Thread: MMPR2 question
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Old 05/20/00, 02:38 PM   #8
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 01/15/18
Posts: 4
Default Re: MMPR2 question

>Miko, are you saying that un-used ZyuRanger footage that Toei shot exclusively
>for Saban "may" still exist? If so, my goodness... this would be an awesome way
>to incorporate the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers into next year's incarnation
>-- that is, if our heroes do travel back in time to stop an evil menace. What
>about the original actors you ask? Well... if the menace screws with time,
>who's to say that Jason & Co. would ultimately become PR. It could be an
>entirely new team that Saban could easily pull from off the streets and bring
>into the studio. What an excellent idea!

There's ALWAYS unused footage in every series/movie created is. Remember the unused footage of C2D? Every company does this, their editing team edits out "extra" material they might see as unuseful or un-important to the basic plot of a story. Now as fans of these series/movies people might agree or disagree with that I guess. ^_^
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