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Old 03/02/15, 08:50 AM   #4
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Super Samurai

Power Rangers Super Samurai Chapter 4

(Back in my dimension)

Yes its ready.

*I enter into the green vortex and start absorbing the energy of the fallen 5 psycho rangers*

Psycho red: Psycho green what are you doing? no your suppose to help us....

*Psycho rangers scream as they begin to bond with me*

Yes its done.

*I come out the green vortex with a new look*

Let me see those samurai rangers stop me now.


Still walking around with my spin sword in my hand.

Now lets go test these new powers out.

*Goes back into the real word and starts blasting and blowing things up*

Yes humans with fear.


Shows up and sees him This isn't good at all.

*Senses the red ranger*

Oh look the red ranger came to play...

I'm gonna destroy you for hurting Antonio no one touches him or the team but mainly him.


Oh really....are you sure you want to do this ranger.

Yes i can do this on my own you won't ever hurt him again.

Allow me to give you a simple of my powers.

*Shoots out a small discharge of energy causing a major explosion*

Mike leaves to go after him.

Your gonna have to much better than that.

Oh I'm planning on it...but I'm going to enjoy that's why I'm going to take my time destroying you.

*Forms a green energy ball in my hand*

Here catch.

*Throws it at the red ranger*

Yeah good luck Gets hit falls to the ground gets back up and charges with my spin sword.

That's what I'm talking about.

*Gets ready to play defense*

Gets ready to charge with my sword.

*Attacks with my psycho speed but faster and stronger*

Tries to find them.

Tries hitting you with my sword.

Catch me if you can...

*Still running and using my new psycho speed to attack you*

Stands still and waits.

*Hides in the shadows and imitates your voice to call Mike*

Lauren's voice: Mike I'm over here I need your help.


That is really uncalled for.

I'm angry, show yourself.

*Still using Lauren's voice*

Mike hurry he's got me!!!.

Finds you and charges at you hitting you with my spin sword Never do that cause i'm still here not trapped or hurt worse i will never be hurt worse i hate it when you imitate me that's a new low even for you Tries hitting you harder.

*Takes the hit but vanishes before you can strike again*

Says from a distance with my voice echoing: Lucky hit red ranger...that will never happen again .

*Laughs with my voice still echoing*

I know your here somewhere i will destroy you.

Runs were are you.

* says with my voice still echoing*

Keeps looking around trying to find him I know your here somewhere show yourself.

Mia, Antonio, what if he's playing games with them I need to go and bring Mike back here want to come with me.

We still gotta let Lauren handle him.

*Gets up and sneaks out the house without anybody seeing me*

I know but never mind stay here with Antonio I'm gonna find Mike.

*Gets up and uses the crutches to find him while hopping through the city*

*Shoots out a green electro discharge at the red ranger and another at the green ranger*

*Walks through the city and pulls out my samuraizer*

Mike where are you, are you alright answer me.

Is that the best you can do cause i don't give up that easily.

*Limps into the forest looking for Lauren*


Go Go Samurai spin sword were are you hiding.

*I told you red ranger I'm going to enjoy destroying you very slowly says and laughs with my voice echoing still*

Yeah not going to happen you will lose.

*Appears behind the red ranger grabbing her and throwing her into a vortex and then disappears and reappears behind the green ranger doing the same to him*

*Keeps trying Mike*

Mike answer me please,

*Tries hiding the pain and rubs my stomach*

Oh no you don't kicks him.

*Limps into the forest and stops to lean against a tree to rest and sees psycho green taking Lauren*


*Coughs and holds my ribs*

*Stumbles back and fades away....That's ok green ranger I have your leader says in a echo*

*Tries Antonio*

Antonio where are you and what's going on I can't reach Mike.

Show yourself.

*Coughs into the phone*

They are in the.....forest....but he got...her.

No please tell me Lauren is ok, what about Mike. here......looking for him.....

*Appears behind the gold ranger*

Gold ranger we meet again..

*Grabs him*

Your coming with me.

Oh no I'm not..

*Kicks him away and morphs*


*Morphs but still holding my ribs*

No runs at him kicks him in the head.

