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Old 01/31/15, 10:23 PM   #25
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Default Re: Dino Charge 1 Powers From The Past

Originally Posted by Superstatler View Post
Thats not what I meant by unrealistic. I like fantasy in Power Rangers. I meant the way the characters were interacting with each other. Power Rangers was a little more mature back in the day but still a kids show. Seasons like Space and Time Force were more mature. Yet they still were fun enough for the younger viewers.

Really, I didn't see much difference in the type of writing here than with Samurai and Mega Force. I really wanted to like Dino Charge. And maybe I will if things improve. But right not I am disapointed. I was hoping for at least something like DinoThunder. Which would have been fun.

I was wrong about the Sentai villain thing. But that disapoints me more. They tried to make an original villain and I actually thought it was a Sentai villain. Thats worse.than I thought.
I don't see how the interactions were unrealistic.
We had Joel and Fairweather's interactions which in a realistic setting would have gotten him at least arrested and had a restraining order placed on him. Did that happen? No it didn't they wound up married.
We had Kat that befriended Kimberly, Tommy and everyone else even though she was under an evil spell and was completely jealous of Kimberly. She eventually became best friends with Aisha and Tanya like within seconds even though it wasn't realistic.
Jason returned from the Peace Conference and returned back to being best of friends with Tommy like he had never left but he never made any mention of Zack or Trini which again isn't realistic.
After Karone replaced Kendrix everyone pretty much entirely forgot about her (Kendrix) for the most part until she returned.
Let's see... what other things are far more worse unrealistic than whatever it is you're describing? I'll think of some more.
Same thing with Mike. After like the first few episodes while Leo had never forgotten about Mike and neither did some of his teammates (like Kendrix for example) practically everyone else did.
Lightspeed forgot about Ryan a lot after he left even to the point that the demons had also forgotten about him.
Jen and the Rangers eventually forgot about Alex and his sacrifice until he came to their time.
Characters like Tori, Shane and Dustin would have never became friends in real life since they're so far different from one another.

Yes Power Rangers was maturer (not a word I know) back in the day but that was back in the day. That's not now. They have to change with the times. We might want it to be maturer but we're not the target audience.

I doubt we'll see something like Dino Thunder since that was written by Doug and he created Mesogog with the intent to scare people.

hey at least they made an original villain and created an original ship. They could have just done a Tzachor and reconstructed the Sentai base and not even introduce a lot of Sledge's monsters early on like they did with the monsters in the cells that were in his ship.
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