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Old 06/24/18, 06:49 AM   #1
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/04/17
Posts: 188
Default Re: Why the last movie failed

What they should've done is a sequel to the original MMPR movie, with PROPERLY UPGRADED versions of Zordon & Alpha, the children of the original movie's Rangers being the Rangers, new allies, villains, powers, Zords, arsenal, Command Center and a plot & story that would be the decent successors to those in the original movie.

I've seen the new movie and it disappointed me. Amy Jo's and JDF's cameo was useless in my opinion, because they were just the citizens of Angel Grove and not veteran Rangers. The original movie team should've been there to pass the torch at the end of the movie in a scene where their children find out that their parents were also Rangers. That would be an extremely important and meaningful moment in the new movie and would definitely leave the old(er) fans wanting more and leave the new fans wanting for more sequels.

The new movie seriously sucked. The original movie worked because it had what it had and because of who was in it. It had emotion, action, adventure, drama... everything. The new movie was heading into that direction, but it failed because it was a re-boot movie. Doing a re-boot movie straight from the start was a bad idea - it should have been a sequel to the original one first with the original cast members reprising their roles in it in a couple of scenes and then, there should be a second movie which would actually set the stage for new stuff after the old stuff had been cleared out.

However, now that Hasbro has PR in their hands, maybe it's not too late to fix that mistake- clear the old stuff out and then... in with the new stuff.
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