughing. Except Joe.

"No One mocks Fluvvie!" The Alien monster roared, and even Joe snickered at the name "Fluvvie."

"Oh, you're joking right?" Crimzen doubled over. "Oh, this is a mercy killing if there ever was one." The Rangers pulled out their pirate keys.

"Set Sail!" The Rangers yelled, turning the Pirate keys.

The rangers suddenly stood on the deck of the Galaxy Galleon. They burst forward, before grabbing a rope and launching themselves high into the air on it. They let go at the Apex of his swing and their ranger suits materialized on their bodies. When they landed in a three point stance, the helmets appeared. The emblem on the helmet and chest glowed.

"Pirate Red." Crimzen stated, popping the collar of his suit.

"Pirate Blue." Joe pushed the front of his helmet in a manner reminiscent of the way he fixes his hair.

"Pirate Yellow!" Sanna yelled, then threw a peace sign salute at the monsters

"Pirate Green!" Bones excitedly ran his hands down his pants legs, as if to stop his legs from shaking.

"Pirate Pink!" Allie placed her hand over her heart and gave a slight bow.

"Power Rangers! Pirate Squadron!" They yelled as one, and the Cy-Born could almost see the pirate flag waving behind them.

"Let's go crazy!" Crimzen yelled, spinning the blaster. The rangers fired, blowing away several Cy-Born before charging at their opponents.

Joe slashed the first Cy-born, his blaster hand behind his back. He ducked under the blow of another, before slashing it down as it recovered. Joe spun to the side, slashing upwards to hit a Cy-born. He paused, blade at its throat, before smacking it with the hilt and sending it flying. A Cy-born ran behind him, but Joe sliced it as it passed, and the Cy-born fell.

Sanna slashed up, slicing the Cy-born's chest, then spun and slashed to the left, felling another. Completing her circuit, she kicked to the side, knocking away another of the grey cyborgs before slicing across with her sword. The Cy-born in front of her fell, and she stomped down hard.

Allie rolled, firing as she came up to shoot two Cy-born. Sensing something behind her, she swung her sword, cutting the two down. A third flung itself at her, but she slashed it as well before shooting the Cy-born to her left, then turning her upper body to shoot the one to her right.

Don leaped off a Cy-born's head, grabbing a stick as he did. Bones blocked a mace blow with the stick, pushing the Cy-born back. Bones dropped the stick and dodged another blow. Then he grabbed a branch and thrust it toward a Cy-Born Arms. It stumbled, and the green pirate used the distraction to grab his sword from under a fallen log. "Got you!" He cried, before swing the sword twice. The first blow blocked a mace blow, the second one felled the Cy-born. Bones dropped his sword and crawled between two trees, where his blaster hung from a vine. Reaching it, he fired forward. Two Cy-born fell to the blasts.

Crimzen was a blur of motion, striking and firing. A quick slash here, a squeeze of the trigger there. Not even the Cy-born could keep up with his movements. They crumpled in a pile around him.

"Super Sprint." Fluvvie growled, running toward the rangers. In a streak of green and purple, he accelerated. The rangers were thrown down, slashed by Fluvvie's claws.

"So fast!" Crimzen snarled as he rose. The rangers also stood.

"Shock Claw!" Fluvvie slashed with his claw hand, and a shockwave of energy hit the rangers.

The rangers demorphed, Allie landing hard on her ankle. Fluvvie and his Cy-Born approached them. But as they gathered to slay the unconscious rangers, a Lion's roar rang out! A large red Lion Zord appeared, and simply swatted the Cy-born away. Scooping up the rangers in it's mouth, the Lion jumped away.

The rangers awoke in a small home. Several animals, mostly cats and dogs, licked at them. When the pirates awoke, a man sat outside their room, stitching up a cat's eye.

"Here you go, socks. Now, don't play in traffic again." He petted the cat's head before letting it scamper off. "Hey, you guys are awake!" He spun on his chair. "Welcome back."

"Where are we?" Crimzen asked.

"My home." The man replied. "My friend brought you here." The red lion snarled.

"Thank you." Crimzen muttered. "You saved me and my crew.

"No problem." The man stood up. "You must be the pirates I've been hearing about." He walked over to them. "None of you are exactly human, are you?"

The pirates looked at him, before a roar interrupted them. The rangers started to leave, but Allie winced and hissed when she put her weight on her foot.

Crimzen flashed back to the explosion, and her awkward landing. "Princess, stay here until you feel better." His voice sounded authoritative, but with an underlying worry. "Bones, you and..."

"Cole." The older man offered his name.

"Cole stay with her. Be back with a True power soon." He walked away. Sanna and Joe looked back at the green and blue ranger, then walked after Crimzen.

Zang Fleet

"A red Lion?" Lykia wondered aloud.
"A Zord." Midos confirmed. "Possibly another True Power. The Pirates must not get their hands on it. Destroy it and the island if necessary."

"Destroy what?" Prince Payne and Muramassaca had reappeared.

"Nothing, my Lord." Midos slipped away.

"Good. Tell Fluvvie to attack Earth again. Forget the rangers and conquer the city of Turtle Cove"

Cole looked over Allie's ankle. "You seem to be healing fast." he noted

"Part of being a Felinian." She rubbed the bruise. "I heal fast."

"Once your friend comes back, we can bandage it." Cole sighed. "I can't believe the other three would just abandon you like that."

Allie's eyes narrowed, glowing bright green. "Not that you would know anything about Crimzen, Cole, but he did not abandon me. He didn't when my planet was destroyed, and he won't now!" She stood up, ignoring the pain in her leg. "The Captain may act flighty and carefree, but I know him. In his heart, he holds certain ideals sacred. He protects his crew, even from themselves at times. He told me to stay behind because he didn't want me to injure myself further."

