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Old 10/14/07, 11:06 AM   #9
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 08/10/07
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Default Kamen Rider Neos Episode #3: New Secrets

Kamen Rider Neos: New Secrets

In our last episode Tendu has a mystirious incounter with a strange figure that was thought to be dead richboy Tsrugi aka kamen rider scorpian. We also find out that Yakashi means buisness as he interups a fight with worms envolving sassword and Kabuto. Later on the mother of an old friend named Gon drops her off to hang out with Tendu's little sister, and both of them end up going missing. When Tendu finaly finds them he is accisted by also thought to be dead and once a big brother figure for Gon Dauske the dragonfly and Tsrugi returns, And finaly at the end of the show Tendu returns to the cafe stumbaling upon another thought to be dead friend Kagami the Gatack beetle.

The cafe-

Kagami-"Hello Tendu, long time no see."
Tendu-"huri come here now!"

Huri runs out the kitchen in the running tord Tendu and otu the door.
Huri-"Whats wrong why aren't you happy it's Kagami, hes back!"
Tendu-"I know and thats the problem!"
Huri-"What do you mean?"
Tendu-"Yesterday I saw Tsrugi and Dauske."
As they carried on the conversation Dauske approches them.
Dauske-"Good morning Huri I'll never forget your beautifull face."
Tendu stares with suspition, Then shuves the two out the way and walks back in the cafe.
Tendu-"Everyone leave now, ecept for the three of you."
Tendu points at Huri, Dauske ,and Kagami ordeing them to to sit.
Tendu-"Kagami how are you here?"
Kagami-"well it was weird really I really dont know what happened . All I remember is you and cacasuss and me passing out in that escape pod and just woke up here."
Tendu-"Thats strange because that sounds like the same thing Dauske said."
Dauske-"I dont have to take this I have work to do."
Kagami-"Neither do I."
Tendu-"You two aren't going anywhere."
Dauske-"You'r not the boss of me. You dont order me around."
Tendu-"I said sit down."
Dauske-"Make me!"
Dauske slams his makeup kit on the floor.
Kagami and huri look in ahh.
Tendu-"Huri run tord the door now."
Tendu-"Because they are both WORMS!"
Huri-"How do you know?"
Tendu-"Its simple really Dauske would always treat his makeup kit as if it was a client with care and love, and the Kagami I know would have would have relised just has I did and wouldn't sit in ahh like just know."
Before Huri can move the both fake Kagami and Dauske shockingly hit Huri sendind her across the room.Then hitting Tendu sending him out the door. Tendu lies on the ground outside.
Tendu-"You shouldn't have done that...."
Tendu takes off his vest throwing it to the side while standing up.
As Tendu henshins the fake Kagami and Dauske change into their true worm forms.
Worm 1-" You should had minded your buiness rider."
Both of the worm's outer shell broke off and they changed into Delta worms.

But what Tendu donsnt know is that Huri looks aover to the corner and sees Gon standing their and watching Kagami and Dauske transform into the worms. Gon tumbles to the ground and cries. But the fight rages on.

Gon screams out at the top of her lungs...
Gon-"Dauske, Kagami!"
The worms stop in their tracks and strugle to move.
Tsrugi runs to the rescue to atend the Kabuto in battle
Sassword-"Tendu whats wrong with them?"
Kabuto-"It seems like Huri's voice trigered their human minds. The worm part of them seems to be fading away.
Sassword-"wow. Are they going to be ok?"
finaly Kagami and Dauske pass out on the ground.
2hours later-

Dauske wakes up but tied up with Kagami inside an abanden warehouse.

back at the cafe-
Tsrugi-"so Tendu how did you know I wasn't a worm to?"
Tendu-"It's simple because I already destroyed your worm half and trying to duplicat it would be to hard and the procces will be to unstable."
Huri-"We are out of riceballs."
Tendu-"fine I'll pick some up.
Tendu walks out the cafe and down the street looking for a market stand.
As Tendu is walking he struck by a unknown force but catches the blow.
Tendu-"Yakashi! What do u want?"
Yakashi-"Nothing but just to let u know to watch your back Kabuto. There are strange things occuring."
Tendu-"You already seem pretty strange yourself Yakashi."
Yakashi-"Awww Thats so sweat coming from you Tendu."
Tendu-"The sound of sarcasim must be amusing to you when it comes from your mouth."
Yakashi-"Ooh yes indeed Tendu I'll be seeing you around."
Tendu-"hey Yakashi, you shouldnt be looking forward to it."
Yakashi-"Oh Tendu but I am and so WILL HE!"
Yakashi walks off in laughter.
Tendu murmers to himself-"He?"
Tendu walks back to the cafe.
Tendu walks in.
Huri-"did u get the rice balls?"
Tendu-"Sorry Huri I have to make a quick stop. Tsrugi come with me."
Tsrugi-"Were are we going?"
Tendu-"We have to go to the warehouse."
Tsrugi and Tendu arrive at the warehouse only to see that Kagami and Dauske are gone."
Tendu-"I knew it."
Tsrugi-"Tendu look out."
Tsrugi pushes Tendu and jukes the attack then at the same time landing a drop kick the the face of a worm.
Two figures amerge from dust in the warehouse....
Tsrugi_"Hey look."
Tendu-"Dauske and Kagami."
Kagami-"You forget Tendu that we are all in this together."
Dauske-"Thats right riders to protect."
"Wait a minute you guys werent thinking about fighting without me were you?"
Yakashi-"You had a point their dragonfly, Tendu we maybe enemys but we are riders. Tendu just think of this as a one time thing!"

The five riders charge at the one worm.
Yakashi-"The wrom is duplicating itself."
Dauske-"That just makes it all the much better than.... CAST OFF"
Tendu-"CAST OFF"
Tsrugi-"CAST OFF"
Kagami-"CAST OFF"

Yakashi-"screw this bull... RIDER JUMP/RIDER PUNCH"
Yakashi destroys half of the bunch of worms.

A strange bolt of lightning occurs at the center of this small worm armada.

Tendu-"oh no!"
"Aww Tendu whats wrong?"

Kagami-"Cacassus? But I thought we...."
Cacassus-"You thought wrong little one."


Neos-"stand back cacassus."
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