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Old 10/17/17, 05:58 PM   #7
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Default Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?


Dinozords/Thunderzords = destroyed
Dragonzord = in sea but still operational as long as the Dragonzord Coin has power
Titanus = still operational
Tor = still operational
Ninjazords = lost in time
Shogunzords = lost in time
Battle Borgs = still with the Aquitians


all zords are operational


Turbozords = destroyed
Robo Racer = still operational
Rescuezords = destroyed
Artillatron = still operational


Astro Megaship/Megazord = destroyed
Astro Megazord Shuttle = not destroyed
Astro Megaship Mark II = made prior to Forever Red but no info on if it has DECA or linkup programs.
Delta Megazord = destroyed
Mega Voyager = destroyed
Mega Winger = damaged but repaired.


Galaxy Megazord = operational
Torozord = destroyed
Centaurus = destroyed
Stratoforce = destroyed
Zenith = unknown but presumably operational


Lightspeed Solarzord = totaled
Supertrain = damaged but not destroyed
Omega = destroyed
Lifeforce = destroyed

Time Force

all operational

Wild Force

all alive

Ninja Storm

Storm Megazord = presumably destroyed
Thunder Megazord = destroyed
Samurai Star Chopper = operational
Mammoth = operational

Dino Thunder

all zords except for the Dragozord are destroyed.


Delta Runners = destroyed
SPD Base/Delta Command Megazord = operationa
Omegamax Cycle = operational
Swat Flyers = operational

Mystic Force

all zords are operational.


looks like all of them are operational
Jungle Fury

all operational

all are operational.


the 5 zords that make up the Samurai Megazord are still intact as is the Sharkzord and Lightzord but the other zords were knocked out of formation by Master Xandred so presumably they were destroyed


Super Megaforce

Red Lion = down
Ninjazord = down
Delta Runner = blew up
Mystic Dragon = down
Turbo Falcon = was defeated and returned home.

Dino Charge

all operational
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