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Old 02/01/06, 08:04 PM   #6
Comic Relief
Join Date: 08/01/05
Posts: 38

BTFD Rangers (Blazing Task Force Dragons)
Written by: AngelofChaos
Opening Theme: Princes Of The Universe (Queens)

Previous On BTFD Rangers….

The Obsidian Festival is moments away from the official open ceremony. Five young teenagers/adults make their way individuality (except for two that are carpooling) to the festival unaware of the dangers lurking within. From her dimension, an evil woman moves into position, scattering her forces throughout the festival grounds binding time for the perfect moment to strike. However, another mysterious figure watches over the celebration making plans to stop the evil. An ancient struggle between two forces are now begun, and the lives of these five individuals are about to change.

Chapter 3: The Obsidian Festival Part 2

The Obsidian Festival grounds continued attracting more people. The festival grounds were now highly populated that most rides, attractions etc had now form waiting lines. While most have solely come to the festival merely for the entertainment, the other half gathered towards the center square where something stood hidden underneath burlap. Sealing the section away from the public was a different version of the standard police “Do Not Cross” tape, was lavender flags trimmed with golden lining and a dragon symbol in the center. What was underneath the burlap? That was the question on everyone minds that was gathered around. In the midst of the crowd gathered, five individuals were about to experience something that would change their lives. Power and great responsibilities would soon bestow upon them.

In the far corner, Cars (Carson) stood brooding against the side of the Agricultural building looking onwards. His half-closed blue eyes conceal his curiosity with the appearance of boredom. Reaching into his pocket pulled out a half-empty carton of Winston’s cigarettes and brought them to eye level. “Hmm…” Cars continued to stare at the carton before shoving it back into his pocket once more. “Better not” Rubbing the little stubble on his face, return his attention back to the awaiting open ceremony.

Standing in the front row behind the no-crossing tape, Usagi had attempted to get a glimpse of the hidden object underneath the flaps blowing into the wind. The breeze was not strong enough to lift it less then an inch from it. Blowing a strand of raven-hair, Usagi stood upright to look at the pamphlet in her hands. Nothing inside the pamphlet had been of some enlightenment behind the mysterious center of attraction of this year’s festival.

Walking from the far east entrance, the two friends had continued conversing with one another about the differences of fiction and non-fiction. However, it was a difficult conversation when one’s mouth was full of cotton candy already. “Ofay, wff hould bb….” Tony taken another bite of the sweet sticky substance and pointed at the map located on the back of the pamphlet. “What?! I did not understand a word you’ve said” Andy grabbed the map from his friend’s hands. “Ugh! You’ve got the map all….ugh!” looking at his now sticky hand, “You’ve got the map all sticky!” A sweat drop appeared over Tony’s head and smiled very sheepishly still with a mouth full of cotton candy, before pointing over towards a crowd gathered around a covered object.

The noise of the crowd soon ceased, as the Mayor of the city approach (accompany with his family) a microphone that had been placed next to the covered object. Picking the microphone gazed at his family with a proud and loving smile for a moment. Tapping the microphone slightly, confirm that it been switched on. The slight irritating sound piercing throughout all the speakers proved that his assumption was accurate.

“My apologies everyone that the moment of displeasure. I am very sorry.” The Mayor chuckled nervously, “Quite sorry, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the fifteen annual Obsidian Festival. It has been fifteen years since our city had to rebuild itself from what remains a mystery. “The heavyset man moved to the right a few steps, “In addition, to retell a legend that has been passed down from over the years. A legend that mankind had made an alliance with mystical creatures known as dragons.” The audience remains silent, watching the Mayor nod his head to his family. His wife and two children move to the side, grabbing onto an end of the burlap pulling it slowly. “It is believed that this alliance brought us out harms way and into an era of prosperity. This brings me to a conclusion for the opening ceremony of the fifteen annual Obsidian Festival!” extending a hand behind him. “With generous contributes and profits made from last year festival, I proudly present the Guardian Dragon.”

