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Old 03/02/15, 07:42 PM   #2
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 07/17/11
Posts: 21
Default Re: Power Ranger Origins: The Reign of the Morphing Masters

Chapter One: An Odd Resurgence

The citizens ran from the plaza, screaming in fright. The chaos ensuing from the attack hit each person to their very core. As the Time Force cameras appeared in orbit to record the incident, the people could be seen scurrying to safety. Upon closer observation, however, there was one person who stood, staring the enemies down with defiance in his eyes, and what looked like the beginnings of a smirk. As the last of the crowd emptied the plaza, the young man placed his hand to his head and combed his hair back.

"Okay. Now, I don't know who put you up to this. I don't know why you're here. Frankly... I don't care. My job is to take you down. My personal goal, however... is to make you wish you never showed your faces here." He looked around and was pleased to see he had their attention. The fact Z-Putties were here, so long after Zedd was lost outside of time, was puzzling. The young warrior was sure, however, the main headquarters would get to the bottom of this odd resurgence.

The Z Putties lunged at the man. He stood back and got into his fighting stance. Okay. As they run forward, they have limited ability to maneuver. He moved his head up as if he were going to jump, convincing two putties to leave their feet. As they did, he ducked under and rolled beneath them. Getting up, he juked another opponent, giving him a donkey kick to the back. As he looked up, another putty reached to grab him. He crouched down at this point and slammed his shoulder into the putty's pelvic region. He proceeded from here to lift him up and throw him into a group of putties as they ran forward.

As the Z Putties regrouped, the fighter set himself in position. "You guys are good at protecting those Z-marks... I sure hope the others are doing better than me..." He sighed and stared them down. "I guess you leave me no choice but to crank up the intensity." He reached into his uniform jacket and pulled out his badge. "SPD Emergency!" A crackle of energy formed around him as he felt his gear appear from his tap to his power. "Force for the future! Future: Omega Ranger!"

He flew up into the air as an explosion occurred behind him from the excess energy produced from his morph. "Legend Blaster!" he yelled as his gun appeared. The ranger then pinpointed and rapidly shot at three of the putties, hitting them directly on the Zs on their chests.

While Omega Ranger landed, he clutched the morpher on his wrist. "Omega Morpher II: Hyper Mode!" As he commanded his morpher, chroniton particles filled his body and gave him his time defying abilities. He zoomed toward three of the putties and, with an ounce of arrogance, touched each Z with his index finger. As his ranger form returned to its normal state, he saw the putties break apart.

The last four Z Putties' arms turned into weapons as he stared them down. "Huh? I thought only Rita's putties had weaponry... Legend Sword: Activate! Morpher: Access Hall of Legends!"

Future: Omega Ranger ducked under one enemy swipe and struck another with his blade with a clink. "Access granted. Welcome Project Future: Omega. What is your request?"

The ranger punched a putty in the face as another kicked him square in the back. "Ugh!" he screamed as he fell.

"Unable to understand request. Please repeat."

"When did Z-Putties first appear with weapons instead of hands!?" Omega screamed this with as much enunciation as he could muster, as a putty struck his chest with an axe, sending sparks flying. While he flew backward, another putty punched him in the side of his neck. Omega fell to the ground as his suit started activating numerous inhibitory neurons to numb the pain.

"Access denied." The computer stated matter of factly.

Omega coughed to clear his voice. "Impossible. Reason for denial!?" One putty's hand morphed into a giant hammer and, with a massive uppercut, sent Omega flying. As he flew through the air, one putty jumped toward him, launching himself into Omega's chest as another putty came at him from the opposite direction, hitting him in the lower lumbar region.

As the courageous warrior crumpled to the ground, he heard the computer say, "The information requested is at a higher clearance level than the user who initiated the search. Please contact the network administrator for further details."

The ranger dug his sword into the concrete and, clutching the hilt, pulled himself up. Gasping as his vision regained focus, he said, "Clearance... level... Future: Omega." As he regained some composure, he rushed forward. At that same moment, a fifth putty teleported onto the scene and close-lined him.

"Insufficient clearance. Information: confidential."

"Come on, Sam. You can do this..." the ranger muttered to himself. What can I do!? An idea then sparked.

"Power... down." As he demorphed, Sam returned to his natural form, with all his injuries disappearing. As a putty rushed him, he teleported a pole in between them. Without time to react, the putty ran into the pole and made contact with it. The Z emblem made contact with the pole, causing the Z Putty to explode into a pile of clay.

Sam turned to the remaining four. "Time to morph! SP-"




Jumping over Sam, the B Squad SPD Power Rangers landed in between him and his foes. Relieved, Sam looked at them: Bridge, the Red Ranger; Z, the Blue Ranger; Warren, the Green Ranger; Syd, the Yellow Ranger; Boom, the Pink Ranger.

The Red SPD Ranger, Bridge, turned and placed his hand on Sam's shoulder. "Thought you could use a hand, buddy!"

. . .

While the rangers drove back to their base in the back of their SWAT vehicle, Sam stood up to sit next to Boom. "Hey, man. Thanks for your help back there."

Boom looked up, his eyes beaming with excitement and sincerity. "No problemo! Always there for a brother in arms! I'm just glad we finished off the other attacks in time! Your batch seemed super juiced... Why do you think that is?"

Sam shook his head. "I don't know..." He looked around and turned back to Boom, whispering. "I tried to access information on that variant of putty, but the Hall blocked me, saying I had insufficient clearance."

Boom cocked his head back and rolled his eyes into his head, as if to physically look for the answer. "Hmm... that's weird. We programmed your project to have full access. If you didn't, then the whole thing is pretty much a waste, ya know what I mean? Haha... Anyway, it must be a mistake in the programming. I'll call Kat and look into it ASAP." He beamed a smile and rustled Sam's hair. "Now, let's go grab some snacks: We're back home!"
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