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Old 10/29/14, 04:36 PM   #4
Shadow Ranger
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Default Re: clips from finale

True. But Jonathan Tzachor didn't need to go to the other extreme by letting his raging Sentai boner get the better of him. We could've had something really special.

Instead, we get random Sentai-only Rangers that have no pre-exisiting backstory in the Power Rangers universe, main characters that are bland enough to make the cast of Power Rangers Samurai seem mildly interesting, and a season that wastes time spinning it's wheels until the return of past Ranger actors who don't even make any kind of significant mark.

Power Rangers might be a show predominantly marketed towards kids, but it is also a show that - if the interviews on Shout Factory's DVD's are anything to go by - nobody expected to ever become as popular as it was back in the early 90's, let alone survive for what will (as of August 28th, 2015) become its 22nd year. And it deserves better than the shlock that is Megaforce/Super Megaforce.

I'm hoping - however vainly it might ultimately be - that things will change for the better now that Judd Lynn is back on board for next year's Dino Charge.

We all have our problems, some just hide it better.
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