The burlap covering removed revealed a marble white dragon. The dragon’s head rested close to its neck. Its wings spread outwards, while its four feet rested upon a square block of marble. However, on the stomach of the dragon were five zircon gems. Each imitation gem was a different color and symbol written in Japanese. “The five zircon gems were donated by an anonymous donor. Let this monument be the symbol of accomplish that those in the past and present have established this fair city.” The crowd responded by cheers of joy and applause.

The marble dragon’s features shine brightly from the rays of the sun, breaking through the sky. However, the sparkle from the marble soon changes into ripples of water, as two fingers touched upon its surface. From her dimension watched with anticipation, but something disturbing lingered within the air itself. The mysterious woman lifted her hooded head slightly, sensing the presence of another within the chamber. “Perfect timing, General Zeke” she spoke softly, “It seems that we are not the only ones interested upon this day. We must act quickly! It appears that Genki fell asleep on the job and not issued the command. See that it is done immediately” The second figure hidden within the shadows of the realm nodded silently before exiting the room. Hidden by the hood, a pair of eyes glowed from the darkness starring at the image cast upon the waters. “You’re too late! My plans have been set in motion long ago; even if you still have the power it’s a little too late.”

Meanwhile, the opening ceremonial had ended. The Mayor looks at the sheet of announcements going through them in chronicle order. “This brings us to the entertainment portion of the festival. There has been a slight change to the theatrical production troupe of “Dragon’s Tale” at the pavilion from….hm?” The Mayor’s attention diverted towards several figures dressed in what appeared to be lizard-humanoid costumes approach the center square. “Well, it appears that the troupe would like to present a small number from the play. I will announce the time change shortly….” However, before the Mayor speech could continue, one of the creatures slash a nearby vender stand in a single strike. Sparks flew from the neon sign, as the creature’s hand continued slashing downwards. The crowd merely stood there watching the destruction, as if it had been part of an act. Applause and cheers arose from the crowd, as the creature continued its destruction.

“Mrs. Lindbergh?” The Mayor covered the microphone to speak with his assistant standing not to far from his side. Mrs. Lindbergh was an elderly woman with silver-grayish hair and optical lenses dressed professionally despite the mayor’s appearance. “Is this part of their….” The assistant merely shook her head in disagreement before shoved aside by another creature. The second creature moved towards the Guardian Dragon statue, unsheathing a sword from his belt. Glaring spitefully at the statue, the humanoid lizard turn around raising its sword and cried a bloody scream.

What been assumed public participation with the members of a production troupe had now turned into mass panic as the creatures began to attack the public and damage property. “Please stay calm! Please stay….ahhhhh!!!!” The Mayor moved towards his family ushering them away towards safety, while the gathered crowd now ran for their own lives too. Amongst the fleeing, four individuals had remained where they were. Only one believed that this was a wrongful act and unpunished, while the others could not understand why they felt drawn to stay….and fight. Cars (Carson) cracked his knuckles before removing his black blazer jacket using it as a net. Ensnarling one of the hideous creatures, Cars dragged it away out of sight. The sound of thrashing followed by grunts of the struggled, but the action could not accept the shadows on the ground, cast by the two fighters.

“What are these things?!” Tony quickly dodged away from an approaching attacker. “It’s like something out of movie!” Andy nods his head delivering a powerful sidekick into another creature’s side, causing it to crash into a table stand. “For once….” he replied regaining his posture, “I must agree with you there on both accounts. However, they could be practical….” Andy was not quick enough this time around to avoid a surprised attack. Andy cringed in pain, as the monster sank its teeth deeply into his arm. Pushing the numbing pain aside, used his free arm elbowing the hideous humanoid beast in the neck to break free.

