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Old 05/25/15, 10:24 PM   #1
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 05/25/15
Posts: 1
Default My Ideas on the Morphing Grid

Before I go any further, I would just like to point out that this entire thread is fanwankery and flavor, this means that when someone asks a question, please do not answer with "Thats how the producers wanted it" or something of the like, because that is not the spirit of this thread.

So here is pretty much my idea of how the morphing grid works in correlation with each series. First an overview of how I see the morphing grid:

The Morphing Grid is a universal energy field that surrounds every planet with life inhabiting it. It is an energy source of nearly limitless potential, similar to Spiral Energy in Gurren Lagaan, but being an outer fource instead of an inner one. Humans are normally not able to tap into this endless energy source. However, this changed with the creation of morphing technology. I believe that the basic idea behind the suits is that the morpher used imprints its own design on the morphing grid when the suit appears, this gives each individual Power Ranger his own costume, but still has access to the same energy.

MMPR Season 1-3
The reason I say Power Coin instead of Power Morpher, is that I've never really believed that the Power Morpher is needed to morph. The Power Coin acts as the link the morphing grid, and it has been shown on several occasions (Predominantly when Tommy first became a Power Ranger) that you only need the Power Coin to morph. I believe that the Power Morpher is a regulator for the morphing energy, being able to funnel the power and prevent too much from entering the body at once. This, I believe, is why Tommy was so damn powerful when he first became a ranger, but seemed to dwindle later. Because he didn't have a morpher, Tommy was able to access the full power of the morphing grid, a thing that might have eventually killed him. The morpher appearing on his belt can be explained by the fact that the coin created a duplicate, non-working one simply for aesthetic, similar to the way that even though he has one as the White Ranger, it never shows on his belt.
Unlike some morphers, the Power Coin appears to actually be POWERED by the morphing grid itself. While this represents several advantages, it also has several disadvantages. Because it derives power directly from the grid, if the rangers are cut off from the grid, they are left without any sort of backup power source to keep the morph going, or the coin may try to absorb energy from an alternate source, such as when Adam's began to drain his life force. Also, because the coins are templated and genetically locked to one person, this may cause problems if new members need to be activated. In the event that the powers need to be transferred, it is an almost impossible feat.
It is also possible that the Rangers' wrist communicators were also tied to the morphing grid, with two abilities being used: the ability to communicate over great distances (which I suppose would be by using the morphing grid as a relay or radio system) and the ability to teleport. I believe that the teleportation is done by the rangers actually STEPPING INTO the morphing grid, then stepping back out in the desired area.

Zeo is a very similar season to me as far as the morphing grid and the morphers go, with the Zeo crystals pretty much just replacing the Power Coins. Not much else to say on it.

Once again. Not a whole lot else to say about these powers, other than this is the first time I believe that the actual "Morpher" initiates the morph, though I think it's the keys themselves that hold the template for the uniform. I think this is the first set of costumes that holds its own internal power supply, so that it doesn't immediately stop working if the connection to the morphing grid fails.

In Space
In space is a little bit different in that the characters may not necessarily gain their powers directly from Earth's Morphing Grid. This is the first series that established the UNIVERSAL Morphing Grid. Here's about how I think it works: The Morphing Grid energy is collected from the various planets and things and is stored in case of emergencies when the morphers are not close enough to a planet to use that planet's Morphing Grid. While the rangers are on a hospitable planet, that planet's Morphing Grid energy is used by the astro morphers, but when they race off into space the backup emergency batteries kick in.

Lost Galaxy
Lost Galaxy is a very rare treat in that we get to talk about the concept of Death and the Morphing Grid. Here's my take on it: When Kendrix sacrificed herself to save Cassie and Terra Venture, we see her for a brief moment as a specter before she completely disappears, leaving behind only the Quasar Saber. This "Death" reminds me of another hero who died in a similar fashion. Barry Allen, though his death was a little more graphic, died similarly to Kendrix, with his body merging with the Speed Force. This begins a whole new set of parallels I've been able to find between the Speed Force and the Morphing Grid, but I won't be getting into those in this thread. My theory is that Kendrix didn't die, but was instead stuck, bodiless, insided the Morphing Grid itself, probably the first organic intelligent creature ever to do so and survive. She was able to exist like this for some time, only able to materialize long enough to pass the torch over to Karone. Now, at the end of the season, once the Quasar Sabers were planted back on Mironoi, the healing power of the swords, combined with DNA that was probably left on Kendrix's, would allow her body to regenerate, allowing her to come back from the Morphing Grid.

I will be getting to the other seasons here in a bit, I just need a breather to recollect my thoughts.
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