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Old 03/13/15, 09:13 PM   #15
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Default Re: Should we need to depend on sentai footage only

Originally Posted by Zabitan View Post
On one hand I don't think we should depend %100 on Super Sentai since I like original stories, villains, Battlizers, monsters, and Rangers.

But at the same time We can't make our own monsters, and Rangers without kitbashing old ones, and we can't make our own Zords, and Megazords yet plus I like it when they use every villain, and monster from the Super Sentai.

So I'm going to say an even 50/50 on that one.
actually I'm sure they could make their own monsters if they wanted to it just would be rather expensive to do which is why they just typically keep original villains to 1 or 2 evil leaders and the mooks.

Keep in mind they made the Ghost of Darkness, Wizard of Deception, Cimmerian Planet's Messenger even though he was just simply a pasted in head for the most part, the Skelekron Warriors, Black Knight, The Dragon that Wes destroyed, Vypra's Demons from Time Force, Omni, 2 other monsters in Space Patrol Delta and that's just going episode-of-the-day creatures.

I think they could make their own zord if they really wanted to there just isn't a need to do so since they've had the zord footage that they needed.

However I do agree that I prefer them using the Sentai suits in original footage since I like seeing that. I like knowing what suits they have during the production.
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