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Old 12/05/16, 11:41 AM   #16
Destiny Defeated
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Was Time Force evil?

I wouldn't say they were evil. They just had flaws like any society. There was diffinitly mutant prejudice in the future. But I don't think Time Force tried to promote it. Could there have been racisit officers? Sure....But I do think Time Force was legimately trying to keep the peace. Plenty of wrongs were done by some mutants too. Which Ransik realized. Alex is a good representive of Time Force. Since he had a flawed idea of how the Rangers needed to handle the mission. Yet was able to learn from Wes that there were other ways. As well as that niether he nor Time Force had all the answers.

One major mistake Time Force did make was the genetic experiments. They played with mother nature and have to take full responsibilities for the consequences. This led to mutant prejudice and some of them becoming the very thing Time Force had to fight to protect Millennium City from. So Time Force definitely deserves flak for doing that. But I can't say they had bad intentions or are an evil organization for it.
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