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Old 11/04/11, 10:04 AM   #10
Putty Patroller
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Default Re: Which zords weren't destroyed?

Originally Posted by ShinySephiroth View Post
That's funny, I Googled the Zeo Megazord to see if anyone had mentioned this. In King Mondo's Last Stand, Billy says Jason needed to get the piece from the "zords he dismantled". I was assuming the pieces of the Thunder/Dino Zords, but I am pretty sure I saw the circle with the five Zeo symbols on it. It appears Billy dismantled the Zeo Zords. They might have gotten more into it had Billy stayed for Turbo ie he made the Turbo cars from the old Zeo Zords.
Granted, I don't remember much of Zeo past the Super Zeo Zord (I am re-watching it right now). The Zeo Megazord never battles with the Super Zeo Zord, does it?
I just watched it and saw that circle. It's hard to tell what it is on it. However, the two Megazords fought in the same footage in Rangers of Two Worlds later in the season, so he didn't dismantle the Zeo Zords. The Dino Zords got destroyed. The Dragonzord was sent back into the sea. The Thunderzords were blown up, but the pieces were all over. The Ninja Zords went back to Ninjor's temple as per Tommy's line in Alien Rangers of Aquitar or Zeo Beginning, can't remember which one. The Shogun Zords, not where they went.

Without assuming the dino zords were salvaged, however their power was used for the Thunder Zords, and the fate of the other zords, excluding the Billy dismantled the Dragonzord or the Shogun Zords (Both ancient weapons as per the lore), the only likely zords the power booster in Mondo's Last Stand came from would be the Thunder Zords or the Tiger Zord.

The one curious thing was about MMPR:TM. Ooze destroyed the Command Center, the rangers lost their powers and they had to go get new powers and zords. Did they have old zords before Ooze appeared? What happened to them?
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