Thread: SPD Thoughts
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Old 02/05/05, 03:49 PM   #32
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Default Re: SPD Thoughts

Damn, you really don't get the idea of sarcastic humor. A lesson, learn what a sense of humor is before dealing with me. I'm hardly retarded, in fact, I pride myself on my high intelligence, and, mind you, have so far commented only on your lack of tact rather than stooped to immature name calling and the like. However, the fact you seem to be trying to "convince" me that you are better than me seems to betray the idea that you're afraid it's indeed the other way around.

I could continue on, pointing out that, every time I see a post by you, it's always a negative bashing of the subject in question, often times vulgarly bashing. So please, provide me with evidence to the contrary, because so far, you never have anything positive to say about anything.

However, to make a worthwhile contribution to the topic proper, I think it's far too soon to make any nail hammering judgements on SPD. God knows, I'm still weirded out that the terms "Delta Rangers" and "Delta Red" are now in canon, being that I've have them coined for almost five years now.
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