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Old 04/30/10, 09:35 PM   #3
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Default Re: Was Doctor Oliver really just undercover during Dinothunder?

Hexagon wasn't just Amit's idea. Doug accepted it as Canon. I believe Greg did as well. Sloan just didn't keep the part about Tommy fighting Phantom Rangers in an apocalypse.

There are a lot of things in Power Rangers where you're not going to have explicit proof. Some of it is implicit or just piecing things together. And a lot of it is admittaly theory that won't be 100 percent confirmed.

I don't think its a stretch to say that Tommy had connections. Look at everything he built in DinoThunder. He certianly had connections in "Forever Red". It wouldn't surprised me if Tommy falsified his records so he could go undercover.

I assume you're refering to the monster Tommy and Anton created. The one that can use mind control. That was a pretty devious act. There are some fans that argue Zordon was evil, or something close to it.
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