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Old 02/13/17, 08:48 PM   #2
Goldar's Revenge
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Did Rita create the Mystic Realm?

Kalish was a hardworker and all around good guy. He just didn't get how Power Rangers worked or had enough of a working knowledge of its history. To his credit he did try to watch key episodes before Mystic Force. But it really didn't help him. Not having Greg around, who had a better understanding of PR despite being a noob to it himself. Kalish simply did what Disney wanted and felt making the Sentai Footage work was the best way to go.

The MF finalie was an attempt to throw a bone to the fandom by recreating "Countdown to Destruction". Referencing Rita was icing on the cake. But Kalish just didn't understand that C2D was a one time thing that worked because of its time. The Rita stuff just showed a complete lack of understanding for the show. I hate to say it. But because Jackie was involved, it shows she wasn't perfect as well.
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