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Old 11/27/17, 02:06 PM   #4
Power Rangers Forever
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Default Re: Why are original stories necessary in Power Rangers even with Sentai footage?

Originally Posted by MattEmily View Post
My feelings on this topic have been repeatedly made clear but I feel original stories are necessary because they weren't in Sentai so they're not trying to cheapen out.

It's a live action show so they should spend the money when they're able to. Who wants to see 100% Sentai footage as an U.S. show? Not me I can spend $30-$60 to buy the DVDs to watch Sentai so there's zero point for Power Rangers being exactly the same as Sentai on top of which some villains are even better than what Toei came up with.

Lord Zedd was better when he was darker.
I thought it was a better idea with them using Sprocket and Gasket as 2 separate characters.
Dark Specter and Astronema were awesome characters.
Scorpius wasn't that great but Trakeena was.
Ransik was much better than Don was.
Master Org was much better than us having 3 different Leaders during the season.
Mesogog was much better than having those villains from Dino Earth.
Venjix was better than whichever character was the leader in Go-Onger.

Granted I don't like some power-ups but I do like most of them so that's another thing. Yes the Rangers are a team so 1 or 2 Rangers shouldn't get the exclusive Battlizers or Mega Battles but generally the majority of them are pretty awesome in fact the only one that I have hated was Conner's "Go Go Gadget" Inspector Gadget Battlizer.

The original vehicles have been awesome and I haven't hated any of them... yet.
Same thing with Ranger bases and evil lairs well not quite with evil lairs since some lairs like the ones in Overdrive were pretty dull.
Thanks. Power Ranges is Power Rangers and different from Sentai in many many ways.
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