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Old 02/16/16, 04:25 PM   #4
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Default Re: Re-do a Power Rangers Season - MMPR Season 1

Let's see... what changes would I have made?

I would've made it so that one or 2 of the Rangers was a relative of Zordon.

1 of them would've been a relative of Rita and another one would be a relative of Lokar.

Lokar would be deemed as Rita's Boss.

During the time she casts a spell on Tommy it would've been a dark spell that comes from Lokar's magic since he is the one that gave her the magical powers as well as her skull.

Rita using Lokar's dark magic however is forbidden so it results in damaging her for a bit and being unable to use spells.

Rita would be angry and even more desperate because of this and would start going after anything and anyone whether it's a civilian, a Ranger or whatever.

Zordon would imply that he did not make any of the zords he just made them exist and brought them to Earth.

Lokar's dark magic is the magic that activated the Dragonzord and his dark magic is also what created the Sword of Darkness.

The Super Putty is an ancient form of dark magic that Lokar had created millions of years ago even before he and Rita started attacking Zordon for the Power Coins and Ninjor's Dinozords.

Rita was jealous of Zordon because he had 6 Power Coins and 6 Dinozords however during a battle she was able to steal the 6th Coin as well as the Dragonzord due to Lokar's dark magic that both she and him ended up using.

Zordon had studied the dark magic that they had used and created the Thunderslingers from that dark magic however being an Eltarian wizard it was illegal for him to use such dark magic no matter what the reason was so he hid them away in hopes that he would never have to use them and he had placed Titanus there in order to guard them so that no one would be able to get to them without it firing at them.
The Thunderslingers were also placed with a protective barrier meaning that only Zordon knew where they were and only he knew the key to releasing them from their barrier which of course was by having 2 Rangers learn a valuable lesson of some kind while near their location.

Tommy would lose his powers like we saw but he would give his Coin to Jason as well like we saw in the power and of course the whole thing with him regaining his powers would be the same thing as well except that his powers are still tied to Lokar's dark magic and during 1 battle Lokar strips him of his powers however Zordon and Alpha find a way to disconnect his powers from Lokar's dark magic and he is able to resume as the Green Ranger but as a result of the dark magic being in control of the powers for so long the dark magic has corrupted them and pretty soon they will be gone.
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