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Old 05/31/15, 10:54 AM   #1
Pink DinoCharge Ranger
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Default Power Rangers Atlantis

*A team of rangers fighting evil in the lost city of atlantis*

The year is 2013 in the city of atlantis an ancient underwater city that for many years believed to be a legend still even today to those about the surface. In the city of atlantis a professor in charge of a special task force police chose his top field agent Caitlin to become the very first atlantis power ranger and sent her out on a quest to find ancient ruins in the city. However what she found was not what she hoped for, she discovered a great evil called Emperor Zarvax and his under sea minions who is out to destroy the city of atlantis. After discovering this Professor campbell choses 4 other atlantian teenagers to come the first team of atlantis power rangers under the leadership of Caitin they set out to protect the city of atlantis from the evil Zarvax. The Rangers journey will be deadly and extremely challenging but together the rangers must protect and defend the city of atlantis before all is lost and the great secrets and legends is lost forever.

Caitlin Green/Red Atlantis Ranger
Devon Porter/Blue Atlantis Ranger
Sierra Johnson/Yellow Atlantis Ranger
Tyler Anderson/Green Atlantis Ranger
Krista Ramirez/Pink Atlantis Ranger

Marissa Rodriguez/Gold Atlantis Ranger (Ep 12-39)
Bianca Daniels/White Atlantis Ranger (23-39)
Blake Lomax/Black Atlantis Ranger (24-39)

Professor Andrew Campbell *Mentor and head of the Atlantis Empire TaskForce*
Brianna Jones *Assistant To Professor Campbell*

Emperor Zarvax (Ep 1-16,21-40)
Gorzon (Ep 16-21)
Madasa (Emperor Zarvax's lead general)
Skyler/Bridon The Axe Warrior
Sharklords (Footsoldiers)

Special Guest Appearances:
Tommy Oliver/White Ranger (Ep 30-31)
Ryan Mitchell/Titanium Ranger (Ep 30-31)
Eric Myers/Quantum Ranger (Ep 30-31)
Daggeron/Solaris Knight (Ep 30-31)
Tyzonn/Mercury Ranger (Ep 30-31)

(40 Episodes)

1. Enter City Of Atlantis
(*In this series Pilot a professor in charge of a special task force police chose his top field agent Caitlin to become the very first atlantis power ranger and sent her out on a quest to find ancient ruins in the city. However what she found was not what she hoped for, she discovered a great evil called Emperor Zarvax and his under sea minions who is out to destroy the city of atlantis. Later the team learn that in order to save Atlantis from the evil they must always work as a team never alone. They also fear Emperor Zarvax may not be the only ancient evil around, what else is store for the rangers? the answers on Power Rangers Atlantis.*)
2. Atlantazords Awaken
(*Wanting to get rid of the power rangers Emperor Zarvax creates a ultimate warrior called Bridon the Axe Warrior in hopes of this new warrior being the key to his victory of ending atlantis once and for all. Once in battle the rangers learn this new warrior could prove to be a new challenge and just maybe a new enemy, Meanwhile Professor Campbell knew the rangers will need new arsenal in order to have any hope of saving atlantis so he creates 5 new zords for the rangers based on sea monsters. However what if this new evil is gonna take far more then just new zords what if they need something that dont have?. All answers on Power Rangers Atlantis.*)
3. The Amulet
(*While in the city alone Leah finds a mysterious amulet in the park and keeps it putting it around her neck but little did she know the amulet was cursed. Later that day the other rangers noticed Leah acting strange at first did'nt think anything of it, However when she started acting mean the rangers and professor got worried about it and investigates. Thats when they learn she has a amulet she did'nt have before and they discover it was cursed and turning Leah evil, Leah eventually attacked the rangers with the help of a monster forcing the rangers to battle one of their own. Can the rangers free leah before its too late or will they lose one of their own to the dark side?.*)
4. The Stowaway
(*During a supply trip to the surface above the sea a little girl stolaway on one of the submarines curious of what was belong the ocean. Finding herself in Atlantis she was scared being away from her parents and finds herself near Zarvax's lair now in danger. Can the rangers find her and save her before its too late?. Also City of altantis hosts a air cycle race the winner gets thousand dollars in gold, Zack, Tyler, Rachel and even Brianna was racing for atlantis againest non evil creatures like aliens who will win the race and the gold Atlantis or the creatures?.*)
5. Legend Revealed
(*The Rangers discover Bridon is human and is someone from Caitlin's past the rangers try hard to find away to free him from the darkness while Caitlin confronts Bridon about what she knows and tries talking to him about their past and what really happened back then. However her confrontion led to a 1 one 1 fight forcing Caitlin to protect herself from him. The Rangers come to her rescue but in the end he still chose the dark side proving what ever power over him is far stronger then the truth. Who is Bridon really and how does Cailtin know him and can they ever save him from the darkness?*)
6. Robo Rangers
(*Zarvax has had enough failures and decides to take matters in his own hands so he creates dark robotic rangers to end the rangers once and for all. Meanwhile Caitlin and Tyler has a picnic in the park as a romantic date things was going so great with them as they start to have stronger feelings for eachother. Later The rangers was summoned when the city was under attack and they learn its by robot power rangers that looked pure evil, The robo rangers nearly destroys the rangers that is untill Professor Campbell sent the rangers a new weapon the Atlantis Spectra Cannon. The Rangers soon ends the robo rangers however they fear its not the last they will see of them. Is this the end of the robo rangers or will they meet them again some day? The Answers to come on Power Rangers Atlantis*)
7. Caitlin's Birthday
(*It's Caitlin's birthday and Professor and the rangers throw her a surprise birthday party however Caitlin can't help but think about Skyler as its her first birthday without Skyler and it makes her feel sad. Meanwhile Zarvax plans to give Caitlin her final birthday as he plans to create the perfect monster to end the ranger. The Rangers gets attacked by a Croc monster that was actually enfused with some sort of mega power the rangers was in big trouble Bridon was watching the fight from a distance enjoying the fight when Skyler's good half gained control again and saves Caitlin and them and wished Caitlin a happy birthday just before Bridon returned this time maybe for good. Is Caitlin gonna have a good birthday still and is Skyler ever gonna be free of the dark force? Answers on Power Rangers Atlantis*)
8. Temple Of Gold
9. The Guardian Awakes
10. Return Of Robo Rangers
11. A Stoned Guardian, Part 1
12. Power Of Team Work, Part 2
13. Ancient Zord
14. Rise Of A New Threat
15. Battle For Leadership *Evil's Fate*
16. Captured Leader
17. Red Clone
18. Legendary Beast
19. Anicent Warrior
20. Zarvax Strikes Back
21. The Quest, Part 1
22. The Quest, Part 2
23. Rise Of Atlantis White
24. Enter Black Atlantis
25. Ransom
26. Legendary Ruins
27. Lost Temple
28. An Ancient Evil
29. Power Of Six
30. Power Of Six, Part 2
31. Tribat's End
32. Dark Rangers Arise
33. Fall Of A Brother
34. Darkest Day
35. Ranger Down
36. End Of Dark Rangers
37. The Prophacy
38. Gateway To The Surface, Part 1
39. End Is Here, Part 2
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Old 05/31/15, 10:55 AM   #2
Pink DinoCharge Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Atlantis