Cole smirked to himself. "So, he's a good red ranger?"

"The best." Allie hissed. "He took a spoiled, scared Felinian princess and helped her survive and be strong."

"So he cares?" Cole leaned back.

"Of course he does."

"Good. Then maybe he's worthy of Red Lion's power."

Allie's rage and passion was replaced by shock. "You know about the Red Lion?"

"Yeah. He was my old partner." An afterimage of the Wild Force Red appeared over him.

Meanwhile, the three pirates had discovered Fluvvie and his Cy-born attacking people. Crimzen's red eyes flashed. "Joe, Sanna, the treasure will have too wait."

"Of course, Captain." Joe replied.

"With you." Sanna cracked her knuckles. "Let's teach them a lesson!"

The three rangers morphed and sprang into action, causing the Cy-born to drop the civilians and attack them.

"Not bothering with the Animarium?" Sanna asked, head-butting a Cy-born and kicking one into Fluvvie.

"My mission was changed!" The green dog cyborg roared, charging forward.

Joe sighed, pushing his helmet as if he was fixing his hair. "The life of a soldier is not an easy one, is it?" A Cy-born attacked him, and he rolled away.

Just as Bones put the last wrap on Allie's leg, their morphers went off, alerting them to their friends fight.

"You think you can do it?" Bones asked.

Allie stood, testing the weight on her ankle. It still hurt, but not too much. She curtsied to Cole. "Thank you for your help." She and Bones ran out the door, morphing as they left.

A contingent of Cy-born blocked their way.

"They showed up fast!" Bones declared.

Allie crossed her Cutlass and Blaster across her chest. "Doesn't matter. They'll disappear just as fast!" She charged. Allie slashed with her sword, turned on her heel and fired. She blocked a mace blow and fired her Blaster directly into the Cy-born's chest.

Bones hit a Capoeira kick, comboing it into a slash to take out two Cy-born. He jumped over an attack, landing nimbly to slash at the cyborg alien. Following up, he grabbed one into a tomoe nage.

The two fought like demons, while Cole watched. Looking to his left, Cole saw the other rangers fight.

Crimzen slashed and dodged, shot and spun. Coming across a trapped man, he kicked the Cy-born out of the way and slashed the one holding the civilian. "Get out of here! Now!" Crimzen yelled. When the man did not move, paralyzed by fear, Crimzen shot into the air. The man ran. The Red Rogue hefted his sword. "Joe! All you!" He tossed the sword to Joe, who caught it with ease. The Dual Blade became a tornado of slashes, easily dispatching a group of Cy-Born attacking some women his age. As they thanked him, a red anchor and chord wrapped around one of the Cutlasses. Sanna yanked, stealing the sword from Joe. "Let's whip you into shape!" She joked, spinning the swords to become a whirlwind of blades. She flung both swords toward Fluvvie, who dodged.

"Missed!" He declared, only to notice Sanna was still manipulating the ropes, turning, he saw his Cy-born fall, and the group of people they were attacking rush to safety.

Cole crossed his arms, impressed. "Maybe they do have good hearts." he decided.

Allie and Bones defeated their Cy-born and ran to their friends. Fluvvie had his Cy-born Arms fire at them, but the rangers blocked with their Cutlasses then fired back with their blasters, knocking the CBA down.

"Welcome back, Princess." Crimzen joked.

"Good to be back. Sorry if I worried you."

"Well, all five of us are here." Bones said excitedly.

"Alright. Let's fix this puppy." Crimzen pulled out his Wild Force key. His team did the same.

"WILD ACCESS!" They transformed into the Wild Force Rangers, Bones turning into the Black ranger and Allie turning into the White Ranger.

The CBA and Fluvvie charged, and the rangers responded.

Sanna flew high in the air, taking her opponent with her. As the blue alien cyborg struggled, Sanna alighted on the building and simply dropped it off.

Joe easily blocked the monster's clumsy strikes, slashing with his claws. As it stumbled back, Joe leaped into the air. Summoning the Blue Shark Fighting Fins, he slashed the Cy-Born Arms repeatedly.

Bones and Allie co-operated, making up for each other's weaknesses and keeping the Cy-Born Arms off balance. They kicked, punched, and struck, knocking it to the ground.

Crimzen fought Fluvvie solo, his claws raking against metal to create sparks where he hit. Fluvvie attempted to use his speed again, but this time, Crimzen was prepared. The red rogue leaped, slashing Fluvvie with his claws, knocking the Zang minion out of the air.

Fluvvie and the Cy-born Arms landed together. The rangers gathered.

"Alright, you overgrown poodle-" Crimzen started, as he and the others combined the Wild Force weapons into the Jungle Sword. Fluvvie hid behind the CBA, using them to block the energy slash from the sword.

Cole smiled. The newbies were good. He could only hope Red Lion was watching as well.

"-stay." Crimzen commanded as he and the others transformed into their pirate forms. The Pirates inserted the Pirate keys into the Flintlock Blasters. The rangers leveled the barrels at Fluvvie.

"FINAL BLAST!" The five roared, then fired. Five energy shots struck Fluvvie.

'"Now, play dead." Crimzen quipped as Fluvvie short circuited.

But, sure enough, Lykia activated the Magna cannons, reviving both Fluvvie and the CBA.

"Aw, and I wasted a good one liner too." Crimzen bemoaned his luck as he summoned the Galaxy Galleon. The rangers instantly turned into the Pirate Megazord.

The Megazord slashed The CBA easily, fending off all three at once with its Cutlasses. As they focused on the blue aliens cyborgs, they forgot about Fluvvie.

