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Old 05/24/15, 04:07 PM   #10
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 10/19/11
Posts: 16
Default Re: Assume everything was the same up until the SMF Finale. How would you rewrite it?

I would've had the the veteran rangers show up right before Orion crash landed back in on Earth. The ten vets and 7 super/megaforce-RoboKnight would've saved himself and Orion not and no false sacrifice would've taken place-all agree that they will fight until the end and they go prepare to do battle with the Armada. All the veteran rangers would've had updated morphs and they would've been fighting X-Borgs while the rangers are going to fight the generals and Mavro. Going into the war, the Super/Megaforce and Vets are together when they see all the thousands of X-Borgs approach the city. Then they hear Jayden say something clichē like "Need Some Help" and all the other legendary rangers appear. Tommy TJ says "took you guys long enough" Tommy ask Troy is he really to lead dozens of rangers into battle,he says yes, they all morph, and the war begins. I personally would've redid the whole war to showcase all the power rangers and has included them all. The final Strike would've been the veteran rangers powering the Super MegaBlaster to finish off the X-Borgs. At the end we see the veteran rangers and Super/Megaforce helping rebuild the city. Tommy tells Jake that Adam also went from a black ranger to green ranger(idk random).
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