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Old 05/30/17, 07:36 PM   #1
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 05/08/13
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Default Re: Each Ranger with a Megazord

Originally Posted by PrimoMystechRangger View Post
Never, because Red Ranger is the leader and leaders stand out.
Isn't that the problem? The Power Rangers are a TEAM. Why is it that the red ranger gets disproportionate attention over the other rangers? Should't they all be equal?

Further, I would say that the Red Ranger "standing out" is artificial. The circular logic is that the red ranger gets more toys made and more stories about him because he is the most popular. However, he is the most popular only because they make more toys of the red ranger and the show makes more story lines to prop up the character so that you will buy the toys. The red ranger popularity, I believe, is more artificial than it is of genuine like of the characters.

If the creators would focus on other rangers, like giving them their own Megazords, you can break the cycle.

Originally Posted by PrimoMystechRangger View Post
Get. Out.
I love zords just as much as the next person, but too may of them are just there and serve no purpose. Remember Megaforce?

Can we at least agree that there are too many repaints? I mean a bear, jaguar, and panda all made from the same mold, but with different colors?
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