"Let's wrap this up quick." Crimzen declared. The rangers went to activate the Star Burst. But Fluvvie had a surprise.

"Nice try, rangers!" He thrust his claw forward, creating a cinch that blocked the activation of the finisher.

"You..." Crimzen tried to turn the key, but with the outer wheel blocked, the keys could not turn. "Well played, mutt." Crimzen admitted.

"Really, Captain?" Sanna sighed. "Don't compliment the enemy!"

"Well, now what?" Crimzen asked no one in particular. But he was answered anyway. The lion roared, and the Wild Force keys began to glow.

"Another True Power?" Bones asked, voice nearly cracking in excitement.

"Red Lion accepted us?" Allie wondered.

"Looks like it!" Sanna leaned forward.

"Then let's use him!" Crimzen decided.

The Rangers inserted the keys and turned hard. The force of the True Power activation knocked the cinch off the outer wheel and knocked the Cy-born arms back. Red Lion descended from the Animarium, Landing with a roar, it raked Fluvvie with its claws. Then it landed in front of the rangers.

The lion roared, and Allie understood. "He says to combine his power with ours!"

"You got it!" Crimzen declared The Pirate Megazord took off with the Lion, combining its upper half with the lion.

"Wild Pirate Megazord!" the rangers declared.

"Destroy them." Fluvvie commanded, and the Cy-born Arms lower bodies formed into motorcycle-like devices.

"Too easy!" Sanna yelled as the Megazord cut down the first one. As the other two circled around for another attack, the pirates spun the megazord around and chased them down, slashing the second. The final CBA tried to ride away, but the pirates easily outpaced it and destroyed it as well. Now, only Fluvvie remained.

He charged forward. "Mega ROAR SLASH!" The pirates yelled. A jet of fire streamed from the Lion's moth at the same time the main body fired two sword beams. The three attacks hit Fluvvie, destroying him instantly.

The Rangers cheered as the Lion celebrated. Cole walked away. He had seen enough

"That's 4!" Bones cheered! "Four true powers down!"

"And 15 more to go." Joe responded.

"Well, Captain?" Allie asked.

"All right. I'll say it. We did a lot of good today." Crimzen smiled to himself. This "hero" thing could get addictive.

Today's theme song: Wild Force!

Wild Force!
Wild Force Access!

Wild Force Power Rangers!
We'll protect what's right forever.
Wild Force Power Rangers!
We'll protect this world together.
Wild Force... Wild Force, Wild Force!

Power Rangers flying higher, Go!
Wild Force running faster, Wild Force!
Power Rangers stick together, Go!
We will save the world!

Wild Force Access!

Wild Force Power Rangers!
We'll protect what's right forever.
Wild Force Power Rangers!
We'll protect this world together.

(short guitar solo)

Wild Force Power Rangers!
We'll protect this world together!
Wild... Force... Wild Force!
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Old 10/13/17, 03:49 PM   #14
Ranger In Training
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Default Re: Power Rangers Pirate Squadron

Chapter 8: Samurai Strike

Joe spun his swords in an arc, slashing through the stone pillars. He slashed the left most pillar with a horizontal slash and spun around, cutting an "X" shape into the third pillar before impaling the second pillar with his both swords. Pulling it out, he stepped back. All three pillars fell down.

The other pirates clapped.

"Impressive." Crimzen stood up. "Your swordsmanship is getting really good, Joe."

"It would seem so, Captain." Joe rested the blades against his shoulders.

The Zang detector went off.

"Let's put those skills in action!" Crimzen shouted as the team ran off.

Sailors of the Sea of Stars, Heroes from beyond Mars,
Time to unite! Time to fight! Time for heroes to take flight!
Rangers return! With power to burn!
Time for evil to learn!
Pirates never fall! Rangers save us all!


Power Rangers never lose! This power that we choose!

Corsairs of the sky! Rangers do or die!


The Pirate Megazord landed, both blades slashing down. The Cy-born Arms scattered, all three trying to avoid the deadly blades.

"We don't have time for this." Crimzen sighed. The Rangers pulled out their Pirate Ranger keys.

"Star Burst!" The first Cy-Born Arms was hit by the barrage of cannonballs, exploding. The rangers pulled out their SPD keys, transforming into the Patrol Pirate Megazord.

"Final Judgment!" The rangers unloaded the Gatling Guns into the second Cy-Born Arms. As it exploded, the rangers pulled out the Mystic Force keys. The Megazord transformed into the Mystic Pirate Megazord.

"Mystic Spell Seal!" The Dragon flew from the Megazord, creating two massive exploding spell seals that detonated on the final Cy-Born Arms. The rangers walked away.

In Space

Prince Payne did not take this new loss well. He smashed his fist into the console screen, booted a unfortunate Cy-Born, and grabbed the mace of another to beat it to death with before Midos stopped him.

"My liege, you must be calm!" He explained

"How many times can these pirates ruin my plans?" Payne snarled.

"I will count up our losses." Muramassaca intoned. "Shut up!" Payne roared. "Lykia, how many elite do we have left before we have to use actual field commanders?"

"Quite a bit." Lykia answered vaguely.
"Good. Get a new plan." Prince Payne glared at the new screen. "Sink those pirates."

On the Galaxy Galleon

The rangers listened to the ORACLE system's prophecy.

"The way of the warrior leads to the next goal."

Lucca groaned in frustration. "I hate this thing so much."

"The way of the warrior?" Crimzen thought this out. "Well, let's see." He searched up way of the warrior. The results came back. All 145,297 of them. "New plan." Crimzen declared.

"Wander the city on vague information hoping to get lucky?" Sanna snarked.