Episode 1
"Enter City Of Atlantis"

(*In this series Pilot a professor in charge of a special task force police chose his top field agent Caitlin to become the very first atlantis power ranger and sent her out on a quest to find ancient ruins in the city. However what she found was not what she hoped for, she discovered a great evil called Emperor Zarvax and his under sea minions who is out to destroy the city of atlantis. Later the team learn that in order to save Atlantis from the evil they must always work as a team never alone. They also fear Emperor Zarvax may not be the only ancient evil around, what else is store for the rangers? the answers on Power Rangers Atlantis.*)

Within the city of atlantis futuristic hover cycles was seen all through the city and in the center of the city stood the headquarters for a special task force that protects the city. Inside the headquarters a Professor was finishing up a newest project "Caitlin will you come here please" he says on a loud speaker and Caitlin walks in the lab "yes professor?" she asks and looks at the table "Caitlin i want you to be the first to test my newest creation Atlantis' very first power ranger" he says to her and hands her a morpher device.

Caitlin looks "but sir Atlantis has been always peaceful we never needed power rangers here before do you knowing something?" she asks and he smiles "no my best agent, i just want us prepaired incase such thing comes" Professor says and Caitlin nods and took a morpher "i want you to go on a journey deep in the outter reaches of Atlantis and search for hidden mysterious ruins and report anything you may find" Professor says to Caitlin and she nods "yes sir" she says and set out to find the ruins like asked.

As she begins her journey she enters the abandoned sector of Atlantis "the abandoned sector? but why here" she says to herself and walks further in and looks around "man being abandoned now it sure is creepy here" Caitlin says to herself and stays on her guard. Caitlin continues through the sector and spotted a temple "i better check this out" she says and goes in the temple and looks around "woah this is incredible but spooky" she says and her morpher goes off "go ahead professor?" she says "Caitlin, what have you found?" he asks glad to hear from her.

Caitlin looks around "um Professor, i am in the abandoned sector in what seems to be an ancient temple that is some sort of barrial ground that could go back far as 17 or 1800" Caitlin says to him. Professor thinks "becareful Caitlin i fear you may find more then we hoped for" Professor says and soon connection went dead "Caitlin? Caitlin" he says "oh no i hope she is ok" he says and sighs. Caitlin looks around "great lost connection with Professor" she says and walks over to a wall and moves her hand acrossed it seeing ancient writting and she gasps "here lays an ancient evil if released no one is safe" she reads and sighs "what next" she says and the temple rumbles "oh no its awakening" she says and looks around in fighting stance.

Just then different colored shadows comes out of each tomb in the room and creatures appear "ah a human to destory" Emperor Zarvax says. "i am a guardian of the city and you all are ordered by the guardians to return to the tomb or pay the price" Caitlin says to them and Zarvax laughs "so a human is gonna order us ha destroy her my army of evil" he shouts. Caitlin held out her morpher "Atlantian Power" she calls out and is covered in a morphing sequence by a huge wave of water as a red ranger suit appears on her then her helmet formed and she appears before them taking a fighting stance.

Zarvax laughs "A power ranger interesting finish her" he says and his sharklords attack her as she battles them one by one with her atlantian saber "its gonna take more then a bunch of sharks to get rid of me Zarvax" Caitlin says fighting. Zarvax laughs "very well come my warriors we will fight her another day" he says and vanishes with them all leaving Red Ranger for now. Caitlin glows red and demorphs and sighs returning to base "professor" she says running in "thank goodness Caitlin what happen" Professor asks and Caitlin looks to him "Professor, an ancient evil awakened and is free in atlantis" she says worried.

Professor sighs "then the time has come to bring in 4 other atlantian teens to become the first team of atlantian power rangers" he says and Caitlin looks "but who they must be skillful" she says knowing the team must be strong to survive. Professor lays out 4 atlantian files on a desk and opens each one "Devon Porter, Sierra Johnson, Tyler Anderson and Krista Ramirez" he says all 4 being atlantian born. Caitlin looks "bring them in now" she says knowing they got to get down to business. Professor calls in the 4 "welcome fellow atlantians, this is Caitlin Green my best field agent and as of now the very first atlantian power ranger the red ranger" he says to them as they walk in and stand side by side.

Devon and them look "um thats nice but why we here?" Devon asks confused "yeah whats that got to do with us?" Sierra asks not getting why tell them about Caitlin being red ranger. Caitlin looks to them "because we need your help" she says and opens a case with 4 other atlantian morphers in it "you want us to be power rangers?" Tyler asks in shock "too cool" Krista says and smiles, Caitlin stood by the table with the case and looks at each one of them "City of Atlantis is in danger an ancient evil called Emperor Zarvax as awakened from a long imprisonment" Caitlin says and each look to eachother and nod taking a morpher.

Professor Campbell smiles "welcome atlantis empire power rangers as of now you 5 are the new offical guardians of the city under the leadership of Caitlin you must defend and protect the city from any evil that enters the city" he says and gives them a ranger id that shows their offical guardians, Caitlin already had an id as she was lead guardian for months now. "this is so awsome us power rangers" Devon says and was excited to fight evil "easy Devon this is serious we cant goof around like this" Caitlin says and they look to her and nod right away accepting her as their leader.

Caitlin shows them around base "as you know the city has 5 selected gateways including surface gateway but here at base we have access to an ultimate gateway that can lead even further then can possibly image some says even to other dimentions we dont we never had to use it" Caitlin says and shows them to their bed quarters "you 4 will stay in these 4 quarters mine is on other side of the building" she says being a higher rank then them in the agency. All four look to her "thanks, we can tell you being our leader is gonna be truely great and we look forward serving beside you" Devon says speaking for the rest.

Caitlin smiles and nods "rest up tomorrow the war begins" she says and walks on down the hall heading for her quarters when she spots at one and sighs "Skyler..." she says and tears shed down her face but she soon clears em up and walks on trying to put the past behind her for the sake of the mission a glimps of a shadow appeared in a window then vanishes mysteriously, Caitlin turns quickly but nothing was there "come on Caitlin snap out of it" she says to herself having to stay strong for the team.

Meanwhile at Zarvax's lair "hahaha so red ranger misses Skyler well we will just have to fix that now wont we" he says with a evil laughs Madasa walks in the chambers "what is your plan master?" she asks looking at him "simple my dear we make her never remember that weak skyler by destroying her iner-memory instead all she will have is nightmares that will destory her for good" Zarvax says with a laugh "destroy her with her own nightmare impressive" Masdasa says and smirks but just then Tribot walks in "Red Ranger is strong it will take more then a nightmare to destroy her i say we bring her ultimate fear to life" Tribot says having a plan.

