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Old 07/17/18, 07:06 PM   #3
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Default Re: Fanfic Idea - new Legend War version

some adjustments here on the villains.

MMPR = Lokar, Goldar, Scorpina, Finster and Master Vile. Putties and Super Putties were made by Finster so they're available, Z-Putties were made by Zedd so they're out but Tenga Warriors are an option.
Zeo = Prince Sprocket, Klank, Orbus, Prince Gasket and Princess Archerina. Cogs are manufactured so that's an option
Turbo = Mama D and Porto. Piranhatrons were soldiers who aligned themselves with Divatox so they're an option. Putrid Pods sometimes came from the Subcraft so they're an option. I think I would use an unused Terrorzord to create a bigger threat.
Galaxy = Impostra. I think these 2 would be good and
Time Force = I think he would be a good option for the mutants
Ninja Storm = Vexacus Jr. and Shimazu Jr.

Mystic Force = or
Samurai = Sharkjaw
Dino Charge = I could use Sledge, Poisandra and Wrench
Ninja Steel = I would have their Rangers come from Super Ninja Steel
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