"And that's different from our usual plan how?" Bones fired back. The other rangers conceded the point. They landed in Panorama City. The rangers explored every dojo, every training center, every fighting tournament. They found nothing. At last they came to a sword fighting tournament. In it, a blond haired young man wilding a bokken fought a young, African American man wielding twin wooden dao. As the dao user spun and leaped, the bokken user gave a steady eyed look. The Bokken user blocked the strikes with ease, before landing a strike on the Dao user's chest.

"Nothing here either?" Crimzen, Allie, Bones and Sanna began to walk away, but Joe was transfixed. The scene before him morphed into a scene from his past.

"Listen closely, cadets. Only the best of you will become the Amryian Honor guard in our war against the Zang!" Lieutenant Commander Sal Valis ordered. Joe fought with three other cadets, his swords a blur of motion. The other three Amryian cadets fell before him. Lieutenant Valis scowled, but covered it slightly. He unsheathed his sword. "Now, you try me." Valis' skilled sword fighting overwhelmed Joe, easily beating him down. A look of pure malice crossed the giant, scarred man's face. His sword swung down...only to be blocked mid-strike.

"Sal, what are you doing to my little brother?" The new arrival looked like Joe, but with streaks of grey in his hair and battle hardened eyes.

"Nothing, General Kassan." Valis retreated. Joe looked up. "Hey, Sid."

Later that day, Sid decided to show his younger brother his new technique. "Watch closely." Sid circled his arm before bracing it on his other arm. "X slasher!" Sid slashed twice with two lightning fast strikes, creating an "X" shaped energy shockwave. Joe marveled at his brothe

Sanna noticed Joe's drift off. "What's the matter, Jojo?" she mocked. Seeing Joe's expression, she stopped smiling. Joe shook his head. "I will be back." Joe walked over to the man with the bokken. "You are very skilled." he observed.

"Thanks. I practice every day." The blond stuck out his hand. "Jayden Shiba."

Joe shook. "Joe Kassan. I would request a sword fight from you."

Jayden thought for a minute, then agreed.

In Space

The Cy-Born were tossed through the door by a blue Cy-Born Commander, even stronger the elite.

"Great. Him." Prince Payne groaned. Muramassca blocked the strike from the new arrival.

"What do you want, Sattilizer?" Prince Payne asked

"Sattilizer? As in the King's Guard Sattilizer?"

Sattilizer strode past Midos and stared Payne down. "Your father sent me to help."

"Excellent." Paye laughed evilly. "Prepare an invasion party!"

Joe and Jayden faced off, Spin sword vs. Power Cutlass. The two clashed, swords sparking in the sun. Joe spun on his heel, launching a kick to Jayden's midsection but the Jayden blocked it with ease. Jayden swung his sword in a kendo strike. Joe blocked it and counterattacked. The two swung and parried each other until colliding in one final sword clash. An explosion interrupted their duel.

"Of course." Sanna snapped. "Just when it was getting good." The pirates took off.

The Pirates arrived, to see Prince Payne, Muramassaca, and Sattilizer.

"Alright, let's get this over with." Crimzen cracked his knuckles

"Set Sail!" The Rangers yelled, turning the Pirate keys in their morphers to transform into the Pirate rangers

"Let's go crazy!" Crimzen yelled. The rangers charged at Sattilizer, only for the Cy-Born to casually bat them all aside with his sword.

"Ok, stronger than our usual punks." Crimzen noted. "Let's use these!" The pirates pulled out the Mighty Morphin' keys.

"IT'S MORPHING TIME!" They roared as one. Transforming into the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers, they charged Sattilizer. Sanna pulled out her Power Daggers and slashed , but Sattilizer just smashed her out of the air with a move filled with disdain. Allie attempted to fire an arrow with her Power Bow, but Sattilizer slashed the blast, then slashed Allie. Bones, as the black ranger, tried fire his Power Axe, but Sattilizer just cut him down as well. Joe used the power lance, but Sattilizer simply spun out of the way to strike Joe as well. Crimzen followed up with the original Power Sword, slashing and striking. Sattilizer blocked them all and slashed Crimzen twice.

"New plan?" Sanna asked?

"New Plan." Crimzen acknowledged.

"Let me fight the Prince." Joe said. "If you remove the head of a beast, the body dies." Joe explained. Crimzen nodded. It was a good plan
"Go Galactic!" The rangers transformed into the Galaxy rangers. Four rangers charged Sattilizer, while Joe rushed toward Payne.

Before Joe could land an attack, Muramassaca blocked his strike. "No one will harm my prince." He declared.

"I will see about that." Joe charged, weapon in hand. He actually managed to dodge multiple strikes, but Muramassaca was just too skilled. Three slashes knocked Joe from Galaxy to Pirate form, sending him rolling across the ground.

Meanwhile, the other rangers were...not doing too well. Sattilizer had easily taken all four out of their Galaxy forms and was beating them handily. Crimzen was knocked against a car. Stars danced in his eyes.

"Are you alright Captain?" Allie asked.

"You kidding? I'M HAVING FUN!" Crimzen ran back into the fight.

With Joe, he had locked blades with Muramassaca again.

"I am impressed, boy." Muramassaca knocked Joe away and adopted a familiar stance. Joe's heart sank as the move powered up.

"X Slasher!" The Cy-Born General fired an X shaped blast. Joe was sent flying, demorphing as he flew. His spine smashed into a wall.
"He...can not be." Joe stammered in pain. "YOU CAN'T BE MY BROTHER! YOU CAN'T BE SID!"

"Well, not anymore." Payne confirmed Joe's fear. "Before the cyborg rebirthing process, he was Sid Kassan, a captured General in the Amryian Army. We made him into the perfect bodyguard." Payne laughed. "How ironic. Time for a family reunion! Muramassaca, kill him."

