09/15/14, 04:59 PM | #1 |
Join Date: 01/13/11
Posts: 5,877
Power Rangers' Twitters
I thought I would post a thread that would show all of you the Power Rangers' actual twitters. Each one will be in bold in the event that it's a twitter account that has been verified however ones that are not always the actor/actress themselves will be given a note after their name to denote such a thing.
Additionally this thread is just for the actual Power Rangers, separate threads will be made for the villains and for the crew members in the event that the crew member did not do any voice roles or any notable screen work. I'll include a note with the Power Rangers' character name as well as their Ranger powers as well, this will only count Power Rangers characters so even if say for example they did another role as a villain then that villain character will not be included in this listing. Also yes this will count actors if they were for example the 4 actors that played Trey since there were the 3 actors due to them being triplets and then there was the voice actor for the character. Also this will only count characters in the TV series or movies and not from the pilot. Also as much as I hate Samuell Benta because of the incident that occurred at the first Power Morphicon his twitter account will be included here too. Also there's need to be clear evidence that the account is something the actor or actress posts on, if their "about me" says anything else then it will not be included on here. Also despite how much I dislike Karan Ashley right now I will still include her on this list because she was once a Power Ranger. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Walter Jones (Zack, Black Ranger) = https://twitter.com/WalterejonesAmy Jo Johnson (Kimberly, Pink Ranger) = https://twitter.com/_amyjojohnson David Yost (Billy, Blue Ranger) = https://twitter.com/David_Yost Austin St. John (Jason, Red Ranger and 2nd Gold Ranger) = https://twitter.com/ASJAustin Jason David Frank (Tommy, Green Ranger, White Ranger, Zeo Ranger 5, Red Turbo Ranger, Black Dino Ranger) = https://twitter.com/jdfffn Johnny Yong Bosch (Adam, 2nd Black Ranger and Zeo Ranger 4) = https://twitter.com/johnnyyongbosch Karan Ashley (Aisha, 2nd Yellow) = https://twitter.com/karanashley Steve Cardenas (Rocky, 2nd Red Ranger and Zeo Ranger 3) =https://twitter.com/SteveCardenasPR Catherine Sutherland (Kat, 2nd Pink Ranger and Zeo Ranger 1) = Alien Rangers Nakia Burrise (Tanya, Zeo Ranger 2) = https://twitter.com/nakiaburrisePower Rangers Zeo DeFilippo Triplets (actors of the 3 Treys) = https://twitter.com/DiFilippoTrips Brad Hawkins (voice of Trey the Gold Ranger) = https://twitter.com/VRBradHawkins Power Rangers Turbo Blake Foster (Justin, Blue Ranger) = https://twitter.com/BlakeAFosterPower Rangers In Space Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Melody Perkins (Karone, 2nd Pink Galaxy Ranger) = https://twitter.com/melodyperkinsxo Archie Kao (Kai, Blue Galaxy Ranger) = https://twitter.com/ArchieKao Cerina Vincent (Maya, Yellow Galaxy Ranger) = https://twitter.com/cerinavincent Danny Slavin (Leo, Red Galaxy Ranger) = https://twitter.com/danny_slavin Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue Keith Robinson (Joel, Green Ranger) = https://twitter.com/keithsingsAlison MacInnis (Dana, Pink Ranger) = https://twitter.com/Alisonmacinnis Michael Chaturantabut (Chad, Blue Ranger) = https://twitter.com/mikechat Sasha Williams now known as Sasha Craig (Kelsey, Yellow Ranger) = https://twitter.com/sassycraig Sean Cw Johnson (Carter, Red Ranger) = https://twitter.com/seancwjohnson Rhett Fisher (Ryan, Titanium Ranger) = https://twitter.com/therhettfisher Power Rangers Time Force Erin Cahill (Jen, Pink Ranger) = https://twitter.com/theErinCahill (Note: Her Admin team has access to her account as well and will send out tweets on their own through her account) Michael Copon (Lucas, Blue Ranger) = https://twitter.com/Michaelcopon Jason Faunt (Wes and Alex, Red Ranger) = https://twitter.com/TheJasonFaunt Power Rangers Wild Force Jessica Rey (Alyssa, White Ranger) = https://twitter.com/JessicaReyReyRicardo Medina, Jr. (Cole, Red Ranger) = https://twitter.com/realrickmedina Power Rangers Ninja Storm Sally Martin (Tori, Blue Wind Ranger) = https://twitter.com/sallyemartinGlenn McMillan (Dustin, Yellow Wind Ranger) = https://twitter.com/_GlennMcMillan_ Pua Magasiva (Shane, Red Wind Ranger) = https://twitter.com/PuaMagasiva Jorgito Vargas, Jr. (Blake, Navy Thunder Ranger) = https://twitter.com/JorgitoVargasJr Jason Chan (Cam, Green Samurai Ranger) = https://twitter.com/jasonkkchan Power Rangers Dino Thunder Emma Lahana (Kira, Yellow Dino Ranger) = https://twitter.com/emmaklahanaKevin Duhaney (Ethan, Blue Dino Ranger) = https://twitter.com/TheKidKD Jeff Parazzo (Trent, White Dino Ranger) = https://twitter.com/jeffparazzo Power Rangers S.P.D. [b]Brandon Jay McLaren (Red Ranger)[/b[ = https://twitter.com/brandojayChris Violette (Sky, Blue Ranger and Red Ranger) = https://twitter.com/ChampV Matt Austin (Bridge, Green Ranger, Blue Ranger and Red Ranger) = https://twitter.com/mattyaustin Monica May (Z, Yellow Ranger) = https://twitter.com/burlymissmay Alycia Purrott now known as Alycia "Ally" Armstrong (Syd, Pink Ranger) = https://twitter.com/alypurrott John Tui (Commander Anubis "Doggie" Cruger, S.P.D. Shadow Ranger and Dagggeron, Solaris Knight) = https://twitter.com/John_Tui Michelle Langstone (Dr. Kat Manx, Kat Ranger) = https://twitter.com/TrueLangstone Power Rangers Mystic Force Richard Brancatisano (Xander, Green Ranger = https://twitter.com/RichardBrancatAngie Diaz Melanie Vallejo (Madison, Blue Ranger) = https://twitter.com/_MelanieVallejo Nic Sampson (Chip, Yellow Ranger) = https://twitter.com/NicSampson Firass Dirani (Nick/Bowen, Red Ranger) = https://twitter.com/FirassD Power Rangers Operation Overdrive Samuell Benta (Will, Black Ranger) = https://twitter.com/SBENTARhoda Montemayor (Rose, Pink Ranger) = https://twitter.com/RhodaMontemayor Power Rangers Jungle Fury Anna Hutchison (Lily, Yellow Ranger) = https://twitter.com/annahutchison86Jason Smith (Casey, Red Ranger) = https://twitter.com/jasonsmith84 Aljin Abella (Theo, Blue Ranger) = https://twitter.com/aljinabella David De Lautour (RJ, Wolf Ranger) = https://twitter.com/daviddelautour Nikolai Nikolaeff (Dominic, Rhino Ranger) = https://twitter.com/NNikolaeff Power Rangers RPM Rose McIver (Summer, Ranger Yellow) = https://twitter.com/imrosemciverAri Boyland (Flynn, Ranger Blue) = https://twitter.com/AriBoyland Daniel Ewing (Dillon, Ranger Black) = https://twitter.com/_DanEwing Mike Ginn (Gem, Ranger Gold) = https://twitter.com/MikeGinn Power Rangers Samurai Kimberley Crossman (Lauren, true Red Samurai Ranger) = https://twitter.com/kimcrossmanHector David, Jr. (Mike, Green Ranger) = https://twitter.com/HecDavidJr Erika Fong (Mia, Pink Ranger) = https://twitter.com/ErikaWFong Najee De-Tiege (Kevin, Blue Ranger) = https://twitter.com/NajeeDeTiege Brittany Pirtle (Emily, Yellow Ranger) = https://twitter.com/brittanypirtle Alex Heartman (Jayden, Red Ranger) = https://twitter.com/AlexHeartman Steven Skyler (Antonio, Gold Ranger) = https://twitter.com/StevenSkyler Power Rangers Megaforce Azim Rizk (Jake, Black Megaforce Ranger and Green Super Megaforce Ranger) = https://twitter.com/AzimRizkChristina Masterson (Emma, Pink Ranger) = https://twitter.com/_hichristina John Mark Loudermilk (Noah, Blue Ranger) = https://twitter.com/johnnyfroboy Ciara Hanna (Gia, Yellow Ranger) = https://twitter.com/ciarahanna20 Andrew Gray (Troy, Red Ranger) = https://twitter.com/DrewMgray Cameron Jebo (Orion, Silver Ranger) = https://twitter.com/CameronJebo Power Rangers Dino Charge Camille Hyde (Shelby, Pink Ranger) = https://twitter.com/MimiHyde Michael Taber (Riley, Green Ranger) = https://twitter.com/PutItOnMyTabe Yoshua Sudarso (Koda, Blue Ranger) = https://twitter.com/Yoshistunts James Davies (Chase, Black Ranger) = https://twitter.com/James_JDavies Brennan Mejia (Tyler, Red Ranger) = https://twitter.com/BrennanMejia Claire Blackwelder (Kendall, Purple Ranger) = https://twitter.com/claireidactyl Power Rangers Ninja Steel Chrysti Ane (Sarah, Pink Ranger) =https://twitter.com/Chrysti_Ane Peter Sudarso (Preston, Blue Ranger) = https://twitter.com/PeterSAdrian Nico Greetham (Calvin, Yellow Ranger) = https://twitter.com/Dance10Nico Jordi Webber (Levi, Gold Ranger) = https://twitter.com/jordilegit Power Rangers (2017 Movie) Ludi Lin (Zack, Black Ranger) = https://twitter.com/ludi_lin Naomi Scott (Kimberly, Pink Ranger) = https://twitter.com/NaomiScott RJ Cyler (Billy, Blue Ranger) = https://twitter.com/rj_cyler Becky G (Trini, Yellow Ranger) = https://twitter.com/iambeckyg Dacre Montgomery (Jason, Red Ranger) = https://twitter.com/dacremontgomery |