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Old 10/16/17, 09:35 PM   #6
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Default Re: Reinforcements horrible team up !

Originally Posted by Reinforcements From The Failures View Post
Eric was acting way too nice and never would have fallen for Taylor. Tay!or never would have speeded or fell for Eric herself. Eric being friends with Wes was still stupid. Ransik and Nadiera were out of character since the finale. And don't even get me started on Jen and that stupid suit.

I hate Time Force but I hate the team up on its own merits. If the team up focused on the Wild Force team and gave the TF team a few moments, I probably would have thought it was ok. It was almost impossible to have a great team up with Time Force involved .

Time Force was whiney. Wes was spoiled and a crybaby who couldn't understand why the whole world didn't revolve around him. Jen was too worried about her old boyfriend. And then jumped ship to Wes. Putting his needs above the team and the mission. Alex should have fired her after kicking Wes off the team. Trip was was because no one trusted him like a grown-up. Katie was too concerned about getting home. And lucas was worried about his drivers license. Eric was good but he lot a lot of credibility by partnering with Wes at the end.

I would take the Overdrive team any day. Only Mack was a whiner.
I beg to differ with Eric and Taylor. Eric wasn't as much of a jerk at that point in time. I wasn't happy with Taylor softening up so quickly but nothing they could do about that. Also I beg to differ about them never falling for 1 another.

and how do you know Taylor would've NEVER sped? what are you basing such logic on?

you may not like it but Wes and Eric ARE friends no one ever said they were buddy buddy like Trip and Circuit were.

Ransik and Nadira were not out of character. Jen's suit was NOT stupid.

Please you hate the teamup just because Time Force was in it. Who are you trying to fool?

Wes was not whiny. He never wanted to be the center of attention or be in the life that his Dad was in.
what happened with Jen was perfectly acceptable since she was in love with Alex and were engaged to be married but she saw Ransik murder him so it's perfectly acceptable for her to move on granted her falling for someone in the past would've been beyond weird.

actually Trip wasn't because no one trusted him like a grown up but because he felt like he had nothing special about himself.

Katie's concern was valid since they were in the year 2001 and their home time period was in the year 3000 so anything that happened in 2001 could've have an impact on their futures.

Lucas wasn't the one who was worrying about his license he never wanted one he just wanted to race he just didn't realize that he needed a new license to legally drive in the year 2001.

so you want the double agent Black Overdrive Ranger who was a thief both on-screen and off-screen over Time Force? okay that's good to know that you value criminal behavior as "better" than your hatred of Time Force.
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