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Old 08/19/07, 08:53 AM   #9
solar gardian rider
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 03/07/09
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Posts: 18
Default solar gardian rangers

chapter 9 the extra power costume part 2 the power or the Battlizer

I caught the fire morpher s and that these yellow and red fire stone were there now 2 red fire stone crystal and 2 yellow I say cool looks at kelly 2 fire stones of our colours I got fthe others red fire stone from my pocket
put them on the morpher and something there happened the fire stone were In a box in the morpher and I asked by radiio what that meant to nicole2000 the artificial intelligence back at the ranger basis nicole say Thomas that means you can actived your Battlizer from the
morpher try but they nicole I say its time for solar Battlizer activate up on switch and I got a gold tiger armor suit just like Battlizer in pris and helmet and in heads up display to see a list of weapons and fly mode helmet laser and hand laser and shoulder guns and a large sword of gold and golden wings and I will fly kelly got yelow armor tiger suit and ranger shield of zeo ranger and ninja storm Battlizer Armor pink collor and time force Battle Warrior Armor as one joined kelly will fly also and found them cool and we went to house next day we in a fighting with clones and I did a drop kick and knee and kelly beat 1 with the hammer of its favoriete ranger team and suddenly the clones were gone and the came back again and the other with its sword and willem also and loren also and we to fight against super robot wolfsbane called a wolf cyborg being with lasers and other weapon and I shot with the quantum defender to this wolf and he had been destroyed and cyberdog pressed on bud and larga wolf cyborg Omega supreme megazord say every ranger the solar megazord and the condor zord splitte up arms end legs the wolfmegzord remained complete arms of the solar megazord became armor and legs of the condor megazord became armor and body of condor became torso shield and solar mega zord became a hand shield and wolmegazord got other head and helmet of condor and solar head combined and got glove s are the hands of the solar and condor ranger and there stood Omega supreem megazord and wesay the rangers Omega supreem megazord supreem atack the shoots the cannons and the laser glove and wolfsbane are Destroyed and the zord turnd to animal form
say power down and suddenly me morpher were hit by a laser of clone wormhole were activated and the clone shot on me and I flew there in and the rest of the rangers also and what later we let us fall from the wormhole and we were at a diffrend time we had ours uniform and cap or bareta and I asked everyone oke yes thomas what did just happen there I don’t no say Thomas something new with our ranger power and where we are say kelly I don’t no I called nicole2000 on and that they where you are thomas it the year 2025, now I say shit we through a time travel have been made by wormhole the morpher were hit laser of clone nilcole2000 say that you can time travel with these rangerpower and actived by the laser in basis of spd doggie cruger ran to comandcenter in spd hoofdkwartier what is there cat early doggie cat they I catch a strange energy on from the city seem wormhole and I catch also another one an energy on strange what thinks you doggie
to attack of gruumm not certain but the ranger let come to doggie the rangers came in and doggie they that she had examine this strange energy and they went and saw our walking there 5 people in dallas gardians uniform and we see and them sidesay are arrested say
why I say you are evil aliens and work for evil Emperor Gruumm no hear we know not even who is that say I we are the dallas gardians of the year 2003 and we are power rangers therefore let us go on by the say we are spd and also power rangers I say really where cool therefore bowl peacefully or not.we do not leave with you and as you want a fighting Then you can get hear say I the spd rangers attack
to and we defend our good and suddenly the say S.P.D. Emergency and they change in ranger and I and me team say it morping time solar ranger power ranger form and we change rangers in tiger and we fight further He waits just I have a special power the power of copy and my morpher change to the spd morpher
S.P.D. Emergency! I say and become red spd ranger and say cool I can use these power also the spd ranger have been scared he how he is possible spd ranger become do not be possible nevertheless and I say spd bataliser activate cyber mode and I had cyber mode batliser to and the spd ranger covered with that the Omega ranger and the shadow ranger came also they strange 2 red spd rangers who is now jacket I say Omega power copy and became Omega ranger and throttle control and shadow ranger and Omega ranger covered for that she astonishes are at but they thought that we destroy them this way for that they thought that we for gruumm worked but we did not do that we did power down instead of mercy battle the spd rangers found strange . why do you not do not Destroyed us early shadow ranger . I they we are none evil but police force agents of the year 2003 dallas gardians called and we are the solar power ranger force the spd ranger stood up and power down
You come from the past say doggie cruger yes say I
kelly say talking dog that is strange no say doggie I come of other planet how you came here say doggie . I say by means of wormhole those were made by morpher which became hit by laser blast of clone in our time what is clone asked doggie o same as that Krybots but they seem look like people and they are ranger with weaker power source these stones I let use morpher to see these small stones their fire stones to be crystallen get their strength of the sun and we came that we have to there 5 necessary activate the batliser I and kelly have afterwards 5 and I are the LEADER red ranger and she is yellow and 2 LEADER me but I have now just 5 solar rangers still 7 necessary have 12 crystallen and morphers and our enemy wants dominate concerning the ground and the rest of milk gone and he wants the solar crystals to that for use there because these power source are possible you for good and for evil
uses they I for this reason must we this way get back to 2003.doggie they as you enemy who crystals get then can he also can gruumm destroy nevertheless yes that is possible he then certain but these crystals can my enemy also destroy and for this reason we use it and the fire stone crystals I have idea battle ranger of will at aim with those crystallen them are then the weaker police force and we swat team for that our crystals stronger are and their fight firstly cool that is malignant idea they doggie Go along
your base maybe can kat the Inventor and Technique specialist find a way home for you
I say gladly and for your help my team help you Against grumm
Thanks say doggie cruger ende
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