To Be Contined..

Next Time On Power Rangers Atlantis....

Zarvax and his army creates an evil warrior called Bridon The Axe Warrior to destory Caitlin and the other rangers meanwhile Professor Campbell works on new weapons including new atlantian zords can these new zords be enough to stop Zarvax? and Who is this new Axe Warrior could it be this Skyler from Caitlin's past?. Answers on the next Power Rangers Atlantis..
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Old 05/31/15, 10:55 AM   #3
Pink DinoCharge Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Atlantis

Previously On Power Rangers Atlantis...

Professor Campbell chose his top agent Caitlin to be the very first atlantian power ranger and sent her on a mission to find ancient ruins but what she found was not what they expected an ancient evil named Emporer Zarvax awakened with a army of evil forcing the birth of atlantis's first team of power rangers.

And now for Episode 2...

Episode 2
"Atlantazords Awaken"

(*Wanting to get rid of the power rangers Emperor Zarvax creates a ultimate warrior called Bridon the Axe Warrior in hopes of this new warrior being the key to his victory of ending atlantis once and for all. Once in battle the rangers learn this new warrior could prove to be a new challenge and just maybe a new enemy, Meanwhile Professor Campbell knew the rangers will need new arsenal in order to have any hope of saving atlantis so he creates 5 new zords for the rangers based on sea monsters. However what if this new evil is gonna take far more then just new zords what if they need something that dont have?. All answers on Power Rangers Atlantis Empire.*)

The Rangers was in the city together trying to figure out what Zarvax's next plan is "guys, i know all this came so unanounced but the 5 of us is all Atlantis has for survival we cant let Zarvax win" Caitlin says to them. Devon and Krista looks "agreed" they both say and Tyler and Sierra both nod "but Caitlin can we really beat them with just us?" Devon asks and Caitlin looks and thinks "it wont be easy, but we have to for the sake of future of atlantis" she says to them and looks around "Atlantis is counting on us to win the war" she adds then looks up 'skyler...' she thought "are you ok Caitlin?" Krista asks her seeing her abit down about something. Caitlin looks to her "huh, oh yeah its nothing" she says and looks away for a minute "lets get back to headquarters" she says to them and leads them back.

Once back they learn professor is in the lab working on something and no one can come in "what could he be working on to have all these secrets from us?" Caitlin says wondering. Tyler looks to her "you know him more then we do" he says to her and goes to his quarters and changes clothes. Caitlin was on the roof of the hq and sits down looking at the sky of water 'i wish it was always this peaceful' she thought to herself and Sierra and Krista came up "um Caitlin we was wondering what this evil is truely like" Krista says and Caitlin looks to them then has them sit once they both sit she looks to them "Emperor Zarvax is bad as they come his power is like no one has seen before its so ancient and rare but deadly" Caitlin says thinking "i could'nt even begin to tell you what he will be up to next" she adds.

Krista and Sierra was worried by then "you mean our familys may not be safe?" Sierra asks afraid of losing people. Caitlin looks and sighs "im not gonna lie to you, long as Zarvax is at large no one is safe" Caitlin says to them and sighs thinking alot. Sierra and Krista was in fear now worried about their families "you guys can not show fear when fighting if you do he will win" Caitlin says and got up and head back down to the others "Tyler you and Devon head to the city and patrol anything you see strange report back here" Caitlin says and the boys nod and left heading for the city.

Once in the city Devon and Tyler looks around "Caitlin sure makes a great leader dont you think?" Devon asks Tyler. Tyler looks to him "yeah and kinda cute" he says and had a smile on his face "dude your not falling for our leader" Devon says rolling his eyes knowing it will only bring trouble to fall in love with their leader or anyone on the team right now. Tyler looks "so what if i am what business is it to you?" Tyler says and sudden both saw a armored warrior "um i think that screams strange dont you agree" Tyler asks and Devon nods taking out his Id Morpher "caitlin a armored warrior is in down town park" Devon says on the morpher and Caitlin leads the girls to the city and saw it "Ready?" she calls out "Ready" the others says to her.

"Atlantean Power!" They call out activating their morphers and all 5 appear as a circle in a water sequence and their ranger suits appear on them with a wave raising around them then their helmets form on them. Tyler, Devon, Krista and Sierra looks to themselves once morphed "this is amazing" they say about them being real power rangers, Caitlin looks to them "focus, we must take this dark warrior down or the city is history" she says and the 5 nod together and took out their weapons "lets do this" Caitlin says to them and they go into battle as the warrior makes Sharklords appear "this is your end power rangers, i am called Bridon The Axe Warrior" the armored warrior says and sent a blaze with his axe towards Caitlin who dodged it swiftly.

Bridon went in battle with Caitlin and looks to her "you and your rangers will fall and so will your precious city of atlantis" he says and laughs "dont bet on it" Caitlin says and blasts him with her Red Atlantian Trident causing Bridon to be thrown back abit "one good shot wont save you red ranger" he says getting up and sent a aqua blaze at them causing the 5 to fall "Ahhh!" they shout falling hard "he's too strong" Krista says and Caitlin looks "dont give up rangers we can do this" she says to them and got up "Bridon you can not beat us the power rangers always win" Caitlin says and bridon laughs "keep thinking that red ranger, but in the end its evil who will win" he says and soon was summoned back "we will meet again rangers" he says and vanishes with the sharklords.

"Power down" they call out and Caitlin steps out thinking "that warrior he seems familar but how and why" she says wondering then looks to the others "lets get back, we need to talk to professor" she says and they head back to HQ and professor was in command central "Professor, a new warrior appeared calling himself Bridon the axe warrior he is super powerful any ideas how to beat him?" Caitlin says and looks at the others thinking. Professor looks to them "as a matter a fact i do have a way you 5 might be able to win againest the evil force" he says and brought up a screen of 5 sea monster zords "these are the atlantazords 5 powerful sea monsters enfused with robotic technology and powerful enough to possibly standup to Zarvax's army including Bridon" Professor says to them.

Caitlin, Devon, Sierra, Tyler and Krista all was amazed by the new zords "their incredible, cant wait to test em" Caitlin says and the others agree "yeah it will be amazing using these zords" Devon says to Professor who then smiled "glad you like em rangers but remember their new so you got to becareful" he says to them and walks away. "he's right you cant just jump in battle you got to be cautious" Brianna Professor's assistant says to them and Caitlin and Zack look "i agree we have to becareful untill we are sure these zords can handle this evil" Caitlin says with Devon agreeing and the others look "better careful then risk the entire city's freedom" Krista says sighing.

