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Old 02/19/18, 12:07 PM   #2
Cosmic Ranger
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 11/26/17
Posts: 27
Default Re: Power Rangers Morphing Force RPG

Goldar took the chop and almost lost his balance.

"You will pay for that human!"

Goldar struck Goldar back harder and blasted hom with energy from his sword. Csusing the Red Ranger to fall to the ground.

"You're not the only one with special powers. But mine our stronger becausethey come fro Queen Rita. A Dark Monarch of the Dark Power. "

Meanwhile at the Command Center , alarms Glared.

"Ayi,Ayi Zordon...Scott is under attack by a Morphological Being. And it looks like he is over matched. "

" Yes Alpha. It appears Rita has already morphed an innocent human into one of her minion. Rangers I know you have more questions. But Scott is another recent recruit that needs you help. Alpha will give you your communicators and teleport you to help Scott. Use the names of your Dinosaur Spirits to morph. And remember the Power will protect you! "

Alpha gave the bewildered tees their communicators and teleported them straight to the battle scene.

"Ayi,Ayi Zordon, do you think there ready."

" The power coins chose them for a reason. We must have faith in them and that the power will protect them".
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