As Muramassaca powered up another blast, a gunshot rang out! Prince Payne looked down at his stomach, realizing he'd been shot! Blue blood leaked on his white robes. Payne looked around, spotting a half conscious Crimzen, who fired again and again, forcing the Zang trio to retreat.

"Joe. Let's go." Crimzen grabbed his teammate.

Later that day, Allie woke Crimzen up from his nap.

"Crimzen, Joe is gone."

Crimzen opened his eyes. "Yeah, figured as much."

Joe sat on the edge of a cliff, flashing back to the worst day of his life.

"Joe, run!" Sid yelled as the many, many Cy-born surrounded him. "I will hold them off as long as I can!"

"Brother!" Joe was frozen. "This is insane! Even you can not beat so many."

Sid just smiled before charging back to the fight.

"Mind if I sit here?" a voice spoke up. It was Jayden. Jayden sat down. "You ok?"

"No. Just thinking of the worst day of my life." Joe explained.

"You lost your family. But the way I see it, you gained one too." Jayden stood up. "I was in the same place as you once. But my friends, they helped me out." he smiled. "They saved me. And yours saved you."

Joe looked off in the distance, remembering the day a red eyed, dark skinned man arrived to help him fight off the Zang trying to kill him. They fought like they rehearsed it, standing back to back. They slashed and stabbed, defeating the Cy-born, and the man had said something Joe never forgot after the battle. "If you want death, stay here. But, if you should wish to be free, come with me." The man held out a blue key for Joe to take. It resounded with Joe, both glowing blue. Joe took the key and never looked back.

Joe looked at Jayden. "Yes. You are right." Joe's morpher went off, alerting him to a Cy-Born attack.

Joe stood up to leave, but Jayden wasn't done. He handed Joe a white disk. "Here. For luck." An afterimage of the Red Samurai ranger glowed over Jayden for a second. Joe nodded, then ran off.

The other four rangers were getting beaten rather soundly. They had taken down the Cy-born easily, but Sattilizer was still alive and too much for them. More Cy-born had arrived as well.

Joe walked up to his friends. "I am here." Crimzen clapped Joe's shoulder. "Welcome back."

"Ready to rock, Boy Blue?" Sanna asked. Joe smirked confidently. "I am always ready."

"Set Sail!" The rangers yelled as one.

The rangers suddenly stood on the deck of the Galaxy Galleon. They burst forward, before grabbing a rope and launching themselves high into the air on it. They let go at the Apex of his swing and their ranger suits materialized on their bodies. When they landed in a three point stance, the helmets appeared. The emblem on the helmet and chest glowed.

"Pirate Red." Crimzen stated, popping the collar of his suit.

"Pirate Blue." Joe pushed the front of his helmet in a manner reminiscent of the way he fixes his hair.

"Pirate Yellow!" Sanna yelled, then threw a peace sign salute at the monsters

"Pirate Green!" Bones excitedly ran his hands down his pants legs, as if to stop his legs from shaking.

"Pirate Pink!" Allie placed her hand over her heart and gave a slight bow.

"Power Rangers! Pirate Squadron!" They yelled as one, and the Cy-Born could almost see the pirate flag waving behind them.

Sanna handed Joe her saber. "Here, Joe." She ran forward with Bones and Allie. Joe and Crimzen stood back to back, fighting as they did long ago. They slashed and stabbed, stuck and cut, like a dance of death.

Allie, Bones and Sanna shot down the Cy-born that weren't in the red and blue duo's range. Coming together, they decided to take down Sattilizer. "Go Go Samurai!" They yelled as one, transforming into the Samurai rangers. The girls and Bones slashed in a storm, slashing Sattilizer away.

"Fire Smasher!" Crimzen activated the flame disk and leaped high into the air. "Blazing strike!" He slammed the Zanbato down on Sattilizer, freeing Joe up for a move. "Here is a present from a new friend!" Using the white disk, Joe created a second spin sword. The two blue warriors leaped into the air, but this time Joe was the one blocking all of Sattilizer's attacks. He sent the blue commander smashing to the ground. Sattilizer rose shakily. "You...where did this power come from?"

"You guys never learn." Sanna laughed.

"It is our bond as friends, as family." Joe explained.

"Time for you to go!" Crimzen declared as the rangers turned back into their pirate forms. They inserted their keys into their Cutlasses and assumed the poses for Final Slash.

"FINAL SLASH!" Five energy slashes hit Sattilizer, blowing him up.

In space, The Zang Prince held his wound as he ordered Lykia to fire the Magna Cannons to revive the fallen Sattilizer.

The rangers responded, as per tradition, by immediately summoning their Megazord. They created the Wild Pirate Megazord, firing a blast of energy from the mouth of the Lion, but Sattilizer blocked it. Sattilizer fired off continuous sword beams, buffeting the rangers.

"We can't get close!" Sanna punched her wheel.

"Yes. We. Can!" Joe grew focused. Almost in response to him, the Samurai keys began to glow.

"Another True Power." Crimzen grabbed the key out of the air. The other rangers followed his lead, inserting the keys.

The Lion broke apart, becoming the ranger symbols of the samurai rangers. It fused into the Pirate Megazord, the pirate hat replaced by a Shogun helmet and the cutlasses transformed into a double bladed Naginata.

"Samurai Pirate Megazord!" The Rangers yelled,

Sattilizer summoned Cy-Born Arms to save himself, but the rangers simply cut them all down like stalks of grass, ending in a spinning tornado slash.

After knocking Sattilizer down with a strike from the naginata, the rangers channeled their powers. "Finishing attack!" They roared, transforming the naginata into a megasized version of the fire smasher. "Samurai Flame Strike!" They slammed the fire blade down, utterly destroying Sattilizer.