Caitlin goes to the lounge to relax and Tyler came in seeing her "you ok?" Tyler asks abit worried as he likes her alot. She looks to him and smiles "yeah just worried about my family just like you guys are" she says and got a drink then sits down at a table "its just my family has been away on discoveries for so long i wish they would come home" she says as Tyler sits next to her "im sure they will, my family is above as im not a born atlantean like you" Tyler says and looks to her "but your not alone were your family now me and the other rangers even professor and Brianna" he says to her and Caitlin smiles "thanks Tyler, that means alot" she says and kisses his cheek "your sweet" she adds and took a drink as he froze in shock from the kiss.

Just then the alarm goes off "oh great" she says and grabs his hand and they run off to the command center "a giant monster has attacked the city its time to test the new zords" Professor says and Brianna looks "they can come together to form the Atlantis Megazord but remember becareful Professor and i are not a 100% sure they can end this evil but right now its our only chance" she says to them. "Lets go rangers" Caitlin says and they went to the center of the room taking out their morphers "Atlantean Power!" they call out and activate their morphers each morphing into their ranger forms and go in their zords heading for the city "ok octazord working smoothly" Caitlin says making her way to the monster.

Devon and the others arrive in their zords "this is amazing" Kista says in the stingray zord, "i second that" Devon says in the Plesiosaurzord and blasts the monster "Ogopogozord ready for action" Sierra says in a yellow sea dragon zord. Tyler fires at the monster too "Leviathanzord ready to blaze" he says and Caitlin and Zack look "ok lets combine" Caitlin says and the 5 activates megazord transformation and the 5 zords come together forming a huge powerful megazord "Atlantis Megazord" they call out landing and prepair for battle. The monster saw them and laughs "your history rangers, Emperor Zarvax will rule atlantis" the monster says to them and blasts at them "shields up" Caitlin says and deflex most of the blast "that was close one" she says to them.

Tyler looks "we have to end this before were the ones finished" he says and the others agree "Megazord Saber" Caitlin calls out and it forms and a huge blaze of water surrounds the blade. "full power!" they call out and slashes at the monster and the monster falls back and blew up "yeah!!" the rangers shout then jumps down and powers down "seems the megazord has what it takes to take on Zarvax" Caitlin says to them. Once back at the lab in HQ Professor looks to them "well done rangers its proven these zords is our only hope right now for survival keep it up" he says and they go about their day.

Tyler goes to Caitlin and thinks "Caitlin can i ask you something?" he says and was nervous "what is it Ty?" she asks curiously and looks towards him "um... would you go out with me sometime?" he asks before Caitlin paused in shock "really? um sure" Caitlin says shocked he has feelings for her when they just met but was happy at the same time so she kisses his cheek again "tomorrow night" she says with a giggle and walks away with a smile cheek to cheek on her face.

Meanwhile back at Zarvax's base Zarvax walks in and knocks Bridon to the ground "you fool you was suppose to finish them not let them get the best of you!!" Zarvax says to Bridon who growls getting "i will destroy them but not because you say so but because i cant stand them just you remember our alliance is only wanting the end of the power rangers and atlantis thats far as it goes" Bridon says and walks off. Tribat and Madasa walks in "master i am beginning to not trust that Bridon" Madasa says "yeah he is becoming a huge treat to us all" Tribat says. Zarvax glares at them "i dont trust him either but rather you 2 like it or not we need him in order to end those rangers and atlanteans" Zarvax says in angry.

In The City the rangers was hanging out talking about how they should plan their next encounter with Bridon and Zarvax all agreeing things is only about to get worse "we cant let Zarvax or Bridon end city of atlantis" Caitlin says to them and they all work together in hopes of a new plan of stradegy.

To Be Continued....

Next Time On Power Rangers Atlantis....

Leah finds a mysterious amulet while in the city and without having it checked puts it on having no idea if it was safe or not later the rangers learn she has been cursed from the amulet making her turn evil. Can the rangers save leah or will they have to fight and lose one of their own? The answers on the next power rangers atlantis.
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Old 05/31/15, 10:55 AM   #4
Pink DinoCharge Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Atlantis

Previously On Power Rangers Atlantis......

Emperor Zarvax creates a ultimate warrior called Bridon the Axe Warrior in hopes of this new warrior being the key to his victory of ending atlantis once and for all. Once in battle the rangers learn this new warrior could prove to be a new challenge and just maybe a new enemy, Meanwhile Professor Campbell knew the rangers will need new arsenal in order to have any hope of saving atlantis so he creates 5 new zords for the rangers based on sea monsters.

Now For Episode 3...

Episode 3
"The Amulet"
(*While in the city alone Leah finds a mysterious amulet in the park and keeps it putting it around her neck but little did she know the amulet was cursed. Later that day the other rangers noticed Leah acting strange at first did'nt think anything of it, However when she started acting mean the rangers and professor got worried about it and investigates. Thats when they learn she has a amulet she did'nt have before and they discover it was cursed and turning Leah evil, Leah eventually attacked the rangers with the help of a monster forcing the rangers to battle one of their own. Can the rangers free leah before its too late or will they lose one of their own to the dark side?.*)

Its an early morning as Krista was in the city alone enjoying the fresh breeze and she goes to the park and sits on a bench. "what a beautiful morning" Krista says and looks down by the bench "whats this" she picks up an amulet "wow its goregious" she says and looks around wondering who's it belongs to but did'nt see anyone around so she shrugs it off and puts it around her neck but little did she know a dark red flash hit off it. Soon Leah heads back to the HQ and bumps into a guard "watch it" she says glaring and goes to the lab and saw professor "so P whats up" she says seeming completely different then was last time he saw her.

Professor looks up to her "P?, Krista are you ok you seem different" he says and tries not to think anything of it "im fine why would'nt i be" she says and goes to her quarters. Professor thinks as she left and sent Caitlin a V-Mail to meet him at his lab asap and she goes their after getting it "whats up Professor?". Professor looks to her "Its Krista, she's acting abit different then normal kinda acting rude" Professor says to Caitlin who was puzzled "this does'nt sound like the Krista we know" she says alittle worried. "but perhaps its just a bad day" she adds and professor thinks "hm maybe" he says wondering if it could be or not.

At Krista and Seirra's quarters Sierra notices her tossing stuff "Krista are you ok?" she asks confused unsure on why Krista is throwing her clothes around. Krista looks to her "im fine, dont worry yourself" Krista says and Sierra notices the amulet but shook it off for now "if you say so" she says and went to get a drink 'she dont own a amulet, where did she get it' she thought to herself as she walks to the cafe on Base.

Caitlin talks to Devon and Tyler about Krista's new attitude wondering if they noticed it too "are you serious? Krista being rude? that does'nt sound like her" Devon and Tyler both say. Caitlin looks to them "i know, but professor is alittle worried, me i say maybe its just a bad mood" she says not thinking anything of it. Suddenly they see Sierra walking their way in tears "Sierra?" Devon ask curiously "Krista is scaring me and she even has a amulet on her neck and guys i dont remember her owning an amulet" Sierra says to them and Caitlin thinks "are you sure?" she asks Sierra wondering if maybe its the amulet causing the bad mood.

