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Old 02/18/18, 08:56 AM   #1
Power Ranger
Join Date: 03/24/09
Posts: 327
Default Re: Echoes of Evil Episode Discussion

So each season is in another dimension from here on out? What are the rules we're working with? I know they're kinda just making it up as they go along but some kind of consistency would be nice.

It was cool to see Sledge and crew show up regardless and be the ones who fix Odius' ship. I'm guessing/hoping this isn't the last we've seen of him.

I'm kinda curious if Dane is just going to disappear into the background now that he's alive.

So, they just got back from summer vacation? I guess that means it's been 9 months since the last episode.

How does Preston have magic when the Prism is destroyed?

Some cool moments but it seemed like it didn't do much but bring things back to the status quo.

At least Odius had a somewhat decent plan to turn the prism evil. Although, one does have to wonder why she didn't do it while it was on the Warrior Dome for 10 years. I guess she didn't want Galvanax to have control of it.
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