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Old 11/19/14, 12:13 AM   #4
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Default Re: Should we need to depend on sentai footage only

Now in the case of the villains and what wasn't in Sentai but was still Power Rangers.

Lord Zedd
Elgar originated in Sentai as did Rygog but their costumes were re-made so that they had a better costume for the movie.
Mama D
Dark Specter
Furio was a Sentai costume but everything you see of it in Galaxy is new since he had no Sentai footage in Galaxy since the suit was actually made Megaranger which was what was adapted for Space.

Master Org
Kapri and Marah (they wore the same clothes to their Sentai counterparts but Kapri and Marah were actually their own character and generally they were usually in original footage)

Mora/Morgana (Morgana had a counterpart in Sentai but she was just a powerful Monster-of-the-Day who was just there along with the counterparts to Devastation and Shorty to intro DekaBreak/Omega)

Venjix virus
Sledge (Dino Charge)
Snide is a Sentai costume but all of his footage is original.
Zedd's Putties.
Tenga Warriors.
Putra Pods, Piranhatrons
Quantrons, Velocifighters
Kelzak Furies

Zedd's and his Chamber of Commands.
Master Vile's Skull base was there but it needed original footage due to Rita, Zedd and Goldar being in it.
Subcraft - all interior and exterior stuff was new.
Space Base = exterior was Sentai. all interior was new except for Havoc's Zord Hangar.
Dark Fortress = most exterior stuff was Sentai, generally all interior stuff is new however there are some Psycho scenes in their base that are Sentai.
Scorpion Stinger = all new.
Mutiny Castle = mostly all Sentai but they had shot some original interior stuff.
Skull Cavern = mostly all Sentai but new scenes were filmed inside there because of Vypra mostly.
Prison Ship = exterior is Sentai everything else is generally new unless Frax is the only one that is around then it's likely it is Sentai but that's not always the case.
Nexus = taken from Sentai but generally most of it was new until Mandilok had taken over then it was Sentai and original.
Lothor's ship = all original
island fortress = Mesogog's lair was indeed all original
Terror = Gruumm's space craft was indeed all original
Underworld = taken from Sentai some of it was Sentai but because of Necrolai and Leelee a lot of new stuff had to be re-shot.
Dai Shi's Temple = taken from Sentai but new scenes were filmed.
Venjix Palace = exterior is Sentai but interior is mostly new.
Xandred's Boat = all Sentai
Warstar Ship = basically all Sentai except for one scene.
Vrak's Underwater Base = from Sentai but new scenes were shot
Armada Ship = taken from Sentai but new scenes were filmed.
Lord Arcanon's/Sledge's Ship = all new.

Prince Gasket and Archerina originated in Sentai but they changed Gasket's character. Originally in Sentai Gasket was an adult form of Sprocket.

Now for the enlarging techniques.
Rita's Wand was all Sentai.
Zedd's Growth Potion is a mixture of American and Sentai since he summons it in original footage but then it eventually crosses into Dairanger footage.
Zedd and Rita's lightning - starts in original but then it mixes into Sentai.
Orbus' Ray = generally it is Sentai but there have been a few times when he and Klank have done their thing but regardless most of the time the actual injection is Sentai.

Subcraft Torpedoes = all new.
Satellasers = mixture of Sentai and new.
Potions = Monsters in Galaxy drank potions to grow and while this also happened in Sentai we usually saw them changing the bottle in original footage.
Demon Enlarge Card = this was basically all Sentai except for 1 episode.
DNA patch = except for one episode this was all Giant.
Org Seeds = the seeds were always the things that were used to enlarge Orgs so it was always Sentai BUT it wasn't always Toxica that fired them but whenever she shot them it was pretty much all Sentai except for close-ups of her reciting her spell.
Kapri's P.A.M. Enlarger = the one we always saw was Sentai.
Hydro Regenerator = the rain cloud and rain was Sentai but the Hydro Regenerator that activated the rain was obviously not in Sentai.
Koragg was usually the one that enlarged their monsters through spells and it was generally done via Sentai.
Enlargement Download = most of this Venjix Palace download was indeed Sentai.
Zombats/Zombots = Sentai
Levira's Laser = Sentai
Sledge's Magna Beam = original although it's not very original since we've seen growth lasers and growth beams before.

Goldar's Cyclopsis cockpit
Zedd's Serpentera Cockpit
Kaprizord, Marahzord and Shimazuzord Cockpits
Lothorzord Cockpit
A-Squad Megazord Cockpits

Fortress Cockpit
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