Joe stared out his window. I may have lost my brother. But I've gained a new family as well. He smiled at the others, who were too busy arguing about the next move to see him. But Muramassaca...I will deal with alone. I will destroy him and release Sid's soul.

[Jayden, Mia, Mike, Kevin, Emily:] Samurai forever!
[Jayden:] Huh! - Jayden.
[Mia:] Huh! - Mia.
[Mike:] Huh! - Mike.
[Kevin:] Huh! - Kevin.
[Emily:] Huh! - Emily.
[Antonio]Huh - Antonio!
Go Go Power Rangers!
Go Go Power Rangers!
Rangers Together!
Samurai Forever!
Go Go Power Rangers!
Go Go Power Rangers!
Rangers Together!
Samurai Forever!
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Old 10/26/17, 12:06 PM   #15
Ranger In Training
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Default Re: Power Rangers Pirate Squadron

Chapter 9: Dark Heart

Crimzen closed his eyes. Joe and Sanna stood before him, each holding two swords. Bones and Allie stood on either side of him, blasters leveled at him. Time seemed to slow down for the red eyed hero. He opened his eyes as Joe rushed forward and Sanna swung the swords, whip style. Crimzen sidestepped the swordsman, then jumped backwards to avoid the blasts from Bones and Allie, before nimbly avoiding Sanna's strikes. Holding Joe off with his cutlass, Crimzen fired three shots, tagging the other rangers. Kicking Joe away, Crimzen slashed the dirt with his saber, kicking it into Joe's eyes. Joe instinctively blocked his face with his hands, opening him up for a quick slash.

"Still got it." Crimzen rested the blade on his shoulder, spinning the blaster before holstering it.

"You are very good, if a little bit of a unfair fighter." Joe ascertained.

"Just what you'd expect from the last of the Carmine Corsairs." Sanna nursed her shoulder. Even at 20% power, those shots hurt.

Crimzen's smile faded and he stared out the porthole, a faraway look in his eyes. As quickly as it came, it vanished. "Bones, activate the ORACLE."

The ORACLE's usual melodic tone was instead raised in panic. "The Black Red, the Dark Heart approaches! A force of chaos changes everything!"

The pirates looked at each other. As one they all said what was on their minds.


In Space, heading towards Earth.

A ship approached, flying a flag of a skull playing a trumpet.

A man, Polynesian looking with bright scarlet eyes and a streak of red in his hair, stared out the window. A Three corner Hat rested on his head, and a coat of bloody red was on his back, over a white shirt and black pants. "The Treasure must be here. And Jackie as well." the man smiled.

Sailors of the Sea of Stars, Heroes from beyond Mars,
Time to unite! Time to fight! Time for heroes to take flight!
Rangers return! With power to burn!
Time for evil to learn!
Pirates never fall! Rangers save us all!


Power Rangers never lose! This power that we choose!

Corsairs of the sky! Rangers do or die!


In Space

The Zang armada debated what to do about the new ship.

"I say we blow it up." Prince Payne decided.

"Yes, your Majesty." Muramassaca bowed.

"Wait! If our defenses didn't do that already, he isn't on our list of enemies." Midos explained.

"But the ship matches no known allies either" Lykia responded.
Payne sighed. "You know what? Let's see how this play's out." He walked away. "Come on Muramassaca."
"Yes, your Majesty." As the two walked away, Midos stared at the mystery ship

On Earth

Crimzen rubbed his neck. This prophecy was grating him.

Allie patted the Captain's shoulder. "Whatever it is, we can handle it." she comforted.

"Besides, Captain, you're the toughest guy we know!" Sanna cheered Crimzen up as well.

"Oh, it's 'Captain' now, Jackie?" A voice called out. Crimzen whirled around, a look of pure hatred on his face. The man from the ship, the other pirate was there.

"Hello, Philippe." Crimzen took his hands out of his pockets.

"Crimzen, you know him?" Bones asked.

"Allow me to introduce myself." The man bowed, removing his three cornered hat "Philippe Vincenzo Bellamy. At your service."

"What do you want?" Crimzen snarled. The other pirates edged away. Crimzen was streaming hatred like a black miasma.

"Same thing you're here for, Jackie. The Treasure."

The Red in Crimzen's eyes extended, blotting out the white. He drew and fired his blaster, 6 shots all aimed at Philippe's skull, but the other man dodged to the side so casually, it was almost insulting. Crimzen followed up by rushing him with the Power Cutlass. Philippe revealed a sword of his own, a black bladed, silver handled Power Cutlass and a Flintlock Blaster with a similar design; both with his symbol on them.. The two engaged in a dance of Death, firing and slashing, dodging each other's attacks. As Crimzen went for a final stab, a laser blast separated the two! Three massive Cy-Born Arms had appeared.

Joe and Bones pulled their leader away from the current fight.

"This isn't over." Crimzen snarled.

"Nothing ever is, Jackie." Philippe watched them walk off.

The Pirate Megazord easily slashed the Cy-Born, blocking their clumsy attacks and slicing like the CBA were standing still

"Let's use this!" Sanna yelled, pulling out her Mystic Force key.

"Right!" Joe, Bones and Allie acknowledged.

"Yeah." Crimzen monotone, causing the other rangers to stare at him.

"Captain, are you still with us?" Joe asked.

"Huh?" Crimzen snapped out of it. "Yeah!"

The Ranger Keys were turned and the Mystic Pirate Megazord was summoned.

"Mystic Spell Seal!" The dragon executed it's finishing move, exploding one of the CBA.

Next, the rangers formed the Patrol Pirate Megazord.

"Final Judgment!" The Pirates unloaded on the two remaining Cy-Born Arms, blowing them to pieces.

