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Old 03/18/16, 10:27 PM   #6
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

At Angel Grove Park mayor Ackelberry then said to the audience "Citizens of Angel Grove today we honor those mysterious heroes who time, and time again have risked their lives to protect our fair city, and the world from the forces of evil: The Power Rangers".

Then the Rangers teleported down near mayor Ackleberry, and the crowd cheered as the Rangers waved to the audience. Mayor Ackleberry asked "Now Rangers is there something you want to say to the audience?". Jason said as a matter of fact there is mayor Ackleberry".

Jason looked to the audience, and yelled "Citizens of Angel Grove we just want you to know that underneath these suits we're regular people just like you". Tommy yelled "Being a Power Ranger isn't about the suits or the weapons, or the Zords".

Zack yelled "It's about courage, and hope, and always doing the right thing". Billy yelled "You may not know it but once upon a time even Rita was a good person a long time ago until she lost her son". Jason yelled "So remember be a real Ranger. Look forward, and never give up on good". The Rangers teleported off.
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