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Old 06/29/00, 01:09 AM   #7
Cain Hakase
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 01/15/18
Posts: 1
Default Re: Why wasn't Maya a Ranger when she was younger?

This delighful little paradox fits in with all the other delightful little
paradoxes like...
How was Diabolico able to contact Cpt. Mitchell if he was still entombed? If
the rangers never rescued the galactabeasts, how exactly does that expalin
their signature animal on their helmets and sabers? And where exactly DID the
turbo powers come from? Not to mention how was it possible to see Earth so
close-up from Jupiter's moon (not that I don't already know this one Sentai).
It's PR's little way of confusing all the kiddies out there into trying to
deduce it to death. But frankly, you can't explain it. So don't even try to
answer it. It's just an error on Saban's behalf. Be safe!
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