“Are you okay?” Tony questioned moving quickly pushing the beast back.
“Does it look like that I’m okay?!” Andy replied holding onto his arm now dripping in blood from the puncture wound.
“Hmm…” taking a moment to rub his chin thoughtfully, “Actually, you appear to be somewhat in pain from those teeth marks” Andy’s eyes rolled in response before directly looking at him flatly. The creature that they had pushed aside rebound charging towards them.

“Hey! Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Andy jerked his head slightly in recognition.
“You’re on!” Tony replied smirking devilishly. The two have been such good friends, that they were almost like brothers and knew what was on the other’s mind (…sometimes). The humanoid lizard stood in the center exchanging glances on the charging duo, unfortunate timing as the duo delivered a synchronized blow to its head. This time the creature did not bother to get back up, let alone move. “Dude! You knew that had to hurt”

From where she stood, Usagi soon found herself surrounded by more of the creatures. It had appeared that there was no means of escape and continued moving backwards until her back brushed against a wall. The Oriental girl felt her heart race rapidly at the creatures bare teethes hungrily. The air had now reeked of lizard, but something else. Usagi’s eyes darted around until finding the source not to far from her left. Dripping down onto the ground from a broken pipe was gasoline oil used for the grills. “That’s it! Now if only….” immediately move towards the capsized grill searching amongst the ground for something to use in addition. Scattered off to the side were several paper products (cups, napkins, plates, etc…), ketchup and muster bottles, plus several empty pickle jars. Moving to avoid the creature’s path, collect drips of oil into the glass container. “Come on! Come on!” she replied impatiently. Viewing that there was enough inside, tore part of her shirt and placed it in the neck of the bottle. With the torn piece of the shirt in place, Usagi lean the bottle close to the dying flame. The oil soak cloth immediately lit up in flame, and tosses it at the trail of spilled oil just in front of the creature’s feet. Quickly, the Oriental girl stood up and ran quickly to avoid the explosion that followed. Feeling the heat of the flames brushed against her back; hit the terra ground covering her head coughing. Though the four were able to put up a valiant fight more appeared to take the fallen places.

Meanwhile, the Dahlia family had finished the repairs to their home in time to enjoy the festival. Since they had lived not to far from the fair grounds, the Dahlia went by foot. As they got closer to the Obsidian Festival, the Dahlia’s received a shocking arrival.

“What’s going on?” One of the twins replied.
“Run for your lives!” A frighten vendor cried out and passed them. “Just run!”
Mr. Dahlia and the seven brothers exchange bewildered expressions until hearing an inhuman. “Hmm…I do not like the sound that at all. Let’s follow that man’s example and….” his sentence was cut short noticing that their number decline by one. “Where’s Euridice?!” The others snickered at this, but silence quickly when their father gave them a stern look. Unbeknownst to them that Dice had been drawn towards the festival grounds despite the hideous cries.

When Dice arrived, she wasn’t given any time to take in everything being thrust into combat. The short brunette hair girl had pushed back more of the creatures by delivering executed martial art punches and kicks. Like the others, Dice stood alert and questioned what exactly made her wanting to fight the unknown creatures. What the five gathered did not know that another force was looking over them from his dimension and smiled. “They do have great potential indeed, you’ve chosen well…” his voice faded.

The Guardian Dragon statue shattered on the ground had glow just for a mere second. The five zircon gems that were on the dragon’s stomach combust in unison, leaving only glowing multicolor spheres. These glowing spheres hovered above the statue, then scattered in separated direction. Their targets?! The glow spheres hurl at a rapid speed, hitting their attended targets in the back. Dice, Cars, Usagi, Andy and Tony fell down onto the ground unconsciousness.

The End

Ending Theme: Reckless Fire (S-Cry-Ed)

Next Chapter: Wind Of Destiny

Exactly what were those glowing spheres? What will become of the five young fighters? These questions and more will be answer in due time. If Usagi had thought that things could not getting any weirder, explain the sudden teleportation and told that she was one of the few “chosen one” in a great plan.
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