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Old 12/05/17, 04:01 PM   #14
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/04/17
Posts: 188
Default Re: How did Mike get his job back?

I think the whole High Council knew exactly who the Rangers were. It wouldn't surprise me if the whole colony knew - for reference - that Damon was a mechanic who had a monster-size condor somewhere in the colony's woods. Besides, I think the LG Rangers just chose not to care about it because when a GSA officer who is a Ranger lost her life thanks to an evil Ranger and another person just casually comes to replace her as a Ranger and live on the damn colony, keeping your identity a secret just doesn't matter any more.

I even bet that the whole Angel Grove knew who the MMPRs were. I mean, a dude who always wore green clothing suddenly remembers that the White and later, the Red color exists, who hanged out with 5 other people who wore clothing that resembled the team color scheme of Power Rangers.

So, long story short: Power Rangers and secret identities don't go together. It was just a legal cover up so a bunch of teenagers could pilot a freaking huge robot that beats up monsters. The same goes for the LG Rangers and any other team with a secret identities plot going on in their season. Good example: There was that time when Bulk and Skull clearly recognized their friends' voices during a Z Putty fight.
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