Sierra looks to her "Caitlin, im her roommate i'm very sure" she says and was worried that her best friend is cursed. Caitlin opens her morpher "Professor, i think we may have more to worry about then we thought about Krista" she says and explains the situation. "Caitlin, you and Sierra keep an eye on her, Devon and Tyler i need you to help me do research on this amulet" Professor says on the morphers and the boys head to the lab. The girls go find Krista "Krista, can we talk" Caitlin says to her and Krista stops what she was doing and thinks "why is everyone so worried im fine" she says and glares mad.

Sierra looks "Krista your not fine, whats got into you" she says and suddenly Krista attacks them and they have to defend themselves from her. Krista kicks them both out in the hall and guards rushed now there "Krista stop this its not like you" Caitlin says getting up from the floor. Krista laughs "i am bad to the bone and i like it" she says taking on all the guards then took off "Professor, Krista attacked us then took off out to the city" Caitlin says on the morpher. Professor sighs "Rangers this just became a fight to save one of our own" he says over the morpher and looks to the guys "we have to act fast" he says and the boys nod.

In The city Bridon The Axe Warrior appears before Krista "so the pink ranger found the cursed amulet interesting" Bridon says and Krista saw him "it feels wonderful being bad" she says and laughs. Bridon looks to her "you will help me destroy your ranger friends" he says to her and Krista's eyes flashed dark pink "with pleasure" she says and with a flash on her she was morphed to pink ranger and blasts the city calling out the rangers. Professor saw the alarm go off "go rangers" he says and the others ran out to the city and opens their morphers "Atlantian Power" they call out and morph.

Caitlin looks to Krista "we dont wanna fight you, your our friend your one of us" Caitlin says and sighs. Krista laughs and blasts them "then you will be destroyed" she says as the rangers fall to the ground, Caitlin then looks to the others "we got to free her from this" she says and they sigh going into battle with her while trying not to hurt her. Bridon watches from the side and laughs "give it up rangers, pink ranger is mine forever" he says and laughs just as Leah blasts them again with her pink trident "this is your end rangers" she says.

Devon looks "snap out of it Leah we wanna help you" he says trying to block the blast with his trident but was struggling to keep from taking the hit. "Give it up blue ranger you cant win" Krista says and strikes him making him be thrown into a building. Caitlin had enough of this evil Krista "thats it time to get Krista back" she blasts her near the amulet with everything she has and the amulet appears out of her suit and shatters freeing Krista as she fell to the ground and Bridon growls and makes sharklords appear "you will pay for that rangers" he says ordering the sharklords to attack.

Caitlin and them help Krista up and they go into battle with the sharklords "ok rangers, lets teach Bridon a lesson about trying to make one of us evil" Caitlin says and Kirsta glares "i know i got a few things for Bridon" she says and jumps up and strikes Bridon with her trident. Bridon got thrown and got angry "this isnt over rangers" he says and vanishes leaving the Sharklords for them to fight. Krista battles the sharklords one by one with the other rangers so not happy being cursed and used "im so over this" she says and does a aqua strike with her trident taking out several at once.

Caitlin saw "oh she's not happy indeed" she says to them and Sierra and Devon looks "can you blame her?" Devon says and Sierra agreed with him. "lets finish this fight" Tyler says to them and Caitlin seconds that and they blast all together and took out the remaining Sharklords. Krista sighs and looks to the others "im so sorry, i never meant to hurt you guys" Krista says and Caitlin looks "its ok you was cursed you had no control" she says and the others nod "lets go home" Sierra says to Krista who nods and goes with them back to base once they power down.

Meanwhile elsewhere Bridon was angry "you may won this round rangers but i wont lose the war" he says just as Emperor Zarvax appears "you dare try taking the rangers on yourself, you will pay for messing this one up Bridon" Zarvax says. Bridon looks to him "Zarvax you dont scare me, the rangers will fall soon enough" he says and looks towards the city from a distances "this is far from over the city will fall" Bridon says and Zarvax laughs "you destroy them? ha the city will be mine not yours Bridon" Zarvax says and Bridon took his axe and challenges Zarvax in a fight.

To Be Continued...

Next Time On Power Rangers Atlantis

During a supply trip to the surface above the sea a little girl stolaway on one of the submarines curious of what was belong the ocean. Finding herself in Atlantis she was scared being away from her parents and finds herself near Zarvax's lair now in danger. Can the rangers find her and save her before its too late?. Answers on the next Episode of Power Rangers Atlantis.
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Old 05/31/15, 10:55 AM   #5
Pink DinoCharge Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Atlantis

Previously On Power Rangers Atlantis....

Krista was in the city alone early in the morning where she finds a amulet that curses her turning her evil and she tries to destroy the other rangers. However luckily the others find out she is cursed and frees her meanwhile Bridon challenges Zarvax to a fight tired of being ordered by him. Whats next for our heroes?. Answers next on power rangers atlantis..

Episode 4
"The Stowaway"

(*During a supply trip to the cilivian world a little girl stowaway on one of the submarines curious of what was belong the ocean. Finding herself in Atlantis she was scared being away from her parents and finds herself near Zarvax's lair now in danger. Can the rangers find her and save her before its too late?. Also City of altantis hosts a air cycle race the winner gets thousand dollars in gold, Devon, Tyler, Sierra and even Brianna was racing for atlantis againest non evil creatures like aliens who will win the race and the gold Atlantis or the creatures?.*)

The City Of Atlantis needed new supplies so submarines went above to gather supplies among the non atlanteans while gathering loads of supplies a curious little girl snuck onboard of one of the submarines in hopes to find out where its going. Once all the supplies was loaded on without running into the little girl all the submarines go back down underwater heading back for Atlantis the little girl looks out a window abit scared "where am i going" she says to herself and saw them come to a under water city "woah" she says amazed that a city was under water.

The Submarines arrive in the city of atlantis and they unload the supplies and the little girl sneaks out without seen and walks around the city "where am i?" she says to herself abit scared. The Girl makes her way in a dark area of Atlantis "im scared i wanna go home" she says to herself and screams so scared. a guy in the area saw her and walks over "why so scared lil girl?" he says with a scar on his arm "i dont know where i am" she says and he looks to her noticing she isnt from atlantis "so your from the cities above well lil girl your in the legendary city of atlantis" he says and put his hand on her shoulder.

Meanwhile back in center of atlantis at the guardians headquarters Professor looks to the rangers "its that time of year rangers when atlantis hosts an air cycle race and winner gets thousand dollars in gold this year racing for atlantis againest the rebel creatures are Devon, Tyler, Sierra and Brianna" he says to them and Devon was shocked "Brianna, you race?" he asks shocked. Brianna looks to him "i maybe a scientist but i do have a life outside of this place and one of those hobbies is air racing" she says and Devon smiles.

