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Old 10/30/14, 05:26 PM   #11
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Default Re: Could Zordon still be alive somehow?

Zordon's body was destroyed in the explosion that trapped him in the timewarp. But his life forc lived on, making him a being of pure energy. The Command Center allowed him to communicate through his tube.

Once Lerigot sent him free he was no longer stuck in the timewarp. But he was still a being of energy without a body. He persumably still used tubes to protect his essense. When Andros shattered his tube it allowed him to use his power to cleanse the UAE from the universe.

I dont know if there is a way to bring Zordon back. I always thought it would be interesting if someone brought Zordon back by reversing the Z Wave. But as a consequense the members of the UAE would be restored as well. Otherwise I dont think Zordon should be brought back. It would cheapen his sacrifice.
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