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Old 11/10/17, 07:30 PM   #2
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Default Re: Did Diabolico really turn good?

Originally Posted by KimandTommy View Post
Diabollico was evil to the core! Just like Ryan. I don't know why so many fans justify the actions of so many evil villains. It's even more baffling how the writers do it as well. It's pretty clear Kat, Karone, Ryan, Trent, and Tyzonn are all evil!

Edit: Leanbow is evil too.
I don't know if Diabolico was evil to the core yes it's true he was a villain but whether he would still fight the Rangers we can't say for certain there are others who we can say were evil like Ecliptor even though he did show loyalty to Astronema and while Villamax himself was evil he wasn't evil to the core ones that were evil to the core would include villains such as Darkonda, Deviot, Mutiny, Bansheera, the Org Generals, the original Master Org and the Underworld Master.

However the rest of who you state they are not evil they were evil but they are no longer evil and us justifying it is as plain as day to anyone who clearly watches the episodes you can't just pick and choose who you believe is evil just because you hate them that much otherwise I could say that Tommy is evil or that Kimberly is evil or Billy or Jason since all of them were under evil spells that made them evil or something happened that forced them to be evil so if you want to say those people are evil then so is Tommy, Kimberly, Billy and every other Ranger who have been placed under spells.

The writers know who is evil and who isn't they're the ones who write the episodes the fact you can't comprehend that is just as baffling as those Saban-obsessed users who can't comprehend that Haim had nothing to do with the show
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