Professor looks and smiles "yes she is actually pretty good, however rangers remember one thing each year the challenges gets harder and are different you must be alert for anything to come" Professor says to them. Caitlin looks "good luck guys" she says and smiles to them "dont let those rebels beat you this year" she says and looks to Professor "when is it?" she asks curious. Professor looks to her "this afternoon" he says and Sierra looks to Caitlin "you and Krista arnt racing?" she asks confused.

Caitlin looks to her "i have work here at hq to do and i dont think Krista is into this whole air racing thing" Caitlin says and wished them good again then went off to command central. Tyler thinks and goes after her "hey, you ok you seem out of it" Tyler says to her worried having a huge crush on her. Caitlin looks "yeah, just thinking about my past still dealing with painful memories but its nothing to worry about honest" she says and thinks "you still wanting that date with me you asked me about few days ago?" she asks smiling.

Tyler smiles and nods "yeah how about tonight, after the race" he says to her with a smile. Caitlin smiles and blushes "i'd like that" she says and kisses his cheek then goes back to work scanning the entire atlantis. Tyler smiles and goes back to the others to get ready for the race he's been trainning on his spare time "you ready for this Ty?" Devon asks him as they was good friends "lets do this bro" he says and they head to the bay for the air cycles "this is it guys" Devon says to them however just then their morphers go off "go ahead" Devon says on his.

"guys, we have a problem a non atlantean little girl stowaway on a submarine and is lost here in atlantis and we fear Zarvax and them may find her" Caitlin says on the morphers. "then lets find her first" Devon says and they rush back to meet up with Caitlin and Krista who was both scanning atlantis for this little girl "oh no she is in the dark sector" Krista says as they all knew the dark sector is the sector of Zarvax and his army "lets move" Caitlin says and brought up a screen of 5 air cycles of their colors "now were talking" Devon says smiling seeing the cycles.

Cailtin leads them to the bay area and they took out their morphers "Ready?" she asks and they look "ready" the others shout and they each go to morph "Atlantean Power" they call out activating their morphers and within a water sequence their ranger suits come up on them and their helmets form. Once morphed they jump on their respected colored Air Cycle "lets go" Caitlin says and they take off into the air heading for the dark sector "we got to find her fast" Sierra says to them knowing if Zarvax or even Bridon finds her it will be bad.

Meanwhile in the dark sector the guy with the little girl turned into Bridon and she saw and screams "let me go you ugly freak" the little girl says and kicks him in the knee and took off running. Just then the rangers saw and blasts Bridon using their air cycles "back off bridon" Caitlin says and jumps down landing near the girl and aims her trident at him "you come near her and you will be destroyed" she says and keeps the girl back showing her she is protecting her. Bridon laughs "is that so Red Ranger?" Bridon says and blasts at her but the others block the blast jumping in just in time.

Caitlin saw them "thanks guys just in time" she says and Tyler looks "thankfully our tridents deflexs his blasts" he says and him, Devon, Sierra and Krista goes into battle with Bridon while Caitlin gets the girl to safety. Bridon laughs "this is your end rangers" he says and sent a blaze at them making them fall back "never give up" Devon says to them and jumps up and blasts his trident at bridon making a blaze of lightning strike bridon. Just then Bridon grew double the size "time for Atlantazords" Devon calls out and 4 of the zords come and they jump in em.

Devon, Tyler, Sierra and Krista go into battle in the zords againest Bridon "we got to take him without Caitlin so she can get the girl out of here" Devon says and blasts at Bridon. Sierra and Krista blasts from their zords too "lets hope we can Devon" Krista says as Tyler tail strikes Bridon with his zord making Bridon be thrown "hahaha your weak zords are no match for me" Bridon says and sent a blaze them but it was sent back at him by a water blast "not so fast Bridon" Caitlin says in the octazord.

Tyler saw her "Caitlin the girl?" he asks curious if she was safe now. Caitlin looks to them "she is safe back at HQ" she says and they nod and all 5 zords then come together to form Atlantis Megazord and they go in battle "its over Bridon" they say to him and summon the atlanta sword prepairing to strike. Bridon sent a blaze at them however he failed to notice the rangers strikes at him at the same time making him take the blow and he got thrown being sent back to normal size "this is far from over power rangers" Bridon says vanishing.

The Ranger return to base powered down and find the girl "are you ok?" Caitlin asks her and the girl tears up "i wanna go home" she says so scared and wanting her mommy. Professor came over "i've arranged for a submarine to take her back to the civilian world she leaves right away" he says and the rangers says their goodbyes to this little girl and guards take her to the submarine and returns her home to the civilian world having her promise never to say a word about what she saw.

Meanwhile time had come for the race to begin with Devon, Tyler, Sierra and Brianna for Atlantis racers "your gonna lose atlanteans" a rebel creature says to them before the starting bell goes off and all the racers takes off racing through all the courses. The Rebels play dirty as theirs no rules againest it Brianna gets close to one and takes out a wheel on a rebel's air cycle making him crash "teach you to play dirty" Brianna says and keeps racing. Sierra gets shot down but manages to eject before the cycle blew up and opens her shoot making her way back down to the surface of atlantis.

Soon the race was near its end with only 3 rebels and the 3 remainning rangers and before they knew it Brianna takes goes through the finish ring giving the win to atlanteans "yeah!!" Brianna shouts and they land and the guys ran over hugging her "you was amazing!" they both say and Sierra came over "well done Brianna" she says as they all got rewarded for their win "Congratuations" Caitlin says bringing a box with gold in it. They all celebrate the victory for the atlanteans

To Be Continued...

Next Time On Power Rangers Atlantis....

The Rangers discover Bridon is human and is someone from Caitlin's past who is Bridon really and can the rangers save him from the dark side or will Caitlin forever lose this person from her past?. The Answers on the next Power Rangers Atlantis.
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Old 05/31/15, 10:56 AM   #6
Pink DinoCharge Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Atlantis

Previously On Power Rangers Atlantis.....

A Little girl stowawy on a submarine that was gathering supplies in the civilian world for atlantis and found herself in the dark sector of atlantis in the hands of Bridon who was disguises as a human and in the nick of time the rangers came to her rescue and saved her Meanwhile Brianna brought the win to atlantis in the air cycle race.

