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Old 03/18/16, 10:11 PM   #363
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Tommy then teleported to Angel Grove park, and demanded "All right Goldar give me those Power Coins or I'm gonna make you pay". Goldar mocked "Empty threats coming from a powerless Ranger". Goldar then summoned some Super Putties, and said "Super Putties why don't we welcome back our old friend".

Tommy, and the Super Putties started slashing, and stabbing each other. Then Tommy pulled out his Brachio Buster, and his Blade Blaster, and put them together as he cried "Brachio Buster", and fired a volley of lasers at the Super Putties. But then Tommy grabbed his chest and said "Oh no my powers better hurry".

Then Goldar, and Scorpina started clashing weapons with Tommy. Goldar mocked "Give up Green Ranger". Scorpina agreed "You'll never get the Power Coins". Tommy retorted "Wanna bet", and kept fighting.

Tommy started clutching his chest again. At the Command Center Kimberly cried "Oh no Tommy". Jason said "Alpha turn up the power". Alpha moved a dial, and Tommy's Dragon Shield glowed. Tommy yelled "Wohoo yeah", and was able to briefly defeat Goldar, and Scorpina.

Tommy then said "All right just a few seconds more, and I'll get the Power Coins". Tommy ran to the chest, and grabbed it. But the chest started electrocuting Tommy. Tommy started screaming in pain as Goldar, and Scorpina laughed mockingly.
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