"So, that's what a True Power can do?" Philippe watched the fight. "I owe Midos one."

The four pirates stared at Crimzen, who was still emanating a aura of pure, unfiltered rage.

"Captain, who was that man?" Bones finally asked.

"He's my concern, not yours!" Crimzen snapped.

"Isn't it?" Allie asked. "We're your crew, the Pirate Squadron led by the Red Rogue."

"Eternal Wanderers of the Sea of Stars." Joe rose as well.

"Searching for the Universe's Greatest Treasure." Sanna stood too.

"We've fought with you and bled for you." Bones jumped up.

"So, at the very least, Captain Jack Crimzen, tell us what this man did!" Allie demanded.

Crimzen was startled out of his dour mood. His crew. They knew just what to say.

"It was about 2 years ago..." Crimzen began. "Back then, there were 6 of us. Me, Philippe, Mal, Sali, Akira, and Him. Legend Red."

The Galaxy Galleon landed, and the six warriors ran out. Crimzen was flanked by a huge man with bright blue scales (Mal) and a woman with pink skin and bright yellow eyes (Sali). Philippe was behind an alien of indeterminable gender, with green skin and pointed ears (Akira). Leading the charge was a red Ranger with a flame patterned Visor. They fought the Zang empire's men and grabbed a chest.

"That's who we were. The Carmine Corsairs, collectors of the Ranger Keys, fighting the Zang. It was the happiest I'd been since the loss of Amaranth.

Crimzen sighed. "But Everything changed on that day."

Legend Red set the chest down. "We have just about enough." he announced.

"Now we get the Great treasure!" Akira stretched an arm
"Make those Frelling Zang pay!" Mal punched his hand with his fist.
"For everything." Sali sharpened her knives.

As Crimzen approached the chest, Philippe shot him in the shoulder, knocking him down. The other Corsairs rose, but Midos and a legion of Cy-born appeared.

"You ever hear of the theory of Equivalent Exchange?" Philippe asked. "To gain, you must sacrifice something. I sacrificed you." Philippe smiled wickedly.

As the other three attacked the Cy-Born, Legend Red gave Crimzen an order. "Jackie! Get to the Galaxy Galleon! Go!"

Crimzen ran, explosions chasing him. Cy-born surrounded him. Flames Everywhere. No way out! Then, he was there. Legend Red. He fought off two Cy-Born, then handed Crimzen the box of ranger keys and a red key. "Jackie...No, Crimzen. Take these keys. Guard them well. Find the people your keys react to. They will lead you to the Great Treasure." And then he was gone, rushing back into the fire and explosions. Alec screamed and began to glow red. The red key began to glow, reacting to Crimzen's cries.

Crimzen finished his story. He fist was clenched so hard, blood began to spill. Without a word, Allie hugged the Captain. Sanna did the same, then Bones. Even Joe clasped Crimzen's shoulder.

Midos stood behind Philippe.

"What's your plan?" Midos asked. "What do you want on this planet?"

"Oh, you'll see." Philippe smiled to himself, red eyes extending to cover the white of his corneas. "You'll see."

The main computer of the Galaxy Galleon sounded off.
"Captain, incoming message." Sanna announced

"Answer it!" Crimzen's rage eyes activated again. He knew, without a doubt, who is was.

"Hi, Jackie!" Philippe waved as if he was greeting a dear friend. "Hi, Jackie's crew! Hey are you guys busy tomorrow? I want to talk."

"We'll be there. Wherever you want to meet." Crimzen glared at his former friend.

"Great! See you tomorrow! I'll send the coordinates to the Galleon!" Philippe hung up.

The five Pirate Squadron rangers marched in one line. Each one wore a look of grim determination. They approached Philippe and halted.

"Oh, you brought your crew with you?" the traitorous pirate asked his counterpart.

"They're here because they wanted to be." Crimzen explained. "Now, talk."

"Did you know, there are Extra Rangers?" Philippe asked.

"Extra what?" Sanna gasped. More keys than the ones they gathered?

Philippe held up 5 keys. The Green Mighty Morphing Ranger, The Green Samurai Storm Ranger. the Gold Zeo Ranger, The Quantum Ranger and the SPD Omega Ranger. "An Extra ranger. More keys than the core rangers. And I can use them with this." Philippe revealed a Trumpet . Tossing the keys into the air, Philippe put the trumpet to his lips. The ranger keys landed, and he began to play. The Rangers manifested, soulless husks of Extra Rangers with all of their skills.

"Set Sail!" The rangers yelled as one.

The rangers suddenly stood on the deck of the Galaxy Galleon. They burst forward, before grabbing a rope and launching themselves high into the air on it. They let go at the Apex of his swing and their ranger suits materialized on their bodies. When they landed in a three point stance, the helmets appeared. The emblem on the helmet and chest glowed.

"Pirate Red." Crimzen stated, popping the collar of his suit.

"Pirate Blue." Joe pushed the front of his helmet in a manner reminiscent of the way he fixes his hair.

"Pirate Yellow!" Sanna yelled, then threw a peace sign salute at the monsters

"Pirate Green!" Bones excitedly ran his hands down his pants legs, as if to stop his legs from shaking.

"Pirate Pink!" Allie placed her hand over her heart and gave a slight bow.

