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Old 10/24/16, 08:45 PM   #18
Goldar's Revenge
Power Ranger
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Default Re: The darkness of Timeranger

Being dark for darkness sake doesn't help Power Rangers. And to be fair Time Force didn't copy all of the Sentai's darkness. The real problem was it formatted its show like it was Timeranger. Particularly after the first ten episodes. The show became a Sentai hack that forced the characters to act like there Sentai Counterparts and veered the show away from the message of "Making You're Own Destiny".

We also get several episodes with the same theme. Jen and Wes learning to trust each other numerous times. We get numerous episodes of Trip being gullible, two episodes of Lucas learning how to drive, and Katie never really changes. They also leave behind the interesting idea that Time Force could be flawed and full of prejudice. Which causes Ransik to lose the great sympathy story-line he could have had.

Also the end totally makes takes away the "Make Your Own Destiny " narrative. As the Time Force Rangers just return home because they have to. Jen and Wes don't stay together because they can't. Which flies into face of Wes' character arc.
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