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Old 11/01/17, 07:17 PM   #4
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Default Re: Do Power Rangers Need Megazords?

The show is basically a toy commercial and a big part of that is due to the zords and the Megazords so yes the show does need them and so do the Rangers themselves.
Individual zords do look like toys since generally they are toys either that or models which are similar to toys but are made of a better material so that they look better on TV.
The models are generally the hero zords meaning for close-up shots.
The toys are generally what they use for fights.

Humanoid zords including Megaazords however most of those are suits but there are some cases where they could be using models like the original Ultrazord, the toys like the Ninja/Shogun Ultrazords or even CGI like the Wildzords and some recent Megazords.
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