"Power Rangers! Pirate Squadron!" They yelled as one, and Philippe could almost see the pirate flag waving behind them. He snapped his fingers and the empty shell rangers fired, but the pirates cut the blasts in half, causing them to explode behind them. The rangers charged, facing off against various fighters. Crimzen fought Quantum, Joe battling MMPR Green, Allie battling Omega, Sanna fighting Zeo Gold, and Joe fighting Samurai. Allie kept her opponent at a distance for a bit, but the empty shell ranger eventually closed the distance, twisting her arm in a painful lock. As she cried out, Joe looked over to her. He tossed his blaster, and less than an instant later, Allie tossed her Cutlass. Snatching the second blaster out of the air, Allie rose her leg in a display of flexibility to kick Omega in the face to release her. Then, she turned swiftly and opened fire. Joe, meanwhile, had grabbed the sword and had easily started to turn the tide on MMPR Green. He blocked the shell's blows before landing a hard strike of his own on the chest shield, knocking the ranger away. Joe chased after it.

Sanna struggled with the overwhelming power of Zeo Gold. "Bones!" She yelled. The nimble doctor was doing his best not to be cut. Upon the girl's words, he tossed his sword, end over end, toward Zeo Gold. Sanna threw her gun to Bones, who caught it and blasted away at the samurai. Sanna combined the two swords and began to block the Gold Rangers powers with even greater ferocity.

Crimzen was keeping up with the Quantum Ranger, but he couldn't break free! Allie went down from a strong punch to her belt by Omega, who activated blast mode on his Omega Morpher before slamming his fist into the ground, unleashing a powerful shockwave. Bones was slashed up by the Samurai's blade, moving as fast as his ninja counterparts. "So fast." Bones marveled aloud. As The Samurai attacked again, Bones blocked as well as he could. The Green Pirates foot slipped, and both fell down the cliff. The Pirate recovered first. "Gun beats sword!" He yelled, emptying both barrels into the hollow ranger.

Sanna was holding her own against the Gold ranger, even managing to front kick him in the chest at the same time the Gold Ranger hit her with a similar move. As the emotionless ranger rose up, Sanna revealed her signature style. Her whip swords battered the ranger, knocking him right back down.
Joe, for his part, was starting to gain ground on MMPR Green. He slashed through Green's energy attack before slashing the evil ranger five times, moving so fast it looked like only one. Allie had recovered from the blast, switching both blasters into one hand. As Omega threw a punch, Allie caught it, shooting Omega point blank in the stomach before rising and shooting him away.

Crimzen dodged Quantum's sword strikes and took a deep breath. As Time seemed to slow for him, he planned his next move. Quantum thrust a strike for his face, but Crimzen dodged it, grabbing his blaster and firing into Quantum. As the Time ranger stumbled, Crimzen hit a capoeira kick to Quantum's face, followed by a hard spinning kick. The five pirates united as their enemies slowly rose in a group.

The Rangers put their ranger keys into their weapons. "Final Blast!" Allie and Bones fired two guns apiece into Omega and Samurai.

"Final Slash!" Sanna and Joe hit their opponents with a point blank energy slash/

"Final Crash!" Crimzen fired his energy shot, then chased it with a Sword Shockwave, blasting Quantum. The five hollow rangers exploded, then reverted to keys.

"Now for you, Philippe. Pray to whatever deity you worship."

"Oh, please don't hurt me, Jackie." Philippe sarcastically begged. An explosion KO'd the other 4 rangers. The Silver Space ranger, Robo-Knight, the Lunar Wolf Ranger, the Gold and Silver RPM Rangers, Solaris Knight, the White Tiger MMPR/Thunder Ranger, the white Dino thunder ranger, the gold Samurai ranger and the Mercury Overdrive Ranger! An army of sixth rangers!

The new army beat down the pirates as Philippe laughed. Mercury and White Dino slashing Allie apart, She demorphed, but White Dino dragged her up by her hair so Mercury could punch her in the face. Sanna was being beaten down by Gold and Silver RPM, demophing only to be hit by their pommels. Bones tried to fight off Silver Space and Lunar, but they simply beat him down. As he demorphed, Lunar kicked him in the face hard enough to break one of his horns. Joe struggled to fight Robo-Knight and White Tiger but he was disarmed and slashed repeatedly. He demorphed and White Tiger kicked him away from his swords.

Crimzen, struggling against Samurai gold and Solaris Knight, spotted his friends being tortured. As he struggled to help them, He was blasted away.

"Now what Jackie?" Philippe asked. "What will you do?"

Crimzen rose up, but Philippe's army all fired on him at once. The explosion hit Crimzen dead center. He blacked out.

Crimzen's right eye opened, his left eye still in darkness, in the ship's medical bay. Allie, at his bedside, and Bones, his doctor called the other two pirates. "Welcome back, Captain." Bones announced.

"You've been unconscious for three days.." The Pink Pirate explained. The other rangers were bandaged up, obviously worse for wear.

"Thanks guys." Crimzen grimaced in pain. "Hey, Bones, can you please get my eye out of the bandage."

Bones couldn't meet Crimzen's gaze. Instead, he only whispered. "I did the best I could, Captain." and handed Crimzen a mirror and a note. The note read "5 new keys for an eye. Fair trade, right Jackie?" And in the mirror, testament to the explosion Crimzen had survived, was the scar going from his right cheek to his left temple. His left eye was...well, it's better left unsaid.

Crimzen tossed the mirror, and it shattered against the wall.

I thought I heard the Old Man say
You can go ashore and take your pay.
And it's time for us to leave her

Leave her, Johnny, leave her!
Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her!
For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow
And it's time for us to leave her.

And we'll leave her tight
and we'll leave her trim
And heave the hungry packet in
It's time for us to leave her.

Leave her, Johnny, leave her!
Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her!
For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow
And it's time for us to leave her.

Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her with a grin
For there's many a worser we've sailed in
And it's time for us to leave her.

Leave her, Johnny, leave her!
Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her!
For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow
And it's time for us to leave her.

And now it's time to say goodbye
For the old pierhead's a-drawing nigh
And it's time for us to leave her
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