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Old 02/01/18, 11:47 AM   #9
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Default Re: Kim and Tommy Sitcom

Originally Posted by Miki1988 View Post
I agree about Tommy marrying Kat rather than Kim, since Zeo's episode "A Season To Remember" showcases that.

My guess would be that Tommy and Kat went on a break after they stopped being Rangers, he went to become a science teacher and Kat went on to become whatever she wanted/was able to become. Since Bulk & Skull are in Forever Red and are clearly working for Tommy, I'm going to guess that he and Kat were re-united either before or after the events in that episode and then moved to Reefside so Tommy could go trough the events of DinoThunder.

Kat supported him off-screen and chose not to get involved. So after the DT Rangers were done with Mesogog, Tommy and Kat finally got married and had the kids whose children are featured in the Zeo episode. We can definitely assume that Tommy had Billy re-build the communication and teleportation systems from the original Command Center/Power Chamber or he just had Hayley and Kat do it.

If a spin-off about Tommy's family happened, I would imagine it would happen this way, considering what "A Season to Remember" has shown.
The bueaty of "Season To Remember" is that Tommy and Kat were both very old. So there are a lot of possibilities for when they will get married and have children. Remember, their characters are much younger then their actors.
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