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Old 01/28/18, 01:12 PM   #2
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Default Re: More Zyu Footage

Originally Posted by Miki1988 View Post
To be honest, if I would be one who's in charge, I would have ditched the Zyuranger suits and the Kibaranger suit starting with "Ninja Quest, Part III". Then have the team morph from their Ninja Modes directly to Kakuranger suits, but with all the original footage that we got. Just have Tommy injured so badly that he can't continue being a Ranger, but keep him as a recurring character. Then just set him up for his arrowhead storyline somehow in the following season, with the Zeo sub crystal search taking place in different circumstances. The rest would be the same, with Rocky taking the team leadership position once it's Kat's turn to become a Ranger.

Well, after 155 episodes, it was time to change the set anyway, because you can't have the characters talking to the same stock footage of a guy pretending to be a giant floating head and also have him stock-footage-mentor those same characters forever. Besides, I'm even surprised that they managed to keep the CC set on the show for as long as they did.
they didn't want to ditch Tommy as a Ranger and their leader so you wouldn't have been allowed to you would've been fired for even suggesting such a thing. JDF was pretty much Haim Saban's guy so if you didn't do something to benefit his character then you wouldn't be a writer with the show to begin with anyway.

Originally Posted by No Green Spandex View Post
Zyu2 served its purpose. There was no need for more Zyu Footage with the other Sentai's to adapt. They needed more toys and something to get out of the slump they got in during season 3. So changing things up to match the Sentai Footage made sense.
yup that's true it served its purpose granted I would've enjoyed seeing a battle featuring the Dino Megazord and Dragonzord against Rita, Finster, Squatt and Baboo and yes they needed more merchandise just having the zords wouldn't have added much to the merchandise even if you do count Auric as a zord like Bandai does.
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