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Old 04/27/06, 11:45 AM   #7
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 01/04/18
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Default Re: Arguing about Magiranger

People tend to get crazy when they hear the word 'rip-off'. Just tell Batman fans that Batman was a rip-off from a classic horror film and they'll flip.

I'm certain that part of the idea was based on the Harry Potter craze. I've seen things that have been used in the Harry Potter movies (e.g. the brooms, the talking mandragora that cries when it's taken out of its pot, the design of their hideout etc.), but the real question IMO isn't if Magiranger ripped off Harry Potter (and it didn't, because plot and characters completely different), but how much did Harry Potter use from the culture of magic in the first place. For example the flying brooms were used in HP, but it was definitely a well-known tradition in the culture of magic.
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