Episode 5
"Legend Revealed"
(*The Rangers discover Bridon is human and is someone from Caitlin's past the rangers try hard to find away to free him from the darkness while Caitlin confronts Bridon about what she knows and tries talking to him about their past and what really happened back then. However her confrontion led to a 1 one 1 fight forcing Caitlin to protect herself from him. The Rangers come to her rescue but in the end he still chose the dark side proving what ever power over him is far stronger then the truth. Who is Bridon really and how does Cailtin know him and can they ever save him from the darkness?*)

Professor calls in the rangers to the lab after getting new information on Bridon "whats up Professor?" Tyler asks as they walk in. Professor was silent then turns to them "Bridon is human" he says and they was all shocked "human?" Zack says confused "who is he?" he asks curiously. Professor looks to them and sighs "his name is Skyler" he says just as Caitlin goes in shock and spooked "Skyler? are you sure?" she asks about to faint in pain. "im sorry Caitlin" Professor says and looks away as the others look confused "who's skyler?" they ask but Caitlin ran out in tears.

Professor sighs "Skyler at one time was someone very close to Caitlin who was a guardian just like you all" he says leaving out the most important piece of info on who Skyler really is. Caitlin heads out to the city in hopes of finding Skyler to confront him hopeing to convince him to return to the side good once and for all 'skyler.... how can you do this to me' she thought to herself in tears and looks around knowing he's here somewhere.

Rachel was with the others in a lounge and thinks "guys, Professor look like he was hiding something more about Skyler, who you think this Skyler is and how does he really know Caitlin?" Sierra says puzzled about whats going on learning the warrior who wants them destroyed is human and someone from Caitlin's past. Tyler sighs "i'd like to know that myself" he says and Krista and Devon agree nodding "maybe its old friend or old boyfriend" Krista says to them then notices Tyler's anger "ohhh. Ty i did'nt know im sorry" Krista says realizing Tyler likes Caitlin.

Tyler walks out and goes to Caitlin's quarters and knocks "Caitlin can we talk?" he says and does'nt get no response "Caitlin?" he opens her door and saw her gone. Tyler thinks "guys, Caitlin left i fear she went after Bridon" he says on the morpher "Tyler its something she has to do" Professor says to him and sighs wondering if its best the rangers know the truth about who Skyler is. "Professor who is Bridon really?" Tyler asks demanding to know the truth "Tyler, Bridon or should i say Skyler is Caitlin's brother" Professor says on the morpher and Tyler gasps in shock.

Meanwhile back in the city Caitlin still searches for Skyler suddenly Bridon appears "Red Ranger" he says and Caitlin turns to him "Skyler" she says in tears. Bridon looks "i am Bridon The Axe Warrior" he says not answering to that human name "Skyler, your brother how could you do this dont you remember all the good times we had, remember before you left the guardians what we talked about that day Professor promoted us to higher rank of guardian do you Skyler remember" she says so wanting her brother to remember the good in him.


Caitlin and Skyler was just outside the Headquarters moments after being promoted "Skyler, you know Professor has been making plans for first team of atlantean power rangers with you led guardian your destined to make the red ranger" Caitlin says and smiles being so proud of him.

Skyler looks to her and smiles "yeah and you right beside me as yellow or pink" he says to her and hugs her "thats right Skyler nothing can change our destiny" she says to him as they got up from a bench and walks around the grounds together.

*Flashback Ends*

Caitlin looks to Bridon who is Skyler "but it did change but not by willing you got cursed and turned evil Skyler you can fight it come back to me" Caitlin says and part of Skyler thinks "Caitlin..?" he says making Caitlin smile with tears of joy "thats right Skyler its me" she says but just then dark energy bursts on Bridon "nice try red ranger" Bridon says being back in control of skyler. Caitlin took out her morpher "let my brother go!" she shouts and he laughs and blasts at her but she dodged it "Atlantean Power!" she calls out and does a quick morph to Red Ranger and goes into battle with Bridon.

"i will get my brother back maybe not today but someday you will lose control over him" Caitlin says and blasts Bridon with her Trident making him get thrown into a Tree. Bridon glares "Red Ranger you will fall not me" he says getting up "your brother is no more face it he belongs to the darkness" Bridon says as Caitlin glares through her helmet "i will never believe that one Bridon, Skyler will be back to me" she says to him and they battle on harder. Suddenly Skyler's half takes control again "Caitlin, Help me" he says and Caitlin gasps "Skyler hold on i will" she says trying to find a way to free him.

Dark Energy shot at him making his memories of good vanish "NO!!!!" Caitlin shouts knowing she just may of lost Skyler forever. Zarvax appears "he's mine forever Red Ranger you will never see your brother again" he says to her and Caitlin glares "you wil pay for that Zarvax" she says and charged jumping up blasting Zarvax with a blaze of lightning from her trident. Emperor Zarvax laughs as he osorbs the blast and sent it back at her making her fall back. Just then Tyler and the others jump out morphed blasting Zarvax and Bridon "back off" they shout and help Caitlin.

Caitlin sighs and looks down "i've lost him forever" she says to them and Tyler hugs her "you'll get him back someday im sure of it" he says and they got up and take a fighting stance reading to take Zarvax on "lets teach Zarvax a lesson about messing with us" Devon says and Caitlin nods "lets do this" she says and they charge towards Zarvax and Bridon however the 2 vanish just as the rangers went to strike. They power down and Caitlin drops to her knees in tears "Skyler...." she says missing her brother so much, Tyler put his hand on her shoulder they may of only went out once so far but he truely liked her and cares for her.

The Rangers go back to headquarters with her and help her calm down promising her they wont rest untill Skyler is back with them and good. Caitlin smiles at them then hugs them as she was so greatful to have them in her life "it was him that was destined for Red only reason i was chosen is Professor felt with me Skyler's sister and with me being same rank as him that i'd be the perfect next canidate" Caitlin explains to them and sighs. Tyler looks "that maybe but your an amazing red ranger were all honored to serve with you" he says and the others agree making her smile happy they believe in her.

To Be Continued....

Next Time On Power Rangers Atlantis....

The Rangers decided to go swimming above the city of atlantis in the middle of the ocean and while doing do finds a actual mermaid. However Madasa who is Zarvax's head general captures the mermaid and the rangers must race to save her before its to late. Can the rangers save the mermaid find out on the next Power Rangers Atlantis.
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Old 05/31/15, 10:56 AM   #7
Pink DinoCharge Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Atlantis

Previously On Power Rangers Atlantis....

The Rangers discover Bridon is human and is someone from Caitlin's past the rangers try hard to find away to free him from the darkness while Caitlin confronts Bridon about what she knows and tries talking to him about their past and what really happened back then. However her confrontion led to a 1 one 1 fight forcing Caitlin to protect herself from him.