*Em calls Mia*

Mia get to the forest hurry Lauren and the others are in trouble, Mike answer me.

Gets there.

I know Mike and Antonio are here but don't tell me he took Lauren.

I'm afraid so I'm on my way slowly but surely,

*Em hops a little to get to the forest*

Thanks Mike.

*Drops to one knee*

Mike you have to concentrate....remember what...Jay

Do you think he took her so he can destroy her.

*Stumbles back and fades away laughing echoing*

I think so hurry Mia, do you still have my pills.

Yeah i brought you water too Hands them to you.


*Takes them as I get to the forest with her*

Go help them.

Tries to remember what Jay taught me.

*My voice echos out*

Enough ranger...if you want to see your leader and only you have to find know where I am...

*Laughs as my echo fades away*

Hits a tree.

Mike....he's still have to focus and listen.

*Stands up right but barely*

Thinks focuses.

Walks over to him.

You ok.

*Some where in another part in the forest*

Red ranger wake up...your not done yet....


I told you I'm going to enjoy this.

*Em sits against the tree with her foot out and rubs her stomach*

Mike please we need to find her and stop him once and for all.

Wakes up Yeah right i won't let you.

Mike has to focus...he can do this...after all he beat that nighlok who kept doing sneak attacks.

Stay here.

Runs to the other part of the forest.

*Looks at both Mia and Antonio*

You should be resting and shouldn't have gone out still recovering I have some pills for pain if you want them.

No I'll be ok...thanks Em.


*Sits there*

I hope he finds them were a team we all should handle him.

I'm sure she's fine she's strong like we all are you know she's trying to protect us especially you she really cares about you and she didn't like it when you got hurt.

*Detects the green ranger coming near*

Shhhh red ranger we have company.

*Fades away into the shadows*

Yeah but doing this alone is what he wants he wants to destroy her and than the rest of us, I'm gonna go and follow Mike and watch.

Em if you go he will detect you and hurt her none of us want that.

No allow can't move to I'm going.

*Runs with a limp behind Mike in the other part of the forest*

Em how is the baby doing.

Stays alert.


Umm ok I guess can you stay here and wait for them I need to go back to the house I'm not feeling to good.

Sure take the water and medication with you some of her tea is there too.

*Contacts Mike*

Mike I'm here with you buddy for support.

*Leans against a tree*

I'm good I'll just have tea.

*Gets up and starts to walk back to the house*

If Mike asks tell him I had to lay down.

Don't worry i will tell him.

*Smiles and starts to leave the forest and head back to the house, i walk in and get some tea and heads for the couch and lays down and calls Mia*

Mia anything yet.

Nope not yet how are you feeling.

Blah not to good with the ankle and baby I'll be throwing up alot don't worry bout the mess, try and get a hold of Mike or Antonio without giving away there location and hope they bring her back with them so we can all take him on together.

I know Lauren will clean it up she always does.

Nah I'll clean it up it's to gross just hope they get back ok, keep me posted.

*Hangs up and crawls to the bathroom but it ends up on the floor*

You know Lauren loves cleaning up not for her they will the one i'm worried about is Lauren not sure what he will do to her.


I'm sure she'll be ok I wish we could help.

Mike and Antonio are there even though he's still in pain but she might be worse than him.

Maybe, umm I just threw up a little on the bathroom floor it's mostly the green tea I just drank and umm a little blood.

Blood from what.

I don't know.

You gotta find out.

How can you come back here, just tell them that were at the house.

I'm coming back i will call them and tell them.

Runs back to the house sees you.

*Cleans the floor and sees you*

Mia in here.

You sure your ok.

Yeah can you help figure out where the blood is coming form.

Sure your not supposed to cough that up.

No it just might be a spasm hopefully not from the baby or something.

Hmm you never know.

I know but we have to find out could just be from what I ate or something cause if I lose this baby he'll be upset I can't do that to him.

*Starts to cry*

It won't be your fault.

I know.


How do we find out.

I don't know.


Ok hope so.

We will figure it out.

I know I'm kinda tired.

Get some rest.

Can you stay with me til they come back.

*Falls asleep*
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