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Old 12/26/14, 03:39 PM   #4
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 12/26/14
Posts: 11
Default Re: Which Neo Saban "Teamup" was the best?

Clash of the Red Rangers was one of the better team-ups in the franchise history tbqh. Low bar obviously but I'll take it over Ranger of Two Worlds, Trakeena's Revenge, Time For Lightspeed, both Dino Thunder/SPD crossover episodes, Forever Red, Once a Ranger, and Legendary War.

Ranger of Two Worlds was as boring as the rest of Zeo. Zeo had maybe 7 good episodes. Trakeena's Revenge basically ignored the Galaxy Rangers and we have the issue of Loki and Vypra being loyal to Olympus rather than verbally abuse him and mock him because the two-parter was put together as a Mcdonalds promotional video before the Olympus episodes were actually produced in the show proper. Time for Lightspeed felt rushed and it made no sense to have Vypra come out of the ground, should have brought Jinker back. Forever Red had Serpentera being defeated by a stupid motorcycle and dumb fan service like Eric saying Tommy has his own fanclub which isn't as clever as Amit whatshisface thinks it is. Both SPD/Dino Thunder crossovers were surprisingly boring, more so wormhole. Once a Ranger had the general Overdrive issues of being annoying and having the most annoying team ever in PR history, Legendary War well the extended version was decent but the regular edition with the big bad not even going out on a fight and the whole "oh look now that most of the invasion has been stopped and it's just the last batch now all the Rangers will help"

Clash of the Red Rangers has problems but it was an enjoyable Samurai episode, which is kind of a backhanded compliment. My standards for crossover episodes in general and Samurai were both lowered so I was able to enjoy Clash of the Red Rangers well enough. It helps that I'm not a Scott fan, more of a Ziggy, Dr.K, Gem and Gemma fan myself, so I was a-okay with him being out of character.
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