Episode 6
"Robo Rangers"

(*Zarvax has had enough failures and decides to take matters in his own hands so he creates dark robotic rangers to end the rangers once and for all. Meanwhile Caitlin and Tyler has a picnic in the park as a romantic date things was going so great with them as they start to have stronger feelings for eachother. Later The rangers was summoned when the city was under attack and they learn its by robot power rangers that looked pure evil, The robo rangers nearly destroys the rangers that is untill Professor Campbell sent the rangers a new weapon the Atlantis Spectra Cannon. The Rangers soon ends the robo rangers however they fear its not the last they will see of them. Is this the end of the robo rangers or will they meet them again some day? The Answers to come on Power Rangers Atlantis*)

Emperor Zarvax was in a lab in his lair "those blasted rangers have beat me far to many times and Bridon and my own army can't even beat them" he says in anger and takes out a energy device "no this calls for something far worse" he says and laughs. Tribat and Madasa notice the locked lab door "what is Emperor Zarvax up to?" Tribat asks Madasa worried, Madasa then looks to him "i dont know but i dont think he trusts us anymore" she says worried for her life. Tribat was then worried "i dont like this he could end us anytime he wants" he says to Madasa and went to leave "Bridon what you doing here" he says glaring at Axe Warrior who just came in.

Bridon glares to them "that is not your concern" he says and pushes past them 'soon my take over will be complete' he thought to himself as Tribat and Madasa grown walking away. Zarvax was in the lab with 5 robot rangers laying on a huge table "soon my evil robo rangers you will end those no good power rangers" he says and laughs energizing them "your nearly complete my robo rangers and no one can stand a chance againest you exspecially those power rangers" he says knowing he finally has a chance to beat the rangers.

Back at the ranger HQ Tyler was in his quarters prepairing a picnic basket "she's love this im sure of it" he says so into Caitlin wanting to finally make things offical asking her to be his girlfriend. Caitlin was in the trainning area doing martial arts and target practice trying to keep in shape but mostly to keep her mind off Skyler. Tyler comes in their with the basket "Caitlin, up for picnic just the 2 of us?" he asks smiling and she looks and kisses him "sure" she says as she was happy having a chance at love.

Tyler looks to her and thinks "i was wondering, um Caitlin will you be my girlfriend?" he asks Caitlin who froze for a minute then broke a smile "i'd love to" she says and they kissed again. Tyler takes her to the park and they set up for the picnic "all looks great Tyler your amazing" Caitlin says and smiles "not as amazing as you are" Tyler says to Caitlin holding her hand. Tyler then took out 2 bottles of lemonade he made before they left and hands her one "my favorite" she says and looks at the food "its good thing we have help with supplies my trustworthy suppliers from above" Caitlin says only putting her trust in certain helpful people in the surface world.

Tyler agrees and smiles "shall we eat?" he asks holding her hand as Caitlin looks at everything "i dont know it looks to good to eat" she says laughing then saw Tyler get them each a plate of food "yeah but cant let it go to waste" he says smiling. Caitlin agrees and they both start to eat enjoying eachother's company truely feeling a future together, Caitlin smiles at him "i think maybe i finally found the right guy for me" she says gazing in his eyes really liking him. Tyler smiles feeling the same way as he moves beside her holding her in his arms "i feel same way, its like a dream come true" he says and started feeding her romanticly.

Meanwhile back at Zarvax's lair in the lab he brings the robo rangers online as they rise "we are here to serve you master" Dark Red Robo Ranger says as the 5 line up. Zarvax laughs "wonderful my robo rangers the time to strike is now!" he says and the robo rangers vanish heading to the city. Zarvax comes out of the lab seeing Bridon, and the returned Tribat and Madasa and brings up a cyber screen to view "behold my warriors as true power takes on the rangers" he says to the 3.

In The City explosions happen causing Tyler and Caitlin to jump hearing it "oh great ruin a perfect moment" Caitlin says and they run to the area being joined up by the others as they saw robot rangers "what in the world" Krista says seeing this. Caitlin sighs "got to be Zarvax's new creation" she says and they take out their morphers "Atlantean Power!" they call out together activating their morphers going into a ocean sequence as wave comes over them bringing forth their suits and their helmets form on them.

Once morphed they summon the tridents and charge into battle "you will fall power rangers" Red Robo Ranger says and blasts at them. They dodge it and blast a blaze of lightning at them "not today robo rangers" Caitlin says as they all fight the robo rangers taking on their own colors. The Robo Rangers was more powerful then the atlantean rangers and blasts them making them fall back "this cant be good" Zack says to Caitlin and them making Caitlin think "how can Zarvax create something that actually has a chance at ending us" Caitlin says worried.

Tyler looks and sighs unable to believe its the end "it can't end like this their has to be away to beat em Caitlin" he says to her. Caitlin thinks "lets try blasting together" she says then all 5 jump up and blast at the robo rangers together adding more force to it the robo rangers fall back but got up again and blasts at them making the ranger get thrown. Professor saw this on the lab screen "rangers i may have something for you to help you win" Professor says to them and typed in a code on his computer and activates a new weapon.

Sierra hears it "thank goodness" she says and they soon see a huge cannon appear in front of them "Rangers this is the new Atlantis Spectra Cannon" Professor says on the morphers as the rangers got up seeing it. Caitlin nods "now were back in the game" she says and they take position as the Robo Rangers charge at them "Fire!" Caitlin shouts and they blast the cannon at the robo rangers causing them be thrown back.

Emperor Zarvax saw "its not over yet rangers" he says and activates something and just then the robo rangers grew combining into 1 powerful robo ranger. "Atlantazords Awaken" Caitlin calls out and the 5 atlantazords come their way as they jump in em "combine" they call out coming together and form Atlantis Megazord "lets end this" Caitlin says and the others agree. They go into battle throwing punches at the mega robo ranger however it threw one back making them fall "Atlanta Saber" Caitlin calls out making it form "Aqua Sprike" they call out doing a strike with a blaze of water striking the robo ranger.

With the end of the aqua strike the robo ranger short circuited and blew up "that will teach Zarvax to use robots againest atlantis rangers" Devon says as Caitlin thinks "i doubt its the last we will see of them" she says before they jump out of the megazord and power down. Sierra and Krista looks "you mean we will have to face them again Caitlin?" Rachel says and Leah got worried. Caitlin sighs and looks up thinking, knowing it's a chance they will be back "yes, and possibly even more powerful then ever" she says knowing Zarvax wont give up that easy.

Tyler looks to Caitlin "i think we got unfinished date to get back to" he says smiling then him and Caitlin go back to the park luckily their picnic was still their and they finish their date. After finish eating they start kissing practicly making out and lay down on the blanket kissing "im so happy to be with you" Tyler says to her holding her in his arms as she smiles "so am i Tyler" she says and they cuddle enjoying a romantic time together.

To Be Continued....

Next Time On Power Rangers Atlantis.....

It's Caitlin's birthday and Professor and the rangers throw her a surprise birthday party however Caitlin can't help but think about Skyler as its her first birthday without Skyler and it makes her feel sad. Meanwhile Zarvax plans to give Caitlin her final birthday as he plans to create the perfect monster to end the rangers. Will Zarvax actually end the rangers or will he once again fail and will Caitlin be able to enjoy her birthday even without her brother?. The Answers on the next Power Rangers Atlantis.
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