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Old 08/27/03, 04:09 PM   #10
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Default Re: Phantom Ranger can creat zords???

Originally Posted by zeoranger0black View Post
But the turbo powers were created for the ranger didn't? so were he found the rescue zords if zordon created the turbo zord/?? Zordons give him before he was capture?
It's possible he gave them to the Phantom before his capture.

I subscribe to the theory that the planet is littered with zords waiting to be used. Zordon wasn't an idiot; he knew there were more evil forces out there besides Rita, and that the zords would eventually be weakened past the ability to repair them. Or that maybe they'd need different zords for different situations.

Another simple theory is that the Turbo Zords couldn't have taken that long to create. If we assume that the rangers didn't have any down time between Lerigot's capture, it must've taken a day *tops* to make the Turbo Zords. Why should it take any longer to create Artillatron and the Rescue Zords? Zordon may have done it while the Rangers were taking their cruise to Muranthias.

So that leaves your original question... how did the Phantom get the keys to these cars? It may have been a defensive ploy to keep them from easily falling into the wrong hands (as the Turbo Megazord did). Like how banks keep copies of their records a minimum of a hundred miles away in case of a disaster.

And who better for Zordon to give them to than a force of good like the Phantom Ranger? Someone you can't find when you want him, but is always there when you need him?

Last line is stolen from Smallville, I know.
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